FedEx Freight | bonus checks

the Bo Sox are going to lose the world series...

You are a dreamer, aren't you?:hide:

Well I figured after the MLB fixed the Championship game with the Indians to boost tickets sales in Colorado, They will have the Rockies fixed to win their first series so that the fans in the middle of the U.S. will conitinue to watch.

I did not feel this way until after game 7. I tivo'd it, if you get a chance go back and watch it again.. Every attempt in the world was made by the Indians to lose that game..

And yes, I know I am full of crap.. But if you are going to have a game 7.. it should be a good one.. It's almost as bad as the Pats running up the score (even though I am still loving the "F" you touchdown that Brady shoved up Dallas's Arse!

I am going to start watching the PBA on Sundays and boycot football and baseball... haha

They should legalize steroids.. the games were better when everyone was taking them a few years back.. haha
Update for this quarter:

Maxed out on 3 of 4 categories.
Between Target and Minimum on 1 of the four.

So, at or above goal on everything!

Good job..

Checks are to be distributed the last Friday in December. 12/28/2007
Hey GTR, Thx for the info! Its funny, You give me more preshifts than my SCM!:hysterical::smilie_132: I appreciate the way that you look out for us:gathering::thumbsup:
Here it is guys.. Final numbers out today..

Maxed out on 3 of 4..

Service Reliability - Maximum
Claims - Maximum
Unit Cost - Maximum
Safety - Between Target and Maximum

Distribution of 2nd quarter payout is FRIDAY DECEMBER 28th

Good job in all sectors guys.. Looks like a nice check for all.. We have some work to do on the safety and injuries side.. There is a lot of money spent on loss time injuries and workers comp claims. Be careful out there, on the road and on the dock..

Thanks for all the hard work guys/gals..
Here it is guys.. Final numbers out today..

Maxed out on 3 of 4..

Service Reliability - Maximum
Claims - Maximum
Unit Cost - Maximum
Safety - Between Target and Maximum

Distribution of 2nd quarter payout is FRIDAY DECEMBER 28th

Good job in all sectors guys.. Looks like a nice check for all.. We have some work to do on the safety and injuries side.. There is a lot of money spent on loss time injuries and workers comp claims. Be careful out there, on the road and on the dock..

Thanks for all the hard work guys/gals..