ODFL | ACLU Sues Old Dominion Freight Lines Over Firing Of Transgender Trucker (6/18/2008)

I agree this is an OD issue right now, the fact of the matter is that we have seen the position of the ACLU, an ultra liberal organization that can't look at anything with an unbiased eye. If you ever get to see OD's side I bet there is more to the story.
Whether or not we agree or disagree with someones life style they do have the right to earn a living and should not be discharged without just cause. The mention of God and if he does or does not make mistakes is not the issue here that issue will come soon enough for whomever. After all who are we to judge, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". The issue is whether or not OD had just cause to discharge and it looks like they did not.

there is to side i would not want a he she in front of my customers.they need to keep there SICK lifestyle behind close doors.
What your describing is the reason we are going down the road we are. The fact that our society is trying to take this stance of all "truth" is correct, and don't judge others is absolutely not what our country was founded on and is not what made us great. Holding people to a moral standard is what law and order is all about. Our society and our laws were based on a single truth, Gods truth from Bible. Turning our back on the bibical truth as our moral and societal compass will only result in one thing, the fall of the united states. God created this person as a single gender and did not error. the example of the person born with both sets of genitalia is the rare exception and should not be used to define the rule. just like the move to redefine marrage, someday someone is going to want to marry their goat and how can that be wrong they love it.

I can't say I'm comfortable with transgendered people. I can't say if I was OD, I'd be thrilled to find out one of my employees was transgendered. What I can say is this individual has the right to live their life as the Lord laid it out for them. The Lord makes us and lets us evolve in many ways. If OD is unhappy with the way this employee evolved, they should have tried to work out a reasonable accomodation with them. Performing their job function does not need to involve them with customers, if they are a road driver. Providing alternative lodging to a bunkhouse is already a standard accomodation for woman, so why is extending that, in this circumstance, so bad.
It seems a small price to pay for showing respect to someones disability. I wonder how many here would be saying the same cruel things, if it was a soldier returning to work with PTSD or facial disfigurement.
So far it appears this person, although being an "At Will" employee was not discharged for anything other then sex or gender discrimination which is illegal, and it should be. The ACLU has done some good and in my opinion some not so good things, but they are a part of the "Checks and Balance System". Maybe ODFL will claim dishonesty by this person claiming to be a female, but that would be a thin argument. Regardless this person apparently had a good work history record and did not deserve to be discharged and is probably going to win. The ACLU, if deciding to take any case usually has a pretty good idea that they are in the right. The Employer Representatives should have known better and my guess is if they had to do it over again would likely not make the same hasty decision.
Everyone also keep in mind that lawsuits such as this:

1) Eats up what goes into our 401ks
2) Raises
3) Equipment

This list can keep going

Yep, they do but the working man has no control over them.That goes to the man that does the hiring,knows a problem is coming and won't approach it,and then the firing....usually for the first thing they think will stick.These are new times,we are no longer in the 50's.It is not "my way or the highway" any more.......somebody didn't face this problem,somebody didn't think,and somebody saw an opportunity.
To hell with the trans-testicles wacko!Who would want this weirdo working with them anyway!

Would not bother me a bit. Prolly be a whole lot better to work with than a guy who would not shower for a week. (and how many of us have met THAT guy??)

Sounds to me like she is a good driver.

I would team with her anytime.

(Minds are like parachutes. They only work when open)
there is to side i would not want a he she in front of my customers.they need to keep there SICK lifestyle behind close doors.

I believe this issue involves a road driver, but regardless I would think the most important thing to an employer would be to have a courteous and effeicient P&D driver who, yes, didn't flaunt their life style in front of their customers but rather did their job as required. If that were the case then what would be the difference what they do on their off duty time assuming they are not some sort of criminal or a felon? Futher, it is apparent that this person did want to be behing closed doors by asking for the voucher to go to a motel. Illegal discharge by OD!!! Let him or her work and earn a living, pay their bills, accumulate some equity and eventually retire the same as you or I.
Man I am sick to my stomach after reading ACLU sues Old Diminoin. I like many of you do not believe that GOD makes mistakes. Maybe it will take the money and get help cause it is sure screwed up in the head gender disorder my a**. Maybe IT should read the good book (Bible) There lyes all the answers to everything.

Would not bother me a bit. Prolly be a whole lot better to work with than a guy who would not shower for a week. (and how many of us have met THAT guy??)

Sounds to me like she is a good driver.

I would team with her anytime.

(Minds are like parachutes. They only work when open)
uhhh hhhhuh.......turn your fog lights off driver!!:Poke:
ladies and gentlemen its not about ,her sexual preference or change, its about her rights,if they have violated them she has every right to sue. it could be your rights they violate next,any right even the right to make a decent living.
He will never win! It has male plumbing and hes dressing and acting like a woman,Company image is everything.:chairshot:

If the info in the article is accurate..."he" has already won.
Only question is, will they be smart enough to write a 600k check or not??
Jim Bob, I know you'll most likely delete this but here goes...I think I will put on a skirt monday, when all my customers call PFG to complain, I will get fired, I will sue, I will retire rich as a foot up a bulls butt at 41...not a bad idea...unbelievable.
For those that didn't see or read the 12 page PDF file.Copy and paste.


So, I guess,from what I see,sexual preference is touchy subject.Oh well, too bad, grow up and get with the times. Personally,I really don't care what someone does on their time.If it does not affect you directly and the way you do your job,who cares?
There are drivers that can't fuel a !@#$%^ truck without driving away with the nozzle still in the tank because they are too busy talking on their cell phone trying call the home office because they had 2 more stops on their trailer than some other driver and they feel abused.Or,they don't like pulling trailers that are over three years old because they say they are unsafe.
This person went about two years without a safety related incident and recieved awards for it.I'll bet, half of you Billy Big Riggers have bent something within the last year.No,I'm not interested in Men but rather interested when seemingly good employees are let go for reasons that make some in management and supervision uncomfortable.
It's called Human Rights boys and girls and this persons were violated.
Grab the checkbook.
I don't know about any of you, but this thread wound up on my email. I didn't request it, I received it through no action on my part. Therefore I believe I have the right to comment however I want. And I have a dilemma here. Some of you say that God does not make mistakes. But I have always been taught and do believe he created everything. So which is it, does he create everything or not? And if so, does that not include this person?

P.S. I do think he creates so-called mistakes. Some of you are perfect examples.