Yellow | not bluffing

God, I hope you are a management troll and not an actual Union member!
Shoeman, he probably has the RFID Chip implant put in him. A No vote turns his chip off. No access of getting food and having a life of freedom, IMO.
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In light of the newly proposed “agreement” between YRCW and our union. I am writing this not only to recommend, but PLEAD with you. Don’t even consider this proposal. VOTE NO! This union has negotiated for themselves once again. You should certainly not be happy with the simple fact that they would bring something like this to us for a vote. This agreement clearly benefits nobody but the company and the union. They are asking you to give up the basic principles our union was founded on. Give back things that our fathers and generations of our “brothers” fought for. It is OUR turn!!! Yours and mine, all of us. Stand up for yourself, stand up for your rights. Do you really want to work 100 years for a 25 year pension? Are you really going to give back in wages than received in raises over roughly the last 10 years? Are you really going to vote yourself into a position to watch inflation put you farther behind, for 4 more years? I BEG YOU NOT TO, VOTE NO!!! You stand to gain nothing if it passes. The time has arrived for the MEMBERS to be heard. It is time for us to tell our officials, “Although you are willing to tuck your tail, and give away all of OUR benefits, WE ARE NOT! Don’t you “brothers” want to retire someday? Or are we looking to work ourselves into a pine box? If you do want to retire, you should consider your future brother too. Just like our brothers before us, who fought for what you have now. You should not only want to keep those rights, but preserve them for future Teamster brothers. Don’t be fooled by Tyson Johnson’s statements. Are you not tired of YOUR union bringing the threat of “closed doors” to you? I thought they were supposed to be bargaining for US. PLEASE!!! If they won’t we have to. Let your voice be heard. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! Don’t fold our union like a bunch of cowards. VOTE NO!!! Or blame yourselves for working into your 70’s or 80’s or later. Please keep in mind that I really only elaborated on 1 point here. Take a good look at what it is that they want you to give up (wages, vacation, and job assignments/categories)! EVERYTHING! I challenge you to find anything in this agreement that benefits YOU. Do any of you think that 25% of the benefits that we had are fair? Does anybody remember, “No more givebacks, this will make YRC a viable company, we need your help”, from a year and a half ago? Yet here we are again. DON’T BE A FOOL. VOTE NO!!! Don’t you think they will be back in 2015 with yet another web they weaved, asking for more from you? Or not wanting to contribute to your pension. Don’t you??? WE HAD BETTER STAND UP AND GET WHAT WE HAVE COMING, OR BLAME OURSELVES FOR THE CONSEQUENCES! VOTE NO!!! PLEASE!!! We will all benefit for it in the long run. Even if it is only to be able to say that we did not go to the poorhouse while the company and our union live the great life. You should pat yourself on the back for a job well done with a NO VOTE! Way to go. I think I have given you enough to think about, except for what you should vote, NO! Let me end this by saying that you can rest assured that you will not be the only one VOTING NO. I have faith in my brothers in Local 710 that we will vote this down. Look at the records, 3 chances for us to vote, at least. The results, majority NO. Way to go guys! This time you can all stand with us. I surely hope that you do.

Bud you must be the only one from 710 voting no. 710 does what there told to do. where you been 710 will have a 100% yes vote not a pair amoung-em
First...Scooter....I said in the first part of my post I was voting yes. That means I will get a ballot. Whatever you do with your ballot is between you, your family and your conscience. It is one person/one vote. You have attacked me personally I won't respond or resort to such a low life tactic. This is an open forum and you are entitled to your opinion...I am still voting yes. Second, I don't give a damn about a company I have never worked for. (Fed Ex). I am referencing them because of news articles that have been published recently regarding the merger to two segments, and because one of our laid off drivers is experiencing what I described....All the data in my post can be checked for accuracy and truthfulness if you do the research.

One person/one vote....I am voting yes...for myself and for the retirees, and soon to be retirees, for my coworkers who need a job and insurance for their families. This is no guarantee we will even survive the year....I don't like it either, the options are worse. The entire freight division will collapse, including ABF.

