XPO | Pro Con-Job Anti-Union Censorship on this site-What a shock!!

I was hoping to spank him with a switch!!!

Just another guy that don't work here trying to get a piece of the spotlight this union crowd has brought.

Nothing positive to add. And his opinion really don't matter. Cause he won't get to cast any of our votes.
Ha ha, you are funny. Come on here and spew how you are younger than most us guys and how you generation does this and that. Funny you kind of sounded like an entitlement person. Why would a big brown truck driver with a goofy brown uniform and no facial hair come on a ConWay thread and want to start trouble? Maybe it is that you juts like being a boat rocker. I don't understand why people have to do that. If you have comment, make it and wait for the reply. I like having good conversations but if you are here just to stir the pot, why?

You ask a legitimate question, why do I care about Con-Way workers? Capitalism has become predatory and tyrannical and we the workers are their prey. If we don't stick together as working class people, these capitalist criminals will turn this country into a third world crap hole. These global capitalist parasites have zero allegiance to this country, they're bleeding it dry and we should all refuse to let them. I want there to be an America 100 yrs from now, don't you?
I agree alot with your last.post BoatRocker.
Go a bit easier than the threadstarting post.
I war with the rightwingers all the time in the politics forum. But Im not really a lefty. I see unions as the answer too alot. You will be outnumbered in the politics forum. But I like it like that. Ya got to be kinda cool sbout it. Make your points without being too rude. S little rude seems to be ok. Be careful with those guys which have moderator on them. Being too mouthy with them or not listening to them will get you banned.
Welcome. And have fun. I do.
The administrator doesn't want a new thread being put up every 10 minutes..They'll move it to an existing thread. Nothing is being censored. this site is completely honest and fair.

Sounds like Fox News......

And I guess to the left Fox News is bad? I like to classify myself as a moderate. I don't need those far left radicals nor do I need those far right extremist. Not everybody is wrong nor is everybody right. Have an open mind and learn to read through the bull to get to the meaningful content. :usa2:
You got a point, I'm probably way younger than most of you guys. My generation doesn't like to beat around the bush, we like to throw it out there and hash it out. Not to be critical, seems this site can use an infusion of new people with new perspectives and not the same 3 guys...just a thought.

There is no closed membership here. Anyone is free to participate. Tell your friends. The more the better.
The administrator doesn't want a new thread being put up every 10 minutes..They'll move it to an existing thread. Nothing is being censored. this site is completely honest and fair.

There are a couple of recent threads that have been locked. Could we get the mods to merge them so the questions that were asked can be answered?
You ask a legitimate question, why do I care about Con-Way workers? Capitalism has become predatory and tyrannical and we the workers are their prey. If we don't stick together as working class people, these capitalist criminals will turn this country into a third world crap hole. These global capitalist parasites have zero allegiance to this country, they're bleeding it dry and we should all refuse to let them. I want there to be an America 100 yrs from now, don't you?

I agree with you that this country is going in the crapper. You can't blame Capitalism totally. We have an administration that is trying to destroy American Freedom as we know it. Spread the wealth, illegals with drivers licenses, free healthcare for all, amnesty for illegals and so on. This is one of the problems I have with the union. They back these kind of candidates. I find it real hard to get behind a group that gets behind things I disagree with. All this is bleeding my paycheck dry and the last thing I want to do is to pay dues to the union so they can back the things I disagree with. Standing together is where it is at. Strength in numbers. Standing with people I disagree with is not going to do me any good.
You ask a legitimate question, why do I care about Con-Way workers? Capitalism has become predatory and tyrannical and we the workers are their prey. If we don't stick together as working class people, these capitalist criminals will turn this country into a third world crap hole. These global capitalist parasites have zero allegiance to this country, they're bleeding it dry and we should all refuse to let them. I want there to be an America 100 yrs from now, don't you?
Good grief dude....Go to the politics forum.....You would fit in much better.
Perhaps my first post might have been a little fiery. I get that this site is Republican party leaning, which is contrary to the interest of working class people. But that aside, I will try to not rock the right-wing boat too hard, I don't want to offend y'all Republican types too much.

