XPO | Xpo Union Thread.

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The mob and union leadership may profited off the fund, but the membership didn’t have to worry about it going broke. If the government really cared they would’ve paid more attention to the balance sheet in the early 90s. I see where your going but ultimately the government broke the fund. Wall Street is the legal mob
So if the pension was invested into illegal drug, gun and slavery running you wouldn't care as long as it made money. My point is what they were doing with the fund was illegal that's why the govt stepped in
So if the pension was invested into illegal drug, gun and slavery running you wouldn't care as long as it made money. My point is what they were doing with the fund was illegal that's why the govt stepped in
As long as he gets his, why should he care? That’s what I’ve learned from the union when it comes to the pension.
So if the pension was invested into illegal drug, gun and slavery running you wouldn't care as long as it made money. My point is what they were doing with the fund was illegal that's why the govt stepped in
Ok can you explain why the government didn’t make sure it stayed funded?
What’s your purpose for caring XPO wouldn’t be in central States
Ok can you explain why the government didn’t make sure it stayed funded?
What’s your purpose for caring XPO wouldn’t be in central States
I can only speak for myself. I can’t understand why people scream and yell about fairness and being held accountable when it comes to the company but never want to apply those same standards to the union.
yelling and scream at the one that have no control over contract talks is about as good as talking to a block wall

Corner Jacobs. Maybe hunt down Brooks. Taunting a bunch of local management doesn't carry much weight.

As miss guided as it was, for the we gotta do something crowd, at least they did actually do something.
Obviously you haven’t learned much still haven’t answered when do you get an 8 hour guarantee?
So you get that guarantee when you laid off or the doors close? That guarantee is only good as long as the company stays in business or until they ship the job overseas. Just like the union buddy Obama let happen
I can only speak for myself. I can’t understand why people scream and yell about fairness and being held accountable when it comes to the company but never want to apply those same standards to the union.
Contract states fair days work fair days pay that’s what I go by.
Obviously you haven’t learned much still haven’t answered when do you get an 8 hour guarantee?

Dude, we are guaranteed OT. Do you read any of what we say ? Or are you so self absorbed in forcing your propaganda on us that all you care about is what you have to say ? Where did you pull this " 8 hour guarantee " talking point out from anyway ? They keep cutting everything. Do more with less. Fewer trucks, fewer trailers, fewer management, fewer office staff, fewer drivers, fewer mechanics. Has it been that long since you were a truck driver ? Maybe you need to get out from behind, or under, that desk in the union palace and get back out in the REAL WORLD.
Dude, we are guaranteed OT. Do you read any of what we say ? Or are you so self absorbed in forcing your propaganda on us that all you care about is what you have to say ? Where did you pull this " 8 hour guarantee " talking point out from anyway ? They keep cutting everything. Do more with less. Fewer trucks, fewer trailers, fewer management, fewer office staff, fewer drivers, fewer mechanics. Has it been that long since you were a truck driver ? Maybe you need to get out from behind, or under, that desk in the union palace and get back out in the REAL WORLD.
Actually I’m back in the truck as a road driver.
Nope whip made a comment saying a fundraiser was needed for pension fund I came back with butch Lewis act.

I am being serious. Are you retarded ? I don't want to be all upsetting somebody who just don't know any better. If you are mental or something, you gotta tell us.
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