Yellow | Meets and Turns

Meet and turns are fine if dispatch is up to it. I did meet and turns for YRC for a couple of years and they screwed up quite often. Sometimes just forgot to send somebody to meet me. I'd call in at the meet point and they'd say "hang on, we'll send somebody now, they'll be there in 5 hours".
Now if I would have taken that call, I would have sent you through and layed you down, and sent the other driver through as well.
Roady, a good compromise might be for the yardman to be kept on to make the necessary moves at the terminal but to also help the road driver stringing his own set. I've many times gone to an EOL where the jockey has helped me by positioning the kite and spotting the dolly in front of it so I can do my own stringing a little more quickly. By eliminating the work rule which says the road driver can't do his own drops/hooks while a yard man is on duty this can be done and no one loses their job but the wasted money is reduced.
I thought the new super regional company was not running joints?