"Republican leaning" Lol . . . can't wait to read the Cat Herder's comments on this! >>> I nominate BoatRocker's post for chuckle of the week award! <<<
You ask a legitimate question, why do I care about Con-Way workers? Capitalism has become predatory and tyrannical and we the workers are their prey. If we don't stick together as working class people, these capitalist criminals will turn this country into a third world crap hole. These global capitalist parasites have zero allegiance to this country, they're bleeding it dry and we should all refuse to let them. I want there to be an America 100 yrs from now, don't you?
both our countries have been sold out long ago. Yours is on a far less stable footing.
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"Republican leaning" Lol . . . can't wait to read the Cat Herder's comments on this! >>> I nominate BoatRocker's post for chuckle of the week award! <<<
Damn.....I love the Snark Monkey.....His witty post are always.......Well......witty.....Jeff loves you too.
You ask a legitimate question, why do I care about Con-Way workers? Capitalism has become predatory and tyrannical and we the workers are their prey. If we don't stick together as working class people, these capitalist criminals will turn this country into a third world crap hole. These global capitalist parasites have zero allegiance to this country, they're bleeding it dry and we should all refuse to let them. I want there to be an America 100 yrs from now, don't you?
I'm going to make one attempt to educate you and see how you respond. You allege that capitalism has become predatory. I say it's no different than it has always been, it's an economic system, not a living thing. And it happens to be the one economic system that evolves in a free society when people are afforded the opportunity to turn their time and talent into an income stream by offering to other free people goods and services they want and are willing to pay for. Capitalism is a good system, and because it has been allowed to flourish in the United States, you now are able to own and use a sophisticated computer or smart phone to offer your opinion to people from all over the country in this forum. You're able to purchase affordable transportation and buy fuel for it to go anywhere you want, and obviously I could go on about the many benefits that capitalism has bestowed upon you, but I think you get the idea. You're confusing capitalism with corporatism or what I refer to as "crony capitalism." This is where govt masterminds from both political parties, Repub and Dem, use the power of the law to give special treatment to business owners and other organizations who donate large amounts of money to their political campaigns as well as organizing get out the vote efforts. Your post makes you sound like a Communist and I offer the following as proof, a quote from the Karl Marx, the grand daddy of communism. “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.” Sounding like a communist and being one are two different things and I don't think you're a commie, you're just ignorant, with all due respect. So I hope this helps you understand a bit better what it is you're talking about so you don't sound like a fool to the next person you want have a discussion with. I'm looking out for you, good luck and welcome to the forum.
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oh go play Golf with Obama Please we already Bored with you !!

Perhaps my first post might have been a little fiery. I get that this site is Republican party leaning, which is contrary to the interest of working class people. But that aside, I will try to not rock the right-wing boat too hard, I don't want to offend y'all Republican types too much.
I agree with you that this country is going in the crapper. You can't blame Capitalism totally. We have an administration that is trying to destroy American Freedom as we know it. Spread the wealth, illegals with drivers licenses, free healthcare for all, amnesty for illegals and so on. This is one of the problems I have with the union. They back these kind of candidates. I find it real hard to get behind a group that gets behind things I disagree with. All this is bleeding my paycheck dry and the last thing I want to do is to pay dues to the union so they can back the things I disagree with. Standing together is where it is at. Strength in numbers. Standing with people I disagree with is not going to do me any good.

The union cannot use any union due funds to contribute to any political anything. Its law.FYI
Perhaps my first post might have been a little fiery. I get that this site is Republican party leaning, which is contrary to the interest of working class people. But that aside, I will try to not rock the right
You can call me anything but a LIBERAL. you start cussing like that and it's over. Look what the idiot liberals have done to this country over the past 6 years. how stupid can 1 get.
But Conway has caused this all on there own and deserve the union getting voted in.
Hail O'Reilly, Hannity and Rush
The union cannot use any union due funds to contribute to any political anything. Its law.FYI

You're right. I misspoke. I know that there is a voluntary fund that goes to political donations. My whole point here is that it is the people the unions back that I don't want to be a part of. Now if they were to lay off of the political backing and were to stay neutral, maybe more people could wrap their arms around the union concept. Would you want to be part of a group that backed child molesting (not saying the union does)? No you wouldn't. That's how I feel about the political backing. The union backed this obama thing and he is destroying you freedom and trying to take all your rights away. You want me to join an organization that backs that? Sorry but until the union gets out of the politics business, I don't want to be part of that. :usa: