XPO | Xpo Union Thread.

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Nope, I did not say that. That’s your words.

Merely stating that if the government put a single payer system in place companies would not offer employer sponsored healthcare. Therefore it would not be a negotiable item. I said nothing as to the quality of the care. Hope that clarified it for you.
What needs to known is. The only way single payer or medicare for all will work is. 1 everyone taxes are going way up including your employers 2. All other private healthcare will be made illegal yes there will be private insurance for thing the govt might not cover but who could afford it after the tax hike. 3 Any Govt will have what is called Quality-adjusted life years or who gets treatment and who doesn't
We can find corruption on the company side also :


Providing samples of corruption inside of some union does not mean that the majority are Corrupt . The same can be said for private companies, just because some are run by lawbreakers does not me all companies are bad.
I provided you some samples above of corruption inside of some companies by their leadership. That’s on a couple I can provide many more. It’s not one sided.
To dismiss the good and many of the benefits that you enjoy today at Xpo that stemmed from a United worker movement is foolish. Companies will take back as they already have over the years when they feel they can do it . To have zero voice in the workplace is not good for the future of drivers .
I never said it was one sided. The difference is the union management is paid by the members of the union for them to look out for working men with the union they are in. When union officials do backroom deals, take kickbacks and bribes from companies tell me how that looking out for there member.
I agree that the old NAFTA was a terrible trade deal, regardless of who wrote and who signed it. The NEW NAFTA (USMCA) is a decided improvement, to be fair to this president, however, the Democrats still have issues with the final version. I haven't had time to research this, but you can look it up.

The US buys 560 Billion dollars worth of goods from China, including parts for our most advanced military equipment. China buys 100 Billion dollars worth of good from us. Who do you think has the advantage in this trade war? In addition, the Chinese people are accustomed to sacrifice for the good of the country. Americans lose their minds if the electricity goes out for more than an hour. We have no chance of wining a trade war. This was a time for diplomacy. China needed to be put on call that we were no longer going to put up with them taking advantage, but there is a right way to do it.
The only problems the democrats have with the USMCA is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The democrats don't care about anything except to get back into power. The will never bring this to the floor because they don't Trump to get a win. These Democrats are so hell bent on power they don't care about you at all. The don't care if you lose you job, you house, or everything as long as they get back in power.
Someone please tell me how a slogan like "Make America Great Again" is bad
The only problems the democrats have with the USMCA is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The democrats don't care about anything except to get back into power. The will never bring this to the floor because they don't Trump to get a win. These Democrats are so hell bent on power they don't care about you at all. The don't care if you lose you job, you house, or everything as long as they get back in power.
Someone please tell me how a slogan like "Make America Great Again" is bad

I never said it was one sided. The difference is the union management is paid by the members of the union for them to look out for working men with the union they are in. When union officials do backroom deals, take kickbacks and bribes from companies tell me how that looking out for there member.
Same thing can be said about shareholders
I never said it was one sided. The difference is the union management is paid by the members of the union for them to look out for working men with the union they are in. When union officials do backroom deals, take kickbacks and bribes from companies tell me how that looking out for there member.
We can vote them out . With a company it is what it is . Companies do back room deals against their own employees every day and you have no recourse.
Its so amazing after a few hours of no electric people come out of their houses and are wandering the streets and if a house has a light on by some alternative power source they all wander over there in awe at how can this be possible

Got these little solar jobs in the front flower bed and all along the deck. Every time. I got idiots knocking on my door. Do you have power ? Can I charge my phone ? No dumb frak. You can't charge your phone with a 1 inch solar " panel ".
The only problems the democrats have with the USMCA is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The democrats don't care about anything except to get back into power. The will never bring this to the floor because they don't Trump to get a win. These Democrats are so hell bent on power they don't care about you at all. The don't care if you lose you job, you house, or everything as long as they get back in power.
Someone please tell me how a slogan like "Make America Great Again" is bad

Same way a straight pride parade is wrong. These children get all worked up by social media. And attack everything. It's all they know. Just listen to AOC talk. That bee yotch is as bad as Trump. Just says dumb ass hell ignorant ::shit:: all day. Fact checking her is difficult, because it's all based on the fantasy in her little head. There are no facts.
This is where I can't believe how much the Republican Party has swallowed it's tongue.

Debt and deficits are crazy. Made worse by the last enormous tax cut. If you mention this on the political board ( I'm a Conservative ) they immediately gang up and say you are against President Trump. It's amazing how much good people have switched their positions to get their way.
Not when Obama was giving Wall St thieves $4.4 TRILLION in QE I QE II and QE III free $$$ just so his economy had a pulse. All along the media was silent because they adored him.
What if Trump gave Wall ST thieves $4.4 TRILLION???
America was not great when Democrats & Republicans destroyed our Middle Class by exporting 30 million jobs to China & Mexico.
America was not great when Democrats allowed unlimited illegal immigration into the USA and brought down wages. Just look at the FTL industry, filed with illegal's who live in trucks and work for very little.
Just look at cities that have been run by Democrat's for decades, Gary, IN, Chicago, Newark, Hartford etc...……..
Only 1 person has ever attempted to reverse that, just look at what leftists in the media are doling to him? because he is trying to save America?
Not when Obama was giving Wall St thieves $4.4 TRILLION in QE I QE II and QE III free $$$ just so his economy had a pulse. All along the media was silent because they adored him.
What if Trump gave Wall ST thieves $4.4 TRILLION???
America was not great when Democrats & Republicans destroyed our Middle Class by exporting 30 million jobs to China & Mexico.
America was not great when Democrats allowed unlimited illegal immigration into the USA and brought down wages. Just look at the FTL industry, filed with illegal's who live in trucks and work for very little.
Just look at cities that have been run by Democrat's for decades, Gary, IN, Chicago, Newark, Hartford etc...……..
Only 1 person has ever attempted to reverse that, just look at what leftists in the media are doling to him? because he is trying to save America?

