TForce | What do we do about the past snitches?

Some people learn a lot slower than others. Hopefully though they do learn. If they turn over a new leaf so be it. Everyone deserves a second chance. But I'll say this, if they resort back to the old ways, they will be scum in my eyes. Just so you know Unions even house Rats and Roaches!!! And Union or not, I don't take kindly to them.
What do you call a snitch?

Someone who tells on another employee?

No, someone who sucks up and gets special treatment in return. You know the guy, always talking to the boss like they are old college buddies. He gets the best runs/freight, gets time off whenever he wants, and is the one always appointed to "special/extra" work whenever it comes around.
Actually, they do have to be represented, but hell I'd wouldn't want to go to a hearing if I weren't a dues paying member. We have decieded to use the silent treatment on the future freeloaders. And we will watch them like hawks, any cover ups and the snitch will be snitched.:biglaugh:

That snitch is not allowed to speak to the manager about anything on company time or

property without the steward being present, unless he signs away his rights to a union rep. to be present. That is

going to be my greatest pleasure.
What are you gonna do "Snitch" on him?
liebstandarte - enough is enough!

for someone so smart (according to you), you sure do stupid good!

"Vengeance - some say it's a poison that infiltrates the soul and strips it bare. That it's path only destroys the one who treads it."
..... S Kenyon

You reallllly think the "old timers" are having to eat crow??? These are the same dock workers, same road drivers, same mechanics, same city drivers that helped make the "old Overnite", helped build the company up. They safeguarded us a place to work all these years before UPS.

They (as I did for quite some time), bought into the dream Mr Cochran had for a union free workplace. When I talk about the disrespect I received, I am talking about management - not the workers. On both sides of the fence, I feel everyone has more than done their share of things they wish had never happened, including myself. Especially me.

UPSF is embarking on a new venture, it is time to put childish things (things like these polls you have been putting up) behind you and get with the program.

Do you really work for UPSF at all?? I really wonder about that, or if you are in the rag-tag remnant of "O" management trying to keep the pot and ill feelings stirred up for your own selfish reasons.

Vengeance only destroys the one who seeks it. Get over these asinine polls - evidently you are more bitter about something than even I once was.

"Catastrophe lurks around every corner - life comes at you hard, to hit you in the face. Life is full of surprises, some of them good but most of them catastrophe - has no one ever told you that life is catastrophic?"
..... unk

In other words, the person you hate today may wind up saving your arse tomorrow - don't keep burning your bridges. No one is or ever has been pure as driven snow - especially one that keeps pointing a finger at others.

for someone so smart (according to you), you sure do stupid good!

"Vengeance - some say it's a poison that infiltrates the soul and strips it bare. That it's path only destroys the one who treads it."
..... S Kenyon

You reallllly think the "old timers" are having to eat crow??? These are the same dock workers, same road drivers, same mechanics, same city drivers that helped make the "old Overnite", helped build the company up. They safeguarded us a place to work all these years before UPS.

They (as I did for quite some time), bought into the dream Mr Cochran had for a union free workplace. When I talk about the disrespect I received, I am talking about management - not the workers. On both sides of the fence, I feel everyone has more than done their share of things they wish had never happened, including myself. Especially me.

UPSF is embarking on a new venture, it is time to put childish things (things like these polls you have been putting up) behind you and get with the program.

Do you really work for UPSF at all?? I really wonder about that, or if you are in the rag-tag remnant of "O" management trying to keep the pot and ill feelings stirred up for your own selfish reasons.

Vengeance only destroys the one who seeks it. Get over these asinine polls - evidently you are more bitter about something than even I once was.

"Catastrophe lurks around every corner - life comes at you hard, to hit you in the face. Life is full of surprises, some of them good but most of them catastrophe - has no one ever told you that life is catastrophic?"
..... unk

In other words, the person you hate today may wind up saving your arse tomorrow - don't keep burning your bridges. No one is or ever has been pure as driven snow - especially one that keeps pointing a finger at others.


I don't give a crap. You can cumbaya at your place.
Here is another one for ya"ll!

First off my definition of a snitch/rat is as follows. Someone who gives information to management, about union activities,plans, procedures,or activities of fellow union members in return for, or in hopes of better working conditions, forgiveness of past or future transgressions, or just "atta boy" status with management.

What these folks fail to realize is that not only does management not think any more of them than they do any one else, they actually despise them for the weak no back bone individuals that they are.

Secondly, used to be and I'm sure someone here can help me out if these by-laws still exist in the master. If someone was found to be sympathetic with management to the point of snitching/ratting out a fellow member, other members could file charges with the local. If these charges were proven, these members, could be fined,suspended,or denied further membership in the union.

Now admittedly this is going back a few years but it seemed to work back then.:1036316054:
If you know your enemy, you're doing well. I used to question why a rat rats. Now I accept it as one of life's little mysteries. They eventually trap themselves.
There you go .....

I don't give a crap. You can cumbaya at your place.

..... there is the answer - you "don't give a crap.".

Because someone "snitched" on you? Because you DO NOT work for UPSF, have never worked for UPSF?
Because you are only here to stir up trouble and keep trouble brewing as a paid stir stick?
Because you resent (providing you DO work for UPSF) the "oldtimers" that have worked all of their life (it seems sometimes) for "O"/UPSF - have their years in mostly?

Got news for you lieb - no one has ever had it easy working for a truckline (and since I do not believe you work at a truckline in any capacity except management, that leaves you OUT). Especially road drivers. Oh yes, they "chose" to work as road drivers, but you know what - they still deserve respect. Any part of trucklines is hard on the soul and body, but being a road driver is not as easy as one would normally think. And, I do believe it is more than time for everyone who has toiled for "O"/UPSF to have the opportunity to be brought up pay wise and benefit wise to the rest of the trucking industry.

The main sticking point with "the oldtimers" (as you like to call them) is that they have nearly reached the retirement age, have many, many questions about their pensions being intact. They have more than earned every penny of that pension, and no one seems to be able to give a straight answer about it. It is a wait and find out thing it seems.

As far as your other gripes, it is like Roadrunner73 says - "They eventually trap themselves". And, they do. It always could be worse.

I do give a "crap" about my former co-workers who are still trying to hang tight, make a living, endure what they have to endure, .... at least with the union backing them they do have an alternative to just having to take it and going on. Life is no picnic, but you can have the best one if you are willing to go for it.

This is a childish thread. As far as being snitched on. The management personel are being instructed by the company that employees organizing are "hands off" ! They could care less.
Darkstar you unknowingly just payed Liebs the highest of compliments. He wants to be in management sooooo bad, But he failed the mapp miserably. Thus the sour attitude. He will come around I'm sure of this. I believe he is a driver, I have never heard a manager whine that much.I think sometimes it is like an out of control teenager, Maybe a hug or some midnight basketball might do the trick?Peace Out:BS:
Yes I am a manager in hiding, and I am transfering to the bayou. johnny big rig is going to hook me up with his wives sisters:holysheep: they do love there live stock down in the swamp.:sheep::redneck:
Yes I am a manager in hiding, and I am transfering to the bayou. johnny big rig is going to hook me up with his wives sisters:holysheep: they do love there live stock down in the swamp.:sheep::redneck:
Come on down just keep your ears open for the Banjo music, Squeal Boy, Squeal like a pig!Come on and bring your brown shorts the ladies luv em' that shows that you are employed and have insurance to pay for their daddys intervention.:horse: Is this the horse everyone speaks of beating?