FedEx Freight | Scumbags


TB Lurker
Are there really people in this company that will do anything to move up in seniority? Like telling on drivers when they screw up. Filling statements out against other drivers. What kind of ****balls work here? Sorry for the language on here. But I don't understand why people are like that. Why would anyone want to see people lose their jobs? Sickos, that's who. People that wish bad things on people have some serious mental issues of their own.
Wow man, just thinking the same thing. There's some real slime balls that work here. It's not the majority but, the ones that are here are top notch weasels.

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Fedex loves this because for the most part they are always ratting out a top of the list top scale driver that they would love to replace anyways. ...
some people have complaints. my complaint is the ****ball mentality around this place. Im not saying a union is good or bad. Im just saying the ****balls around this company make me sick. People have families. You might not like the guy that you are going down to the hub with, but damn to fill out statements against another driver and try to get him fired so you can climb the ladder is a ****ty thing to do. I heard that the drivers out of CGT are like that. Going in the office and telling on people. The people that do that should be ashamed of themselves. Show some self resepect you scumbag ****balls.
Self correcting problem in a union barn in states that allow closed shops. You rat someone out, you get blacklisted. You get blacklisted, you are no longer a member in good standing. No longer a member in good standing? You've just made yourself available to the non union industry.
The sh1tballs are full of bacteria that makes them act that way.
Now if only we had..........
Are there really people in this company that will do anything to move up in seniority? Like telling on drivers when they screw up. Filling statements out against other drivers. What kind of ****balls work here? Sorry for the language on here. But I don't understand why people are like that. Why would anyone want to see people lose their jobs? Sickos, that's who. People that wish bad things on people have some serious mental issues of their own.
Yes Liberals can be real Jerkoffs!
Big Dave's handle name is Splinter from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. You see a pic of Splinter you will know what I'm talking about.
We have more than a few of these types at our barn . One driver actually took pictures of another driver working at a business that he and his wife own. The guy is off on short term disability, so he's helping out his wife doing stuff that he can until he heals up and can come back to work. The driver that took pictures of him, sent them in to management, without even knowing the whole scenario. He had no clue if the doctors had said he could help out with his family business without doing damage to the injury. It's nothing more than one POS sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, and messing with a fellow driver's livelihood. Calling him a scumbag would be doing an injustice to scumbags. I'm hoping karma punches dude squarely in the throat.
We got'em here fella who just started 3 months ago somehow thinks he has worked here 15 years and knows more than anyone else. First one to speak in safety meetings and thinks he's the most important driver here. Also trying to snitch on everybody he can so he can move up and get a better tractor to drive. Pathetic behavior as we all agree.....whatever happened to helping your fellow man out when he needs help? Seems like most of society only care about themselves nowadays.....hooty out to get more java...good day my brothers.
We got'em here fella who just started 3 months ago somehow thinks he has worked here 15 years and knows more than anyone else. First one to speak in safety meetings and thinks he's the most important driver here. Also trying to snitch on everybody he can so he can move up and get a better tractor to drive. Pathetic behavior as we all agree.....whatever happened to helping your fellow man out when he needs help? Seems like most of society only care about themselves nowadays.....hooty out to get more java...good day my brothers.

Close the trailer on him and have the yard guy park him in the yard for a while. Works well on know it all supervisors as well.