SAIA | Now that I’m retired .... let’s expose the truth!

Every employee needs to fully understand that they are just like a truck, trailer, etc...the company “bought” (hired) you to perform a certain task. Once you either: don’t perform that task, or are no longer are cut loose. It is strictly a numbers game. Corporate doesn’t care one bit about you, your family, your life. They only care about how the numbers come out on the balance sheet. This is a harsh reality. They will never admit fault, wrongdoing, or missteps. Crap rolls downhill, and drivers (at Saia especially) are at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Is that an ideal situation? Maybe not, but the company hopes it is more acceptable through compensation. Ideally, you would be compensated and treated well. That generally only exists in smaller companies or private companies. Saia is neither.

Train...I applaud you for beginning this thread and continuing to post. I would not care one bit about phone calls or any other opinions to the contrary of your posts. Generally the truth hurts, and I suspect that is the case.
Excellent post! I applaud you for your truth.
The discriminatory road I may go down in time. I haven’t seen racism so I won’t travel that road. If others have seen it I would encourage them to share.
Well, since I’ve received a few personal phone calls telling me everyone knows who I am I feel compelled to say who gives a :censored:. Many knew who I was when I first started working here and knew I was just towing the company line. I’m a very private man because I’ve learned you can trust very few people in business. Managers just patronize you for the most part. And many co-workers are just back-stabbers. Over the years I’ve taken pictures and have made numerous recordings in meetings knowing that some day I would leave. SAIA has helped me finance my other opportunities so I will limit what I disclose for now out of some measure of respect and gratitude. Despite having a differing opinion of how this company operates on certain issues. I realize nothing will change. I’m gone and forgotten. I’m insignificant in the big picture. I understand that better than most. But every single employee here is insignificant but they just don’t know it. They buy what they are being sold. That’s why over the years I have constantly preached get out of debt and stay out of debt. You have many more opportunities come your way if you’re not drowning in debt. Most don’t understand they are an expendable asset and could be terminated in a New York minute no matter how important you think your job is. No matter how good you are. No one is indispensable. My parents allowed me the opportunity to chart my own course. My father taught me to save and spend my money wisely. Your parents are the ones that gave you life. Your family are the ones you gave life to. Your Brothers and Sisters and Sons and Daughters ... Your Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews. That’s family! Not some company on Wall Street. It might be a good idea if you remember that. SAIA IS NOT FAMILY!
So for the years you were praising SAIA, Rick O'dell you were lying to impress people? or were you afraid that SAIA would kick you to the curb like Overnite did? What a frigging hypocrite you are.
So for the years you were praising SAIA, Rick O'dell you were lying to impress people? or were you afraid that SAIA would kick you to the curb like Overnite did? What a frigging hypocrite you are.
The first 3 years were actually pretty good. In the 4th year things declined rapidly. I kept my mouth shut because..... Like I’ve said many times before. I was taking their money so I felt because of that I owed them some measure of loyalty. Call it what you like Joe. I owe them nothing now. I thought long and hard before I started this thread because I knew guys like you would bring my history into play. I could have just kept my mouth shut. Honestly, it would have been easier. You wouldn’t believe some of the phone calls and emails I’ve received. But after weighing all my options I decided to just tell the truth. I have so much to say about this company and if you don’t like it then just don’t come on this forum. I’ve been called much worse than a hypocrite Joe. I just want to set the record straight. Kapish!
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Screw them Train , what are they going to do to
you , nothing , nothing that can do. Spill the beans.
Are they going to send somebody over to spank
you ? Hahaha , you'll be fishing , lmfao...
Yep Smoke, they can’t fire me. I already fired them. I suppose they can say I’m not eligible for rehire. Hopefully they are smart enough to not say much more. The law is pretty clear on what they can say.
It’s sad, if you think about it. If Saia wanted to cultivate a culture of mutual respect, honesty, and Integrity, then the opportunity is always there. These are obviously values that Saia does not hold in high esteem. And it is very sad, because creating that culture would literally cost nothing...just an awareness of the issues, a desire to change, and the commitment to executing the plan.

If you look at the numbers, which Saia holds as its most preciou, they are great compared to 5-10 years ago. BUT...still not even close to OD. What is the difference you ask? 10 OR points and a positive culture and work environment. That my friends is the bottom line.
Yep Smoke, they can’t fire me. I already fired them. I suppose they can say I’m not eligible for rehire. Hopefully they are smart enough to not say much more. The law is pretty clear on what they can say.
I really don’t understand your point here. Enlighten everyone that the LTL business is full of bad management? Anyone who has worked for one for a couple years have figured that out. LTL is full of unprofessional management that couldn’t run a lemonade stand-we all know that. You spent years on here talking up bad companies and degrading the union. Like it or not the Teamsters are the only option drivers really have to change their work environment. All these issues you bring up are common place at all the non union carriers. I really don’t see the point of eating until you retire then start complaining after. That’s what’s wrong with America today- people to scared to stand up and make their voice heard when it matters.
I really don’t understand your point here. Enlighten everyone that the LTL business is full of bad management? Anyone who has worked for one for a couple years have figured that out. LTL is full of unprofessional management that couldn’t run a lemonade stand-we all know that. You spent years on here talking up bad companies and degrading the union. Like it or not the Teamsters are the only option drivers really have to change their work environment. All these issues you bring up are common place at all the non union carriers. I really don’t see the point of eating until you retire then start complaining after. That’s what’s wrong with America today- people to scared to stand up and make their voice heard when it matters.
The Teamsters are not an option. FedEx should have sent that message. They simply can’t get in. They tried and lost. Perhaps if they could get their foot in the front door things could get better for the drivers. But they can’t so why even give it any consideration.
No matter what Train says, no matter when he says it, no matter how he says it, he is getting bashed. The reason is because people are letting it get personal. If the content of what he is saying is true, focus on those things not his personality or character flaws. Is it true, the stuff he is saying about Saia? Does it sound familiar to where you work? We all have character flaws, the guys that are crying about Train are starting to look like a soap opera stars. These companies have turned trucking into a place only knuckle heads like us would stay. Now they want to pay a tiny bit more and say " we can't figure out why people leave". They are lying to transport topics, the congress, every news organization and to us. They created this monster of distrust and bullying that normal people can't stand. For the most part these ltl companies have hired middle management that are jealous and hate truck drivers. When I first got into LTL at a teamster company I was told that I will be hated worse than a child molester by middle management, I didn't believe him. Now that I am older, worked at both non and union, I found out he was right. You know it and I know it.
No matter what Train says, no matter when he says it, no matter how he says it, he is getting bashed. The reason is because people are letting it get personal. If the content of what he is saying is true, focus on those things not his personality or character flaws. Is it true, the stuff he is saying about Saia? Does it sound familiar to where you work? We all have character flaws, the guys that are crying about Train are starting to look like a soap opera stars. These companies have turned trucking into a place only knuckle heads like us would stay. Now they want to pay a tiny bit more and say " we can't figure out why people leave". They are lying to transport topics, the congress, every news organization and to us. They created this monster of distrust and bullying that normal people can't stand. For the most part these ltl companies have hired middle management that are jealous and hate truck drivers. When I first got into LTL at a teamster company I was told that I will be hated worse than a child molester by middle management, I didn't believe him. Now that I am older, worked at both non and union, I found out he was right. You know it and I know it.
So is he lying now, or was he lying then?
The Teamsters are not an option. FedEx should have sent that message. They simply can’t get in. They tried and lost. Perhaps if they could get their foot in the front door things could get better for the drivers. But they can’t so why even give it any consideration.
The Teamsters did get their foot in the door at fed-x and won several elections and ask any fedx driver and they will tell you things changed for the better as soon as the Teamsters won those elections. Ask them about score card program that was scrapped almost immediately and how all of a sudden they found money for many raises. Fedx did not change their culture because they all of a sudden realized they could and should treat their employees better because it was the right thing to do.
The Teamsters did get their foot in the door at fed-x and won several elections and ask any fedx driver and they will tell you things changed for the better as soon as the Teamsters won those elections. Ask them about score card program that was scrapped almost immediately and how all of a sudden they found money for many raises. Fedx did not change their culture because they all of a sudden realized they could and should treat their employees better because it was the right thing to do.
What the **** ever! They didn’t get a contract and that’s the bottom line. Spin it how you want.
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runawaytrainWear their scorn with pride.
Rick O'dell is transforming SAIA into pure greatness. Let the haters keep hating and the winners keep winning.
Rick is doing a good job as far as numbers. He can’t control all aspects of the company. He has too much on his plate and besides that’s why he has underlings. In hindsight I understand I went over the top too many times but I can’t change that now. I will leave it up to guys like you to throw it up in my face. I can take it.
What the :censored: ever! They didn’t get a contract and that’s the bottom line. Spin it how you want.
So you really believe that the Teamsters winning those elections had nothing to do with fedx changing their work environment and increasing their pay? They went from the lowest paid major carrier to one of the highest.
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