This Weeks Crossword Answers

The heck with that hat bastard. What about Elvis in Keikuk?
My sources are telling me at the Loves on South 7th St. and River Drive a rather portly fella with cool shades, long side burns, and wearing blue Reeboks was observed using both the entrée and dessert areas of the buffet to concoct what appeared to be a "peanut butter and nana sandwich", coincidence? who's to say, you? me? BD? Hook? one can only disguise themselves so much.
Gaelic Football Elvis GIF by Littlewoods Ireland
My sources are telling me at the Loves on South 7th St. and River Drive a rather portly fella with cool shades, long side burns, and wearing blue Reeboks was observed using both the entrée and dessert areas of the buffet to concoct what appeared to be a "peanut butter and nana sandwich", coincidence? who's to say, you? me? BD? Hook? one can only disguise themselves so much.
Gaelic Football Elvis GIF by Littlewoods Ireland
Elvis has a pork chop neck, to go along with the side burns.