Yellow | Attention yrcw employees, must read important



YUP ! That was funny ! THX fer da laugh !
Seems like a lot of people want a job, however, not that many want to work.

OK, I was keeping my mouth closed on this one, but it rubbed me the the wrong way and got my shorts in a knot, so here goes!


and say this

"I really want to work"

" I want to be part of the solution and not the problem":clap:

" I take all responsibility for MY actions and can say without any doubt's, I can get the job done, without expecting someone to do my job for me."

"You" take the attitude that "any company" DOESNOT owe you anything, but you appreciate the company giving you the opportunity to apply your experience on that job, where by you and your family are being blessed for your effort's, by receiving pay & benefits for your dedication to your work.


"You", really want to work, instead of just wanting something you are not due for nothing.

"Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemend." 1 Tim 6:1

"Let him that stole steal no more; but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth" Eph 4:28




bluemule;52902 I stand by my post said:
Hey blue, people from the big barns don't get it. At an EOL you have to be what they call combination qualified. You have to know how to do everything. But you're right, it may not be in writing, but that includes everything. If you work swing or grave, very often you are the only one there. You have to be able to run the computer, copier, anything and everything. And you have to be able to open the place up or close 'er down. There were many a nights when the snow was ankle deep that I could not drag one of those old gears without the front wheel around to hook, and the rate clerk had to come out and help me. Otherwise neither one of us was going home.
Nothing better than a noon start and still their when the sun comes up Saturday morning. Add code clerk too.

I know that feeling. Monday comes around real fast, doesn't it? I should explain further. I'm sure you can relate. That is when you are a percenter and you get to come in and break freight on Sunday night, and by Friday you are on swing loading out.
Seems like a lot of people want a job, however, not that many want to work.

av8tor , I meant to add a comment to my other comment's concerning this, but I got busy, went to apply for a dock job, running a tow-motor.

Anyway, I totally agree with your comment, what upsets me is the subject.

Because, not a lot people really want to work:popcorn:

Please accept my apology for not saying that sooner:duh:
Hey bluemule,

I apologize if my earlier post yanking your chain caused someone else to be disrespectful in another thread. I yank Annieo's chain all the time and have never had that happen. There always needs to be the tacit understanding that gender is irrelevant, the capability to do your job is whats important. You certainly seem to know yours very well.
Hey bluemule,

I apologize if my earlier post yanking your chain caused someone else to be disrespectful in another thread. I yank Annieo's chain all the time and have never had that happen. There always needs to be the tacit understanding that gender is irrelevant, the capability to do your job is whats important. You certainly seem to know yours very well.

No apology needed. I thought YOU were insulted/offended, because I had said " I got no respect for any road man who choses to sit on his butt and get paid, and not help, ya get paid either way " ( Or somethin like that.) and Like Larry said, I understand BB's don't really understand what EOL's have to do, and VICE VERSA! And I just wanted to explain if you had been insulted.... It clearly was a situation here that city hates Road, Road don't like city, and my TM and Ops guy STILL need an ATTITUDE adjustment concerning labor, PERIOD. But I have accomplished a lot around here, explaining to the city and explaining to the road, and I think things with labor are much better these days.

I don't think it's "gender" thing, really. ( sewing, cooking, washing dishes, type stuff) Except, I find that females take a lot of things "more seriously" than men do, and do not "joke " about certain things, or "find it funny"....and some of those things are: concerning their job, family, children. Those kinds of things. We can still take the "sexist" jokes, for the most part. We've grown up with that, and have learned to be good sports about it. Unless, it gets too outta hand.... THEN you better have yer radar on and be looking for that UFO FRYING PAN coming at ya !

Again, I didn't mind your post. I had read it and thought YOU were offended, cuz I said "I got the no respect thing" and you took it as I meant ALL ROAD MEN ALL THE TIME.

Thx for the apology. It always helps to say it, whether it was needed/necessary or not...
Hey blue, people from the big barns don't get it. At an EOL you have to be what they call combination qualified. You have to know how to do everything. But you're right, it may not be in writing, but that includes everything. If you work swing or grave, very often you are the only one there. You have to be able to run the computer, copier, anything and everything. And you have to be able to open the place up or close 'er down. There were many a nights when the snow was ankle deep that I could not drag one of those old gears without the front wheel around to hook, and the rate clerk had to come out and help me. Otherwise neither one of us was going home.

