FedEx Freight | Hillary for President ?

USA TRKR :1036316054:

Good article even if it came from a lefty website.


I decided even though its from a lefty website I figured the information itself on the oil topic was worth reading. I found it quite interesting. I hope they figure it out soon.
I decided even though its from a lefty website I figured the information itself on the oil topic was worth reading. I found it quite interesting. I hope they figure it out soon.

USA TRKR :1036316054:

The information on the oil topic was very accurate.
That Green River Valley area is rich in shale oil but it is still very expensive to refine.
The Grand Junction, CO. area is booming again with a lot of oil and gas exploration.
And there are plenty of good paying jobs for the time being.

I read that article in it's entirety and also found it to be interesting in that it points out this "shale oil" is neither shale nor oil, it is kerogen. And it needs to be super heated to turn it into an "oil like" substance. By the way they make it sound, there is currently not a cost efficient way of getting to the stuff because it is burried deep beneath the Rocky Mountains. So it sounds like the problem is much more enormous than the favorite rhetorical whipping boy, the Sierra Club. Go here to another very informative article regarding world oil depletion. You may not like the site for it's Liberal leanings, but "nobody owns the Nation", and that is extremely important due to hyper corporate media consolidation. Beyond the Age of Petroleum
You never got back to me on two questions I asked you about, River17. So I'll answer them for you. The first was regarding Ronnie Reagan's first official action as President. He ordered the Solar panels removed from the roof of the White House, which Jimmy Carter had installed as part of his initiative to help bolster alternative energy usage. If you remember, Carter was responding to the oil embargoes of that era and he signed an Executive Order making it official US Policy that the United States should strive to attain 20% of our energy usage from wind, solar, or any other viable means other than oil by the year 2000. So it seems we can thank Ronnie Reagan for the pickle we find ourselves in right now. We've just wasted over two decades worth of time striving to remove ourselves from our "addiction", as George W. Bush has recently put it. The second question was regarding fuel mileage standards and what kind of difference would it make if we adopted European fuel mileage standards. The answer is that if we did, we would not need one more drop of Middle Eastern Oil. That is astounding! But we are so hungry for our gitty-up monster HP SUV's, and have allowed the oil industry and automotive industry to steer us away from any improvement in CAFE standards. So here we are, bogged down in a quagmire in Mesopotamia trying to stay afloat as an economic power because as a people we are so very short-sighted and selfish and foolish.
Thank you for that, Pompano. If I remember correctly, most if not all of the oil we were to get at in the ANWR of Alaska was going for export to other nations as well. So much for doing it for our own national interests. What most people don't grasp is that these ginormous multinational energy conglomerates don't have the United States' best interest in mind. They are in it only for the profit and benefit of their shareholders, period. We the people of this democracy, are the rule makers that need to make these folks play by our rules, not their own. Therein lies the crux, who owns our politicians? If we can't get big money out of our elections, we can just forget it.
You never got back to me on two questions I asked you about, River17. So I'll answer them for you. The first was regarding Ronnie Reagan's first official action as President. He ordered the Solar panels removed from the roof of the White House, which Jimmy Carter had installed as part of his initiative to help bolster alternative energy usage. If you remember, Carter was responding to the oil embargoes of that era and he signed an Executive Order making it official US Policy that the United States should strive to attain 20% of our energy usage from wind, solar, or any other viable means other than oil by the year 2000. So it seems we can thank Ronnie Reagan for the pickle we find ourselves in right now. We've just wasted over two decades worth of time striving to remove ourselves from our "addiction", as George W. Bush has recently put it. The second question was regarding fuel mileage standards and what kind of difference would it make if we adopted European fuel mileage standards. The answer is that if we did, we would not need one more drop of Middle Eastern Oil. That is astounding! But we are so hungry for our gitty-up monster HP SUV's, and have allowed the oil industry and automotive industry to steer us away from any improvement in CAFE standards. So here we are, bogged down in a quagmire in Mesopotamia trying to stay afloat as an economic power because as a people we are so very short-sighted and selfish and foolish.

Cando :1036316054:

Those solar panels that Carter probably put in the white house were probably ugly and innefficient. My father put solar panels in his house some 30 years ago and the technology has come along way since then. When the roof had to be replaced I had those old solar panels removed and thrown away.
As far as the US fighting a war in the Middle East for oil is a tired and dumb reason given by the brainless in the wacky left.
If we wanted oil we would just invade Venezuela and we would get rid of Hugo Chavez. Venezuela's oil is a lot closer and better. Actually it is a lot cheaper to buy the oil than to try to steal it with a war.
Anybody that says that we are in the Middle East for oil is clueless and wants these high oil price money going to these unstable dictators in the Middle East so they can finance more terrorists activities.

Cando :1036316054:

Those solar panels that Carter probably put in the white house were probably ugly and innefficient. My father put solar panels in his house some 30 years ago and the technology has come along way since then. When the roof had to be replaced I had those old solar panels removed and thrown away.
As far as the US fighting a war in the Middle East for oil is a tired and dumb reason given by the brainless in the wacky left.
If we wanted oil we would just invade Venezuela and we would get rid of Hugo Chavez. Venezuela's oil is a lot closer and better. Actually it is a lot cheaper to buy the oil than to try to steal it with a war.
Anybody that says that we are in the Middle East for oil is clueless and wants these high oil price money going to these unstable dictators in the Middle East so they can finance more terrorists activities.


Boy oh boy, you sure let me have it! Serves me right, actually expecting something on a more intellectual level. Last time I checked, it was Allen Greenspan who leveled the charge of invasion/occupation for Oil. Don't think he qualifies as "brainless in the wacky left". As a matter of fact, it was we on the left who've had it right all along. And it was we on the left who were actually paying attention to the UN Weapons crew when they said there were no WMD's left in Iraq. But of course, don't let a few simple facts get in the way of your reactionary ideology. Solar panels are ugly. That's exactly why we don't need them! Spot on there, Sunny!
I'm not saying "NO" to a woman as president. Just make sure it's the right woman. Someone like a "Margret Thatcher" was for England. I don't think Hillary is it. Sorry. I will vote for who I feel is right for the job, not just because of their party.
Boy oh boy, you sure let me have it! Serves me right, actually expecting something on a more intellectual level. Last time I checked, it was Allen Greenspan who leveled the charge of invasion/occupation for Oil. Don't think he qualifies as "brainless in the wacky left". As a matter of fact, it was we on the left who've had it right all along. And it was we on the left who were actually paying attention to the UN Weapons crew when they said there were no WMD's left in Iraq. But of course, don't let a few simple facts get in the way of your reactionary ideology. Solar panels are ugly. That's exactly why we don't need them! Spot on there, Sunny!

Cando :1036316054:

Allen Greenspan is no expert in military operations. Besides he is married to Andrea Mitchell of NBC, the same network that is currently waging a Jihad against the administration. Anything that Allan Greenspan says is only put forward to peddle his book and for comedy relief.
If you believe anything the UN says, just goes to show that you are not qualified to think for yourself.

Cando :1036316054:

Allen Greenspan is no expert in military operations. Besides he is married to Andrea Mitchell of NBC, the same network that is currently waging a Jihad against the administration. Anything that Allan Greenspan says is only put forward to peddle his book and for comedy relief.
If you believe anything the UN says, just goes to show that you are not qualified to think for yourself.

Geee I guess God died and left it up to you who could think for themselves or needed you to do it for them.

Personally, I pity the next president.

Bush is going to get us involved with Iran by bombing them, Iraq and Afgahanastan will still be going full bore, the deficit will be at all time high levels, and magically, it will be the Democrat's fault.

Because there is no way a Republican is going to win. That's why we're going to go into Iran. Not because of nuclear reasons, but for political reasons.

And from all accounts, the general public likes America. Can't have that. Gotta bomb them.
Not to worry. When Hillary becomes President, just to show she's tough, she will nuke Iran. After she's been in office for 2 years she will switch to Bill's accounting methods and we will find out the government has an extra 100 trillion $ in the bank for the Dems to spend.
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Not to worry. When Hillary becomes President, just to show she's tough, she will nuke Iran. After she's been in office for 2 years she will switch to Bill's accounting methods and we will find out the government has an extra 100 trillion $ in the bank for the Dems to spend.
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pres Bush has spent like he has a 200 trillion limit on his credit card....which is worse...demos tax and spend ..or repub.. never ending credit card?.....its been spend, spend, spend for both parties for nuking Iran....she better git the WHOLE THING on this first try... make glass out of all of it....and reload ready for anyone else that wants some
Bush Sr., Billy,billy, Bush Jr., Bush Jr, Hilbilly, Hillbilly 7 X4 Thats 28 I Say We Need A Change, New Blood, A View From A Another Angle Anybody But The Muslum.........