Yellow | YRC Worldwide Gains Freight, Loses 82.6 Million!

I thought CF was run badly. I survived 10 years there. No matter what YRC comes up with, they still lose money. I hope they hang around so I can at least collect $1833 a month well earned money when I hit 65.

wont be any money left to collect sorry
There will always be a retirement check. It will come from the pension fund or the Pension protection act.
Yes, the generous broke government's going to step in and guarantee your multi-employer pension check when YRCF bellies up at about 25 cents on the dollar and that $1833 is going to look more like $458 and gas is going to be $5 or more a gallon. I hope you have some money saved!
I think Roadway wanted to be one of UPS or FedEx's of the world. They started up RPS and a couple non-regional carriers..RPS, Viking, Coles, Caliber They had jet-service that never really took off. FedEx bought was a huge success. Go figure. But Now YRC has New Penn and Holland so they're happy but broke
And if I remember correctly Roadway was booted out of the Roadway services family debt free, and shortly thereafter all of those non-union subsidiaries were either out of business or bought up by Fred-Ex.. Funny how the union carrier that started the Services part of all of this survived and and the non-unions were gone or under different umbrellas,, here we are almost 20 years later and it took another union carrier who thought they had "a better idea" to finally put the company who started the ltl industry in the shape its in..