No matter what Train says, no matter when he says it, no matter how he says it, he is getting bashed. The reason is because people are letting it get personal. If the content of what he is saying is true, focus on those things not his personality or character flaws. Is it true, the stuff he is saying about Saia? Does it sound familiar to where you work? We all have character flaws, the guys that are crying about Train are starting to look like a soap opera stars. These companies have turned trucking into a place only knuckle heads like us would stay. Now they want to pay a tiny bit more and say " we can't figure out why people leave". They are lying to transport topics, the congress, every news organization and to us. They created this monster of distrust and bullying that normal people can't stand. For the most part these ltl companies have hired middle management that are jealous and hate truck drivers. When I first got into LTL at a teamster company I was told that I will be hated worse than a child molester by middle management, I didn't believe him. Now that I am older, worked at both non and union, I found out he was right. You know it and I know it.