TForce | Gainsharing,,,

When we first had the yard rules conference call with our safety director.
My TM said our terminal would be wearing our vests when we were anywhere in our yard other then on the crosswalks from our private vehicle parking area into the front door of our drivers room in our terminal building.
This is good to be visable by everyone thats driving anywhere in our yard.
This makes for good safety.
I know I'd just rather wear it and be seen by drivers rather then not wear it and get run over.
I notice one of our linehaul drivers fueling his tractor.
Holy safety violators.
he wasn't waring his safety vest?
I had to get into his face,and address that issue.
I should hope that you politely reminded him that vests are required....
rather than "getting in his face"
Yes sir thats exactly how I handle every violator.
I calmy remind them that this is something UPS wants us to do,I know we are all trying to do whats right so the next time I see you I hope you will be doing what UPS wants.

thats usually when they pass the buck to someone else not doing what they should.
or they change the subject to bring my focus onto another issue.

Yes i do know my co-workers very well,like when I walk out on our dock,and see the forklift drivers that aren't wearing seat belts put them on very fast when they see me coming their way.

I might be an old guy,but I'm not blind to their sneaky ways.

My TM really wants to be told who is doing what in regards to safety violations.
But thats not my way,maybe he can get the next safety trainer to comply with his wishes.
The 11th of March is my last day of work,and then I leave everything behind me,when I retire to my rocking chair till I take my last breath and pass to the next life.