XPO | todays meeting

I believe that the mention was of "uniform suppliers", not turning anyone into a walking billboard...And it appears that P&G will be limiting their product line for the ads, and none of those are feminine hygiene products...

And comparing P&G, an American Icon, to the IBT, is, well, ludicrous...

I wonder what YRC would have given to have a corporation write them a check for doing nothing except drive around advertising a company's products..

I gotta go with Rightturn on this one...this was incredibly shrewd ...another first for us..and plenty of people who will complain about it...imagine that..

At YRC we've been doing ads on trl's for several years.

The only problem that I can see, is what happens when we pull in somewhere to pickup or deliver to one of P&G's competitors? (ie. Johnson & Johnson, Kimberley Clark, S.C. Johnson, etc.) We haul a lot of these companies products too, what is their reaction going to be when we pull into their place of business pulling 2 - 28' billboards, (one on each side of the trailer)? I guess it will be up to the dispatcher's to make sure that this doesn't happen.

i asked my mgr the same question. and he assured me that when this happens alls we have to do is pull the decals off before the dlvy and re-apply them when leaving the customer. and if a line haul dsr has to do this the paytime is figured into his/her mileage. as info.
Wonder Woman?!...What are you doing in the rag trailer?

First Sighting!
yes its true box. everytime one passes me, a company named W. O. W. is written on the back of the trailer.
I've had it happen, but never due to a "WOW" on my trailer. I think I'm too far away from NYC area. I actually like the show, though!
How much did they spend on the new trailer decals,another waste of money,they finally lost what little respact I had left for them. They claim to be making all this money. But not a word about returning our benefits, and I believed box when he said john l was a decent guy. No I know better

The ads are 3M brand, guaranteed not to mess up the paint, or the existing decals. In the event they do, the installation vendor must pay for repair or replacement of the original decals.