FedEx Freight | rebrand

Why not use the Millions of dollars it;s going to cost to rebrand for better things like
1-- put it into lower healthcare costs
2-- better pension
3--safe driver/safe worker program
4-- performance incentives/bonus
5-- education for mangement to understand that we are a trucking company and to learn how we operate on the streets
just my 2 cents from a dumb long timer

Your expectations are wildly unrealistic.
sorry, but this common sense that is bouncing between my ears keeps comming out, and it usually gets me in plenty of trouble

Yeah heaven forbid a company actually reinvest in the people who actually made the company what it is today. No we would rather invest millions to rebrand so it confuses our customers even worse than it already does now. Brilliant!!!!!!!
Yeah heaven forbid a company actually reinvest in the people who actually made the company what it is today. No we would rather invest millions to rebrand so it confuses our customers even worse than it already does now. Brilliant!!!!!!!
So true!!! Remember when we had red sleeves, when we would walk thru the door customers new exactly who we were. This week alone I had 2 customers trying to give me packages for express, they got mad when I didn't take them. Something about the packages had to go out today. This will only make thing worse, but what do I know I'm only on the front lines everyday.
So true!!! Remember when we had red sleeves, when we would walk thru the door customers new exactly who we were. This week alone I had 2 customers trying to give me packages for express, they got mad when I didn't take them. Something about the packages had to go out today. This will only make thing worse, but what do I know I'm only on the front lines everyday.
I had people trying to give me packages when we had the red sleeves!! I've ran across people where I've told them I work for FXFE and they say, "oh, I know so and so that works over there." I'll say no, that's (either) Express or Ground (whichever is applicable) and they just give that deer in the headlights look!!
Unless it's someone who works in sales or shipping/receiving, most common folks don't know the difference between Express, Ground, or Freight...regardless of what color we wear.

Looking for the positives though, making everything orange will help us when customers attempt to call in because we held them up for 30 seconds, they won't know which company to call!! :1036316054:
Oh boy, corporate is thinking again.
If I'm honest, it's unlikely this rebranding will happen in any hurry. New equipment will come in with the orange on it but it's pretty unlikely that existing equipment will be bothered with. Maybe city trailers and Ground's vans but linehaul equipment will probably be left alone. There are still Supply Chain trailers out there with grey "Ex" logos.
Makes you wonder why they suddenly have these "freight boxes" for customers...And Ground now has to have 5 routes minimum per contractor. So we are consolidating ground into less independent contractors and now and offering freight boxes for loose packages and whatever small things will fit into them..I think they will eventually consolidate all Fedex into one. It would a logistical nightmare and probably a financial disaster so that means its a definite! lol
If I'm honest, it's unlikely this rebranding will happen in any hurry. New equipment will come in with the orange on it but it's pretty unlikely that existing equipment will be bothered with. Maybe city trailers and Ground's vans but linehaul equipment will probably be left alone. There are still Supply Chain trailers out there with grey "Ex" logos.
You must have forgotten when the spent 10 million to change all the G's on the trailers lol talk about stupid.
Makes you wonder why they suddenly have these "freight boxes" for customers...And Ground now has to have 5 routes minimum per contractor. So we are consolidating ground into less independent contractors and now and offering freight boxes for loose packages and whatever small things will fit into them..I think they will eventually consolidate all Fedex into one. It would a logistical nightmare and probably a financial disaster so that means its a definite! lol
Sounds like more road runs for me....... ground drives aren't company and won't have any seniority.
We need facebook style like choices.
RC and I agree with this post but we damn sure don't like anything about that idea.
I wouldn't worry too much about that since Ground doesn't have enough trucks to move all of their own stuff, nevermind Freight's too.

In other news, the first sign of the rebrand I've seen was a shiny new Ground trailer. It looked weird, if I'm honest, but that's probably because I'm used to seeing the green.