I doubt you are voting yes Mister two post. Last I checked, you had to actually be a Teamst to get a ballot. Management just blows steam on Truckingboards instead of doing the job they are getting paid to do. At least the drivers do it on their own time. You seem to care an awful lot about Fed-ex. Who th heck cares about them. By the way, I knew before it, but the dead give-away was when you said...."YOU" have one vote"! Worried about finding a job there Scooter? I'm not. I could have one the next day. Management coming from YRC? Good luck Good Buddy! I vote NO and if they shut the doors I will suck 2 years of unemployment and work for cash with the Mexicans.:popcorn:
First...Scooter....I said in the first part of my post I was voting yes. That means I will get a ballot. Whatever you do with your ballot is between you, your family and your conscience. It is one person/one vote. You have attacked me personally I won't respond or resort to such a low life tactic. This is an open forum and you are entitled to your opinion...I am still voting yes. Second, I don't give a damn about a company I have never worked for. (Fed Ex). I am referencing them because of news articles that have been published recently regarding the merger to two segments, and because one of our laid off drivers is experiencing what I described....All the data in my post can be checked for accuracy and truthfulness if you do the research.

One person/one vote....I am voting yes...for myself and for the retirees, and soon to be retirees, for my coworkers who need a job and insurance for their families. This is no guarantee we will even survive the year....I don't like it either, the options are worse. The entire freight division will collapse, including ABF.
First off, it would be nice if YRC could honor the contract from the first time around. See this will happen every time for now on. When it comes to honoring what people vote previously on the last contract, they want everyone to vote on the next of kin. Therefore YRC will never honor another contract for as long as the company exists. Draw the line.

Master Freight Agreement

January 15, 1964 became a monumental day in Teamsters history when the first National Master Freight Agreement was signed in Chicago. This contract would provide solid, standardized protection and benefits to more than 450, 000 over-the-road and local cartage drivers across the country.

The contract, which was described as an impossible task by critics and friends of labor alike, was a milestone for labor unions everywhere. James R. Hoffa, architect, chief negotiator, and overall firestorm of energy behind the agreement, considered this the crowning achievement of his tenure with the Teamsters.
A Dream Becomes Reality

The NMFA of 1964 brought more workers into the middleclass than any other single event in labor history. Hoffa was determined to improve the standard of living for workers, and increase respect for "non-craft" laborers such as over-the-road drivers.

The agreement was the first step in a larger dream to nationalize union contracts. And it revolutionized the way in which goods of all types were moved across the country.

Over-the road and cartage drivers -- empowered through economic gains, stability, and a strong Teamsters Union -- became a force in America's political landscape. Political leaders began to realize the concerns and interests of this group must be recognized, as they could easily mobilize into a formidable voting block as never before imagined.
Path for the Future

Hoffa believed the only way for workers to maintain standards they had achieved, and for unions to survive would be through master contracts throughout all the trade divisions of the Teamsters.

Just as employers are organized on national level, so must labor consolidate its power -- and this was the breakthrough in the NMFA of 1964. The agreement gave the Teamsters power equal and even beyond that of the big trucking companies.

In the changing world of economics and trade, this blueprint remains the course all unions must take in order to ensure their hard earned legacy is not diminished in the future.

You forget hoffa stole 80 billion in teamsters pension funds. Left teamsters with little or no pension. He was a crook,a thief,and a convicted felon. He is no role model. He is why the teamsters are the way they are today
First...Scooter....I said in the first part of my post I was voting yes. That means I will get a ballot. Whatever you do with your ballot is between you, your family and your conscience. It is one person/one vote. You have attacked me personally I won't respond or resort to such a low life tactic. This is an open forum and you are entitled to your opinion...I am still voting yes. Second, I don't give a damn about a company I have never worked for. (Fed Ex). I am referencing them because of news articles that have been published recently regarding the merger to two segments, and because one of our laid off drivers is experiencing what I described....All the data in my post can be checked for accuracy and truthfulness if you do the research.

One person/one vote....I am voting yes...for myself and for the retirees, and soon to be retirees, for my coworkers who need a job and insurance for their families. This is no guarantee we will even survive the year....I don't like it either, the options are worse. The entire freight division will collapse, including ABF.

