FedEx Freight | The Union Debate Thread

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Good to see you paticipating. Long time no see!

The only thing, it seems to me, in this case... the one cited by young Train, the Chicago sittuation, the actual victim of ebezzlement is/was the international, at the hands of the local. Is that not why Hoffa had to clean house?
Young Train !! Thanks for the compliment. I'm usually just old fart or coot with an occasional grampster or grandpa. I like to think of myself as an wise old owl that hoots too much at times. And for the most part has a great sense of humor and doesn't always have to be confrontational. But I have no trouble being confrontation when time is right. And I can stand my ground in spite of being greatly outnumbered. Some on here just come to fight and argue. That's their sole purpose. They would argue with a lamp post and really don't bring much to the debate.
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I'd like to file a motion that you direct a small portion of that savings into bringing the FXFE city driver vacation benefit up to par with the road driver vacation benefit. Cost? Around 8.6 mil (between 1 and 2 tenths of 1 percent of the total budget). Can you spare it?

Thanks in advance CT, for considering it. :1036316054:

I will have my people look into it. :hysterical:
Some on here just come to fight and argue. That's their sole purpose. They would argue with a lamp post and really don't bring much to the debate.

Yeah, I have that same sentiment of you. From my first post on Truckingboards you've done nothing but attack me, and haven't furthered the discussion one iota.
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