I was working for Yellow one night. I was billing the bills. The one and only dock man came in the office and asked for my help. He had a nasty situation going on out on the dock, and there was only me. He told me to hop on the forklift. ( ARE YOU CHIZZIN ME? I CAN'T DO THAT ! ) I got on the lift. He was standing directly in front of the tow motor. He told me to lift the forks. He was holding the door, or some freight, or both ! I don't remember exactly.... I was scared to death, that I'd pull the wrong lever and crush him to death! I was scared. But he trusted me. Maybe he had no choice BUT to, and felt I could do this, I don't know.... ... NOBODY WAS GOIN HOME TIL THE JOB WAS DONE.....

We got the job done....
Hey bluemule,

I apologize if my earlier post yanking your chain caused someone else to be disrespectful in another thread. I yank Annieo's chain all the time and have never had that happen. .

I double dog dare ya V.:Duel::whistle:
Originally Posted by ESP
Is the good looking woman, with the drink, saying MAKE MY DAY?

I think she's saying" OHH BABY! take me for a ride!" I can tell by the way she's flashing her blinking eyes.... ( WAAHT ARE YOU WAITIN FOR!!! )
No apology needed. I thought YOU were insulted/offended, because I had said " I got no respect for any road man who choses to sit on his butt and get paid, and not help, ya get paid either way " ( Or somethin like that.) and Like Larry said, I understand BB's don't really understand what EOL's have to do, and VICE VERSA! And I just wanted to explain if you had been insulted.... It clearly was a situation here that city hates Road, Road don't like city, and my TM and Ops guy STILL need an ATTITUDE adjustment concerning labor, PERIOD. But I have accomplished a lot around here, explaining to the city and explaining to the road, and I think things with labor are much better these days.

I don't think it's "gender" thing, really. ( sewing, cooking, washing dishes, type stuff) Except, I find that females take a lot of things "more seriously" than men do, and do not "joke " about certain things, or "find it funny"....and some of those things are: concerning their job, family, children. Those kinds of things. We can still take the "sexist" jokes, for the most part. We've grown up with that, and have learned to be good sports about it. Unless, it gets too outta hand.... THEN you better have yer radar on and be looking for that UFO FRYING PAN coming at ya !
Again, I didn't mind your post. I had read it and thought YOU were offended, cuz I said "I got the no respect thing" and you took it as I meant ALL ROAD MEN ALL THE TIME.

Thx for the apology. It always helps to say it, whether it was needed/necessary or not...

(Quote in Red) Speaks for itself:hysterical::biglaugh:
Stroudsburg 120, the dock workers are being aloud to train to get their cdl's at 120 to keep their jobs, no other terminal in the system is being aloud to do this. Call your local union, to ask why not at your terminal. File grievances, if you are not aloud to train, one company, one change, two sets of rules. Why can the 120 guys train and no where else can. Sounds to me you guys better start calling your local's. This is fact not rumor, just released today at 120, by our ba.

371 is as well.
Stroudsburg 120, the dock workers are being aloud to train to get their cdl's at 120 to keep their jobs, no other terminal in the system is being aloud to do this. Call your local union, to ask why not at your terminal. File grievances, if you are not aloud to train, one company, one change, two sets of rules. Why can the 120 guys train and no where else can. Sounds to me you guys better start calling your local's. This is fact not rumor, just released today at 120, by our ba.

342 has trained for several years. YRC own's, (or did) a truck driving school in Wichita, which has trained several of our laid off guys, including Yellow and Holland drivers as well.
Bluemule it never occurred to me to be offended actually. I accepted that I need to have a little thicker skin than everyone else, the day I accepted the Mod slot. I have learned to read posts from the outside looking in except for the super serious or joking ones. of course.
Bluemule it never occurred to me to be offended actually. I accepted that I need to have a little thicker skin than everyone else, the day I accepted the Mod slot. I have learned to read posts from the outside looking in except for the super serious or joking ones. of course.

Thx, Vwaggs.. I will now know, how you mean, when you post a reply... And YOU can " pick" on me anytime, or make jokes.... I WILL GET IT ! :clap::popcorn: