FedEx Freight | Deplorable and shameful or incompetent? You decide

Thanks for the info. I was told that when following the freight, the driver(s) "could" stay on that run, until they bid off of it. Then they fall into the "pool", based on seniority. Again, I don't mind being wrong, but I was told that one of 4 drivers that we had follow the freight to CLT, did stay on the particular run... Forever, as to not lose it. X-43, I think it was called, at the time.

Despite the fact that it makes good sense, I'll scratch that bit of 2nd hand info, based on your 1st hand feedback. Thanks for the correction. :1036316054:
Yes, he has stayed on the run he followed but it’s because he carries the seniority to stay on it...he’s fluctuated up and down as far as start times but again, that’s because of his seniority. If enough guys with more seniority wanted the run, they could bump him off.

The truth is there’s not many guys that want that run. Me personally, I wouldn’t take the first bid if it paid double miles...and I’d retire or go back to breaking freight before I ran the last one!!
Look, I wasn’t insinuating that a driver shouldn’t be able to follow the freight... of course.
My biggest issue was why on earth they let a 3rd guy go just for the hell of it, consequently bumping another driver at B but more importantly putting out a help wanted sign at A just a couple weeks later for 4, yes 4 drivers.

So essentially they disrupt the center at B with presumably bottoms guys sitting at home in the near future, but according to Red, I’m just out to lunch on this one.
Look, I wasn’t insinuating that a driver shouldn’t be able to follow the freight... of course.
My biggest issue was why on earth they let a 3rd guy go just for the hell of it, consequently bumping another driver at B but more importantly putting out a help wanted sign at A just a couple weeks later for 4, yes 4 drivers.

So essentially they disrupt the center at B with presumably bottoms guys sitting at home in the near future, but according to Red, I’m just out to lunch on this one.

New hires come cheaper. It's the only explanation.

or maybe younger?
pri·ma don·na
ˌprēmə ˈdänə/
noun: primadonna
  1. FedEx Line haul driver
    • a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
      synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah;
      informaldrama queen
      "a freight company filled with prima donnas"