FedEx Freight | Yrc

I've got a lot of mixed feelings here.....I still remember some of the stuff that was said and done to us......I remember the rocks and the concrete off the overpasses. I remember being called a sc@b and worse a bunch of times. But I'll say this much, while I do remember those things, I still hate to see anyone loose their job. It's a sad day, and it's going to happen sooner rather than later. So, while I'm not really ready for the PC truck driver group hug, I am sorry that basically 1 guy, Zollers, will go down in history as the guy pretty much personally responsible for putting 40 or 50,000 folks out of work. Bad news is that he does not have the kind of character that would make him feel bad for his failure.

The reason is this: I know 90% of the fellas are just like us, just a bunch of poor dumb bastards trying to make a living and feed his kids. And if the price to pay was $10 or $15 a week, well hell, why not.

Peace and Happy Christmas

nobody :clap:

Before you put ALL the blame on Zollars for the pickle that YRC finds itself in, you have to remember that when Yellow bought Roadway and USF, Zollars had no way of knowing that a misfit like Obama would put the US economy into a tailspin in order to ram down socialized medicine.
Any other pro free enterprise president would have had this recession over by now and YRC would have had enough work to pay off their debt.
But of course we will never see this happen now. So the moral of the story is do not ever get too far in debt because you never know if you will have a job to bail you out. :biglaugh:

nobody :clap:

Before you put ALL the blame on Zollars for the pickle that YRC finds itself in, you have to remember that when Yellow bought Roadway and USF, Zollars had no way of knowing that a misfit like Obama would put the US economy into a tailspin in order to ram down socialized medicine.
Any other pro free enterprise president would have had this recession over by now and YRC would have had enough work to pay off their debt.
But of course we will never see this happen now. So the moral of the story is do not ever get too far in debt because you never know if you will have a job to bail you out. :biglaugh:

How is it possible to blame the recession & the demise of YRC on Obama? This all started with the dumbest President in the history of the USA. I'm not an Obama supporter, but come on, this cr@p started long before he took office. Be fair in where you place the blame. Zollars killed Yellow, Roadway, all USF companies and for that I am very sorry.

nobody :clap:

Before you put ALL the blame on Zollars for the pickle that YRC finds itself in, you have to remember that when Yellow bought Roadway and USF, Zollars had no way of knowing that a misfit like Obama would put the US economy into a tailspin in order to ram down socialized medicine.
Any other pro free enterprise president would have had this recession over by now and YRC would have had enough work to pay off their debt.
But of course we will never see this happen now. So the moral of the story is do not ever get too far in debt because you never know if you will have a job to bail you out. :biglaugh:


First of all, the stage was set for an economic tailspin was set WELL before Obama took office. It wasn't that long ago, and I'm sure your memory is not that bad. I think it's more a case of not knowing where to put your anger for the drubbing your party took, so anything that happens is of course because of socialist Obama.

The woes of YRC was also in play long before Obama took office.

Free enterprise? Ok. So where are the job makers? Hmmm. Could it be that the banks aren't giving loans so they can pay huge bonuses? Could it be that the financial institutions are paying "us" back so quickly because they don't want to be strapped down by restrictions that are coming? You're unfettered "free" market got us into this mess in the first place. Don't forget that. Simple greed and no oversight of the "free" market led us to where we are.

You don't have to worry about socialized medicine. Because that is not what we are going to have here. You can keep your FedEx insurance and not be stained with government interference. Instead, you can let private "free" market dictate what care and how much you receive. Then you can let it bankrupt you. Lose your house. That's the "free" market at work. And if you think the only reason Obama took office was to "ram socialized medicine down our throats", you need to get more facts that sound bites from FoxNews. What you're afraid of is that if the government gets involved with a single pay system, the insurance companies you love to throw money at for decreasing returns might not be able to compete? So effing what? You give the public what they want, and you'll succeed. Don't and your are toast. Isn't that the "free" market? The impetus is to be better than the government.

YRC spent a buttload of money in a short amount of time to buy two trucking companies. If I'm not mistaken, Roadway came with a buttload of debt. It's like you buying a house with a failed septic system and a termite infestation.

What continues to amaze me is that the slightest thread that you can tie to Obama suddenly becomes the only truth. Well, he's the prez, so of course things that took years to fester before he took office is now his fault. And I thought that blaming everything on bush was so bad. Now "you" guys are doing it even more on things that he DID NOT CAUSE.

You can say that the "free" market would have saved YRC, and you can say that the "free" market would have dealt with this recession in short order, but the thing is, you can say anything you want. Saying doesn't make it so. In fact, you really don't have a clue as to whether your statements are based in fact because there is no way to know, it's only wishful thinking.