Illegal immigration has absolutely nothing to do with the current state of affairs in this country today. Republicans have done a great job of convincing you that you're struggling because immigrants are draining the system. It's not true. Illegal immigration didn't bring down wages, corporate America did. And they have you convinced that some poor Central American family is doing it to you.

Look at the cities run by democrats? Take a ride through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia etc. Far more Republican controlled states rely on government assistance to balance their budgets than do Democratic controlled states.

It's a fools errand to blame the bailout and the current economic state of affairs on President Obama. Can't even blame it on trump! The link is a great article by Forbes, a very conservative publication, detailing how we got where we are.please, READ IT, and see if you still believe as you do.

Save this country? Yep...ask the farmers, ask the truckers, where's the wall, ask North Korea. Wall Street was doing great for the 1% , not so much for us. And, I am trult sorry to say, it's all about to fall apart.

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This is where I can't believe how much the Republican Party has swallowed it's tongue.

Debt and deficits are crazy. Made worse by the last enormous tax cut. If you mention this on the political board ( I'm a Conservative ) they immediately gang up and say you are against President Trump. It's amazing how much good people have switched their positions to get their way.

They will never admit it, but it's a cult. Blind devotion to a man who cares only for himself and his billionaire friends. And the real sad part is, when he is exposed for the criminal that he is, they'll all cry "fake news". You have to hand it to him, he recognized the issue he needed to divide us and he engineered it following the process many dictators used successfully in the past. The very first thing all of them do is convince you that what you are seeing with your own eyes is either not happening or is a complicated chess match that you couldn't possibly understand. And, the media, is lying to you. At that point, every time they are exposed, all they need to say is "fake news" and they're off the hook.
The only problems the democrats have with the USMCA is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The democrats don't care about anything except to get back into power. The will never bring this to the floor because they don't Trump to get a win. These Democrats are so hell bent on power they don't care about you at all. The don't care if you lose you job, you house, or everything as long as they get back in power.
Someone please tell me how a slogan like "Make America Great Again" is bad

So, I guess you didn't read it either. Click on the link and you'll find it's not TDS that is causing the Democrats to oppose the new deal. In fact, it's a lack of labor protection that could lead to even more job losses if the US has to compete with Mexico in the job market. It's also lack of protection from drug companies who can extend patents and keep drug prices artificially inflated. There are environmental issues also. Why not read the f#$%ing article instead of posting more bullshit? The Democrats are OPPOSED to the deal in it's current form because it HURTS AMERICAN WORKERS!!Tell me again how they don't care about you. There are over 170 bills introduced into the Democratic controlled house that are stalled in the Republican controlled senate, because Republicans don't care about you. They only care for their billionaire donors. Wake up!

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I just want to know. If Hollywoodz understands all of this to that level. How does he intend to convince us that a union will help ?
I just want to know. If Hollywoodz understands all of this to that level. How does he intend to convince us that a union will help ?

It seems that I can't convince anyone of anything, especially those dead set against a union. Whatever I post reflects my opinion. I always try to back it up with facts, but the atmosphere of "fake news" makes it difficult to even get factual information believed. It's a dangerous time in this country when anything that disagrees with the current administration, is called "fake news".

When I got hired in 2010, the guy administering the physical part of pre hire asked me if I was crazy hiring on with Conway. He told me they are hemorrhaging cash and would be out of business any day now. I nearly cried my way home that day. Then, they did something right and turned it around. Then, 5 years later, XPO bought us and lead us down the rabbit hole once again.

We all agree we work in a ::shit:: hole that's getting worse every day. And I will repeat what I have always said that no union can compensate for bad management. So, how can the union help us?

We can call Mr. Jacobs and his executive staff greedy. We can call them any number of derogatory names but I don't think we can call them stupid! There is too much investment here to think it will just be left on a street corner somewhere. Too much capital for some one, somewhere not to take advantage of the incompetence and either reorganize from within or sell to the highest bidder. There's billions of dollars in revenue on the table. Do you think they'll just walk away from it? In either case, reorganization or repurchase, the first thing that's addressed is the operating budget. And after they eliminate the coffee machines, cleaning services, maintenance on the equipment, monthly employee meetings, employee perks, overtime and others, they always address the first item on the agenda; payroll. It's the largest expense for any company doing business anywhere.

The only thing that can protect what you have now and insure that it can't be taken away from you is a union contract. For those of you ready to jump on the YRC situation, they don't have the financial resources that XPO has, so that comparison won't work. In addition, if YRC didn't have the union negotiating for them , do you really think they would have gotten even 10% of what they were able to get? The answer is NO! For those of you maintaining that UPS and ABF folded and gave in to management, that's an argument that could be made, HOWEVER, these companies already have benefits that we all dream of every night when we go to sleep. I would like to hear just one of you say that, if all other things remained the same, the wouldn't trade places with a UPS or ABF driver tomorrow.

The Teamster contract can sometimes make a poorly run company pay much closer attention to their policies and procedures and often times end in a better result. In any event, what ever the outcome here, a union contract, union representation, insures that the outcome will be better than if there were no contract in place.
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