Do you honestly think we will let YRC decide the fate of ABF? Really?
gotta love how they yes voters are all doing it for some1 else. truth be told they are doing it out of fear for themselfs . and they know no other way to earn a living .

Have you seen these books.Quick run outside and look up,I think there is a black helicopter hovering over your house.
gotta love how they yes voters are all doing it for some1 else. truth be told they are doing it out of fear for themselfs . and they know no other way to earn a living .

I am voting YES for me................ There. I want this job and my 4 weeks vacation that goes to 3 and my $20/hr, $30/hr on over time and the 10% of my pay they will still be contributing to my pension. I will not get that ANYWHERE else.
The insurance on recievables to give them money to operate was extended for this vote if we say no we have no later than Christmas! This is serious stuff the banks would rather LIQUIDATE! do any of you read or research?Save the fight for another day when the economy get's better A NO vote leaves nothing! Did you bother to hear last nights conferense call?
There is hardly anything to liquidate! Bunch of worn out trucks & trailers. The company has been selling of assets since they bought Roadway & USF. Zollars got big kickbacks for selling terminals to real estate investment firms for pennies on the dollar & leased them back for big money. Watched thousands of trailers sold on for 500 bucks or less after garage spent 1000 bucks or more to get them ready to sell & now we don't have enough big trailers to operate.
If you read history on other union companies that have went out of business, they are following the play book to a T that others have done.
They set up their non-union companies & we paid for it, now we get the reward.
Here in Chicago lots of people have left, (it's called leave of absence), that won't be back. Working for other carriers.

As far as the conference call, I can "say" the company is making lots of money. Does not mean it's true but I can say it. If I'm trying to make you think or vote a certain way I can tell whatever I want - don't make it true but I can say it.
Funny how selling YRC logistics & keeping all the same upper management & keeping it in the same offices as YRC just got done before this was brought out.
Profile of those who are voting Yes.

1 ) High up on the seniority list enough to get the bid he wants, and usually has a steady run and probably a assigned truck.
2 ) Only has a couple of years left till retiring.
3 ) too fat or out of shape to be hired by another trucking company other then OTR
4 ) has accidents on his record
5 ) has pissed dirty or has a past DWI
6 ) has burned all his bridges to any other trucking company in the area
7 ) he, or a member of his family covered by his insurance, has now or has had in the past a life threatening illness.
8 ) lives in boonies and this is the only trucking company around for miles and miles.
9 ) Has aspergers or some other mentally handicapping condition that makes them afraid of change
10 ) His wife told him he had to vote Yes
profile of those who are voting yes.

1 ) high up on the seniority list enough to get the bid he wants, and usually has a steady run and probably a assigned truck.
2 ) only has a couple of years left till retiring.
3 ) too fat or out of shape to be hired by another trucking company other then otr
4 ) has accidents on his record
5 ) has pissed dirty or has a past dwi
6 ) has burned all his bridges to any other trucking company in the area
7 ) he, or a member of his family covered by his insurance, has now or has had in the past a life threatening illness.
8 ) lives in boonies and this is the only trucking company around for miles and miles.
9 ) has aspergers or some other mentally handicapping condition that makes them afraid of change
10 ) his wife told him he had to vote yes

Profile of those who are voting Yes.

1 ) High up on the seniority list enough to get the bid he wants, and usually has a steady run and probably a assigned truck.
2 ) Only has a couple of years left till retiring.
3 ) too fat or out of shape to be hired by another trucking company other then OTR
4 ) has accidents on his record
5 ) has pissed dirty or has a past DWI
6 ) has burned all his bridges to any other trucking company in the area
7 ) he, or a member of his family covered by his insurance, has now or has had in the past a life threatening illness.
8 ) lives in boonies and this is the only trucking company around for miles and miles.
9 ) Has aspergers or some other mentally handicapping condition that makes them afraid of change
10 ) His wife told him he had to vote Yes
If the wife has the family pets tagged with an RFID Chip. Anyone can bet that the Yes voters will be tagged also, if not already. The wife and YRC has a right to know where their lost dog is at. :biglaugh: