TForce | How busy are you!!!!

I do have to say this about UPS.
They aren't afraid to rent equipment when we really need it.

When it was Overnite they seemed like they didn't know there was companies that actually were in business to rent equipment out to those that were willing to pay them for theirs?

At least now my TM knows where the nearest rental company is,and goes there often.

So as far as this operation change I for one say yahoo,yippy,horay.
You can't grow your business if your a trucking company when you don't have anything to load it in,or not enough power units to move it.
Welcome to the boards trukr528!!! I can't say off hand, but just about everywhere is looking for drivers now. Freights coming out the wazzoo. Go to and fill out an job ap. for the freight division. Then call the terminal.
Welcome to the boards trukr528!!! I can't say off hand, but just about everywhere is looking for drivers now. Freights coming out the wazzoo. Go to and fill out an job ap. for the freight division. Then call the terminal.

Its not that easy Hug,
First you have to search the UPS Freight employment section for the specific job opening your interested in by terminal or state. IE city driver, road driver, dock/cdl etc. Then you click on the job and fill out an "inquiry" with the basics. They will do a quick review and if they are interested they will send you a link to a full application and call you for an interview. When I got hired I first went to the terminal to inquire and I was sent packing. They told me they only accept apps online. I kinda sensed some attitude that made me feel like I wouldnt like it here anyway. But I filled out the inquiry and kinda blew it off because I figued they wont call anyway. The TM called me like 2-3 days later and the rest is history.
Cgo needs drivers and equipment. They're hiring rental drivers (with their own equipment) to come in and pull extra city runs. Bill count is on the rise.
Welcome to the boards Daddy "O"!!! We have temp drivers here too. What I find strange is that I thought if you drove a UPSF piece of equipment, you had to wear the uniform? I guess thats another half *** rule for the books!!!
Give them a bright yellow safety vest and they''ll fit right in.
UPS Freight figures if a driver doesn't work out,then they didn't waste money fitting them with uniforms.
Its's Busy Here In Charlotte.just Put On 5 New Guys And Still No New Equipment Insight.they Actually Rented Some Trucks Last Week.
We can't grow our business without drivers,or equipment.

Its harder to hire good qualified drivers,then it is to rent equipment,untill they can purchase what they need.

Either way you've got to be able to be ready to grow.
If your not,your business will stagnate,and your competion will take over where you couldn't.
We are getting slamed in MNS. We have contractors peddling our city freight. We are getting three to four van loads out of one shipper each day. Just about everyone at my barn is getting almost 50 hours a week and most are getting well over 50 hours a week.