XPO | cameras and disipline?

Wondering if I'm gonna make it to the big D again anytime soon, we're not sending many bag drivers out of late. I've been turning every day this week. Kinda nice to sleep at home though...
If you gentlemen don't mind an ABF driver butting in here, I'd like to relate a little incident I was involved with. About 2 years ago, Jan 30,2011, to be exact, I was making a private home delivery on a 3 block long residential street,.....probably moving about 5 miles an hour. Apparently, I caught a wire under the rim of the trailer roof that was running diagonally across the street. Because of the angle of the wire, it didn't break until it built up enough tension to pull the pole down onto a car. Police showed up, no charges filed, no disciplinary action from company,...obviously the line was too low. Went to local court,...ABF attorney, Comcast cable,...who had strung the line, and West Penn Power, ...who owned the pole,....all blamed each other for the accident. At any rate,....a year later, in November of 2012, I got a notification that I was being sued, along with my employer,....because neither ABF, Comcast, or West Penn, had paid State Farm, who had insured that car that got damaged. $8,000.00. I raised hell with my companies' legal dept. and they provided me with an attorney,....contacted the Union, and they provided me with free legal advice,.....basically, as both attorneys explained it, I have nothing to worry about, contractually, the company must subsume all costs and damages,.....as long as I didn't commit a felony. All well and good, until this year, when I went to re-finance my house, and was notified by the title search people that I have a pending outstanding legal judgement against me. Now I go ballistic,...been told by both legal departments that they would contact the bank involved,....still haven't closed on the loan. Was told by the Union attorney that if I lost the loan, must go through grievance procedure to recover any judgement amount, then go to civil court to recover the difference of moneys lost from the re-finance. Wife may have a separate legal case, ...she jointly owns the property, too. What a mess! All because some minimum wage sub-contractor to a sub-contractor hung a line too low. By the way, I was not informed of the pending judgement and potential lien on my property UNTIL the title search people told me. Nice, huh? Sorry about being so windy on here, but Rollin62 wastes a lot of space on our site, and he could tell you it's just my style. Bottom line,........Be careful, guys! And.....follow through on ANY legal paper you receive.....with your own attorney!
Good advice, hope your legal matter gets worked out soon to your liking.

Thank you, Sir. It will....company is very nervous about it....TM asks a couple of times a day,...Fort Smith is involved.....All I want is the re-fi to go through......college for 4 children over the last 15 years has been............quite expensive, to say the least......
Carried over from the "don't let this be you" thread...do these cameras really show how fast you are going? Based off a gps reading? A speed that is different from what your speedo and eobr say?
Carried over from the "don't let this be you" thread...do these cameras really show how fast you are going? Based off a gps reading? A speed that is different from what your speedo and eobr say?

The camera has it's own gps. and it shows speed, following distance also. 3-4 second following, etc..
Well ****. Haven't heard of anybody getting in trouble yet for speed off the camera yet. That'll be the device that gets all the "fast" trucks slowed down.
Well ****. Haven't heard of anybody getting in trouble yet for speed off the camera yet. That'll be the device that gets all the "fast" trucks slowed down.

most of what you''ll see is following too close..4 sec. follow is what they want. It's impossible to do all the time. But if your in a freightliner, you have to hit a bump pretty hard for it to go off. just know where the bumps and humps are and be careful.
Ya i have a very plush riding refurb actually, and it takes a lot...a LOT to set mine off. I just make sure im not in a position id want to be seen in..should it go off, at all times.
If this is an actual document from within the company I would guess it was created at the local level. Once again the camera is an event recorder, an action or actions must trigger it to record a 12 second event. DriveCam analyzes the event and looks for cause. If "the whole page" occurs on a night line-haul run then that individual is an incident (accident) waiting to happen. Performance (safe driving) has been expected of all drivers and accountability only came from being reactive to the results of unsafe behavior e.g. crashes and violations. This technology allows the company to inspect performance and bring accountability to driver safety. Most events on that sheet are root cause to traffic accidents and fatalities every day. Avoidable events come from avoidable risks which come from an understanding of avoidable behaviors, Drivers achieve one, two, and three million safe miles. And drivers go twenty and twenty five years without incident. Most have accomplished these achievements by knowing how and why to avoid everything you called crap on that page.

I used to agree with most of your statement, but; in the recent past after our terminal got these drive cams I have spoken with safety department, f.o.s. and terminal manager. And all were in agreement that it boiled down to nothing but luck. I am pushing 2.8 million with this company along. and I was taken aback by their statement. so if they want luck they will get luck. not skill.
I think about the only way a conway driver would even be remotely liable and have to worry in the event of a wreck would be if it was proven he did it on purpose or he/she failed the post accident drug and alcohol test. Anyone in any state can be sued by another at anytime. As long as you were driving legally under company time, in company equipment, I don't see how the company could hold the employee responsible.

when the cost exceeds the company's limits than the victims can go after the drivers.
I used to agree with most of your statement, but; in the recent past after our terminal got these drive cams I have spoken with safety department, f.o.s. and terminal manager. And all were in agreement that it boiled down to nothing but luck. I am pushing 2.8 million with this company along. and I was taken aback by their statement. so if they want luck they will get luck. not skill.

I absolutely disagree with the "luck" thing. The guys with the best and longest safety records will tell you their success has little to do with a chance or the odds. It is all about understanding risks, behaviors, and performances. Anticipating risks, behaviors and lacking performances of others reduces the effects of luck. Now as far as the cameras go, guys need to understand the difference between cause and effect. G forces cause the camera to record, that effect is the trigger. Upon review DriveCam looks for cause. Currently a large mid-west terminal is coaching five or less incidences from cameras and eobrs combined each week. Once again, 80/20, 80% of drivers take responsibility to drive safe and efficient every day. Through coaching a lot of the remaining 20% can improve when they expand their understanding of the purpose of defensive driving and progressive shifting.
The Koolaide in your cup is SOOOOOO Strong it knocked me on my A$$ when I took a little Sip !!!

I absolutely disagree with the "luck" thing. The guys with the best and longest safety records will tell you their success has little to do with a chance or the odds. It is all about understanding risks, behaviors, and performances. Anticipating risks, behaviors and lacking performances of others reduces the effects of luck. Now as far as the cameras go, guys need to understand the difference between cause and effect. G forces cause the camera to record, that effect is the trigger. Upon review DriveCam looks for cause. Currently a large mid-west terminal is coaching five or less incidences from cameras and eobrs combined each week. Once again, 80/20, 80% of drivers take responsibility to drive safe and efficient every day. Through coaching a lot of the remaining 20% can improve when they expand their understanding of the purpose of defensive driving and progressive shifting.
There comes a point when a company or an individual reaches a point of diminishing returns, where even through increased effort the result is less. I honestly believe that is where Con-way is headed. They are asking more and more of their employees every day, all while boxing them in with more and more layers of rules and processes that they absolutely must follow. I don't believe in principle #3... Not every incident can be prevented. The harder you try the more impotent you make your workforce. For years Con-way was one of the leading ltl companies out there with an outstanding safety record. They didn't need all this crap that's being shoved down your throats to do so then, and they don't need it now.
I guess with all the money they got from Conway DriveCam has now rebranded it's self as Lytx

We're being watched live as much or more often than being recorded. I'm sure everyone knows this by now but they live stream you in the truck without the orange light ever coming on. They do live stream us under the green light. Any and all live streams of any and all trucks can be monitored by as many people/computers even thousands if needed at the same time and at various terminals/anywhere.

I just don't want anyone to think because the orange lights not on your not being watched. You can also be recorded under the green light via live stream in multiple ways. I'm not saying your being watched all the time but it is being done and can be done to you at anytime. I guess like anything, some people are just more fun to watch than others.
It's their trucks, they can do whatever they please, legally, whether we like it or not. Nothing going on in mine 'cept for some off key singing, and maybe some dancing in my seat, putting a dip in, or taking a drink. If they want to sit and live stream that, go for it...they can't tap into my personal vehicle, or my house...so when I get in my truck to go home and enjoy my privacy, they can all kiss my ass. I've stated my opinion of the camera several times when it records, intentionally. They can watch me...but they can't fire me, or do a gotdamn thing about me voicing my opinion.
It's their trucks, they can do whatever they please, legally, whether we like it or not. Nothing going on in mine 'cept for some off key singing, and maybe some dancing in my seat, putting a dip in, or taking a drink. If they want to sit and live stream that, go for it...they can't tap into my personal vehicle, or my house...so when I get in my truck to go home and enjoy my privacy, they can all kiss my ass. I've stated my opinion of the camera several times when it records, intentionally. They can watch me...but they can't fire me, or do a gotdamn thing about me voicing my opinion.

Unfortunately, they can fire you if they like. If you're doing your job you're generally safe, but if they can watch you at any time then you have to be on your best behavior all the time. If they decide they don't like you putting in a dip behind the wheel or taking a drink at what they view as an inopportune time, you're at their mercy as to whether its acceptable behavior or not. It makes it a very subjective situation and that's what I wouldn't like about it. What you deem safe and what the company deems safe can sometimes be two very different things, and they hold all the cards.
If the comoany would hire qualified, comoetent drivers...less dumb crap would happen. There is NOTHING unsafe about taking a drink, or putting a dip in. No hands ever come off the wheel, no eyes off the road, they have bigger things to worry about. These guys they hire who drop boxes constantly, have their back box lock up going down the road, who freak out when their back box gets moving around real good...jesus. It's like a bunch of swift or werner drivers. I've owned my own trucks, I've ran barefoot emoty over donner, and wolf creek pass in winter, I've hauled livestock, liquids in a 5500 gallon tanker with no bafles, that sloshes and rocks like crazy, these little trucks and a set of pups are like pickups and a 5'x10' utility trailer. This company is so whacked out of their mind on what is and isn't safe, and yet the rule makers have never spent time in a truck. If they would be picky on who they hire, instead of churning out driving school rejects, and let the PROFESSIONALS do their job, and keep the half wits on the dock where they belong...this place might be a little better.

Fire me for drinking from a straw while looking forwards with hand on the wheel...dare ya, that'll make a great court case.