And he still hasn't taken your guns away. Imagine that.

So you can blame Obama for the ills of YRC. You'd be wrong, but you can certainly blame him. But I just can't take you seriously with this misplaced absolute retarded hatred for Obama. To date, list how his being President has personally affected you and yours? (Not including the wrongful premise that he is the cause of the recession)
Franklin :clap:

Just because you write an emotional long winded post with no facts does not mean that you have a clue about how the private sector works.
Right now only the government jobs are the ones seeing any growth or not getting many pink slips because the federal government is giving walk around money to the blue states that voted for Obama.
But why would a small business stick its head out and try to hire any new workers when they know that their taxes are going up in 2010 along with their new health care costs and higher costs for new regulations.

Here are a couple of charts that show you where we were in Jan 20, 2009 when Obama took office. S&P closed at 805.22


And here is where we were in March 9, 2009 after Obama finished scaring everybody silly. The S&P closed at 676.53 after an intraday low of 666 the previous day.


And now that we have had somewhat of a recovery, we will see slow growth for all of 2010, until we can clean house in November 2010.
Or we can become another Venezuela. Who knows. :biglaugh:

Franklin :clap:

Just because you write an emotional long winded post with no facts does not mean that you have a clue about how the private sector works.
Right now only the government jobs are the ones seeing any growth or not getting many pink slips because the federal government is giving walk around money to the blue states that voted for Obama.
But why would a small business stick its head out and try to hire any new workers when they know that their taxes are going up in 2010 along with their new health care costs and higher costs for new regulations.

Here are a couple of charts that show you where we were in Jan 20, 2009 when Obama took office. S&P closed at 805.22


And here is where we were in March 9, 2009 after Obama finished scaring everybody silly. The S&P closed at 676.53 after an intraday low of 666 the previous day.


And now that we have had somewhat of a recovery, we will see slow growth for all of 2010, until we can clean house in November 2010.
Or we can become another Venezuela. Who knows. :biglaugh:


You know what I like about your posts River17. They come with pictures. :biglaugh:
Yea,but the word is BAILOUT,the bank's,economy etc...don't want it & want let it happen,we have already laid off some,waiting on a foldup,now there moving new tractors out,so what the crap?

Long winded and factless you may see it, but you don't refute anything I said.

Note the dates:

Fed's Lockhart: It looks like the beginning of a recession -

Private Group Declares Beginning of Recession December 2007 | | Money

Now, even using your own charts, you can show that after Obama took office, within 3 months, the stock market started to rally. You would think that being absolutely terrified of this man, the stocks would collapse and we'd all be drinking gutter water by now. Three months! The man is satan! He's just like ಠ▄ಠ! Let's buy more guns!

Where are your facts regarding walk around money for blue states? Didn't see a link there.

And if the private sector, and I can only guess that that is the "free" market you say it is, won't hire because taxes are going up next year, (though if they offer health care, they actually pay less), then we can blame the "free" market when everything goes TU again?

Maybe we should really go after the employers that hire illegals, fine them heavily, then see if the illegals really take work that Americans will do. Then we could take care of unemployment and get people back out into the fresh air picking crops and making good money.

The "fact" is, my 401k has regained ALL it's losses, then some. The stock market is more up than down, and Obama has yet to take all your guns and send that asteroid he has crashing down on the United States. (Some Blondie chick on Fox News said he had one, so it must be true).

So until he actually stumbles, you hatred and fear are misplaced. What you should be hating is the diseased two party system that doesn't even try to hide the fact that if you got the money, you got my vote anymore. That and the absolute unwillingness to work together for the American people.

Oops. reaching long winded status again. Sorry. I'll try to keep my posts to several, unintelligible lines.
the stock market was at 14k before the do nothing democrat party took congress
Remember, the government cannot give anything to anyone --
that they have not first taken away from someone else.
nobody :clap:

Before you put ALL the blame on Zollars for the pickle that YRC finds itself in, you have to remember that when Yellow bought Roadway and USF, Zollars had no way of knowing that a misfit like Obama would put the US economy into a tailspin in order to ram down socialized medicine.
Any other pro free enterprise president would have had this recession over by now and YRC would have had enough work to pay off their debt.
But of course we will never see this happen now. So the moral of the story is do not ever get too far in debt because you never know if you will have a job to bail you out. :biglaugh:


I am a Y RC driver that has been laid off in Memphis with 12 years seniority. I have had to relocate to Dallas to feed my family and keep my job. Things are bad but I' m thankful because things can still be worse. With that being said how in the heck can you blame the YRC troubles on Obama. Your boy JW had a lot to do with the state of the economy that's happening right now. I still don't blame the state of YRC on Bush. I blame the state of YRC on bad management. When you blame something like the YRC deal on Obama, that's just hate for Obama. Call it Socialism or whatever you want. If I'm having problems it is not the fault of the government,its mine. I hear alot of so called conservatives that want the government out of their lives. I then hear them blaming the government because they want them to fix the economy. YRC problems are because of YRC's bad management. Nothing more,nothing less.........
Shorty i think you might be leaving out a few pieces of the pie here.They are the crooks on wall street, the crooks at fanny and freddy,the crooks on both sides of the isle in DC,and bunch of dirty investment bankers just to start with.Yes BZ screwed us to the wall in debt,but as long as the economey was perking along we were ok.It was the perfect storm that our DA leader did not see. Just my thoughts......
I am a Y RC driver that has been laid off in Memphis with 12 years seniority. I have had to relocate to Dallas to feed my family and keep my job. Things are bad but I' m thankful because things can still be worse. With that being said how in the heck can you blame the YRC troubles on Obama. Your boy JW had a lot to do with the state of the economy that's happening right now. I still don't blame the state of YRC on Bush. I blame the state of YRC on bad management. When you blame something like the YRC deal on Obama, that's just hate for Obama. Call it Socialism or whatever you want. If I'm having problems it is not the fault of the government,its mine. I hear alot of so called conservatives that want the government out of their lives. I then hear them blaming the government because they want them to fix the economy. YRC problems are because of YRC's bad management. Nothing more,nothing less.........

Shorty348m :biglaugh:

First I have to say that I'm glad that you are still working for YRC in Dallas.
Although if you have to pay rent in Dallas and still maintain a family in Memphis, you would have been better off staying in Memphis and going to work for FedEx Freight or National LTL or any other carrier that was hiring way back when you followed work to Dallas. But of course giving up 12 years seniority is a tough thing to do.
I'm sorry that you swallowed all the propaganda from the liberal main stream media, Obama, the Democratic Party and the Teamsters. And since they probably told you that in order to save your job you had to support their take over of the government, you now can see that they were not really interested in saving private sector jobs. They are only interested in growing government related public jobs. And now we see that the Republican Party has no power or enough votes to stop this Marxist march that we find ourselves in.

Even though now looking back the recession did officially start way back in December 2007 the unemployment rate never skyrocketed until after Bush43 left office. What most people seem to forget is that the Democrats had total control of the Senate and the House of Representatives since January 2007 and they did everything to try to make Bush43 look bad by not doing anything to help the economy.

Here are some unemployment charts to show the real decline.

Monthly Unemployment Rate Chart

This chart shows the seasonally adjusted Unemployment Rate from January 2003 through September 2008. The rate was 5.8 percent in January 2003. It peaked at 6.3 percent in June 2003, and then it began an uneven but steady decline. By December 2003 it had dropped to 5.7 percent, below the level it was at in January of that year. The rate continued to decline till it reached a low of 4.4 percent in October 2006. It rose to 4.6 percent by January of 2007, but declined to 4.4 percent again by March 2007. The rate then underwent an uneven increase until it reached 6.1 percent in August and September of 2008. (The source is the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)


Here you can see how the unemployment rate started going up after the Obama election in November 2008 to the present.


I hope this helps you SEE THE BIG PICTURE.:biglaugh:


the stock market was at 14k before the do nothing democrat party took congress

Think Progress » Right Wing Claims Stock Market Declined Because Obama Was Nominated For President

If you look at River's graphs, which he uses to show how bad Obama has been for the country, the S&P 500 was just over 800 before he took office. Three months later it started a steep incline.

I'm guessing you have some graphs to show that Obama by himself in less than a year destroyed the entire world economy. Let's see 'em.

Do nothing? For the most part, I agree with you since they have to fight the party of NO for everything. But, looks like we're going to shove health care for millions of uninsured Americans down your throat. It may not be perfect, but it's better than the status quo of the NO party.

And when the "free" market tanks the recovery because they won't hire and the banks won't loan, (both entities that you enshrine), we can call you out on it right?
I think this thread has been hijacked.

Yep. By the mod. He blamed YRC's ills on Obama. I have a friend that got the word he has ED. Obama's fault. My lawn isn't growing. Obama's fault. People are rude at Walmart. Obama's fault. I have gas. Obama's fault.

Good lord. In less than a year he has even surpassed bush as the worst president ever. And bush had 8 years to prove what a tool he was, to us and the world. The only book in the bush library is Cat in the Hat. Laura reads it to him on special occasions. He doesn't understand why a cat would wear a hat. So he bombed Iraq.