FedEx Freight | Merity based pay increase at Fedex...What is top rate going to be?

And whose fault is it that they aren't profitable? Morons in AR trying to reinvent the wheel, fixing what ain't broke. Stepping over dollars to pick up nickles. Let's destroy morale and see how that goes. Maybe having a company full of couldn't care less employees is a new way to increase production. Looks good on a spreadsheet. Cut hours, cut bennies, inflict silly and duplicate procedures, don't notice the good, punish every bad. Then give them a crap raise and call it good.

Franklin, we hadn't heard from you in a while. I made the mistake of thinking you were out starting a trucking company so you could defeat the evil FedEx corporation in a head to head competition. Given that you have all the answers you should be able to kick their booty across the highway and back in no time! Have you chosen a name for your endeavor yet?

ST, looking forward to watching you....
I tell you what, I will trade you spots and let you "just be happy without a job" and see if you can understand where I am coming from!!! Its easy to cry like a 5 year old over not getting more $$$$ cause you think YOU DESERVE it when some people just want to keep their job. Again if you are SOO unhappy then please let me hold the door as you leave and let someone that would be grateful to have it stay. I have seen most of my fellow drivers do more crying then a daycare over stupid stuff. Nobody owes you a damn thing so get over it. Grow up or get out of the way and let someone else have the job.
Bu the way, Ive turned down the chance to wear a red shirt cause I dont care for how they treat them or make them treat the workers. Im a road driver that has just a few more weeks left till Im forced out and jackka$$ like you get to stay and complain about everything while collecting a pay check with bennies.

You dont have to be forced out cmh has openings and nobody is taking those. Sorry to hear that your job is being taken but the frustration should not be at other drivers. I cannot change what fedex is doing so if i can help let me know. Good luck
If Franklin ever does start his own trucking company to defeat the evil empire, I hope he lets RC know. RC would sign on in a heartbeat.

Have fun...a childhood friend of mine railed against "corporate greed" for years. Then he started his own business and became the cheapest jerk I've ever met. The cold hearted reality of how difficult it is to turn a profit seared his soul.

well this is another thread we can put and end to there is no merit pay raises go into effect the second week of june half a penny on the mile and about 15 cents on the hour
I don't think anyone gives any consideration to the fact that the cost of living varies dramatically across the country. Where I live, a family of 4 can get by reasonably well on $85k. A hundred miles away in Marin County, that would be considered below the poverty level.
I don't think anyone gives any consideration to the fact that the cost of living varies dramatically across the country. Where I live, a family of 4 can get by reasonably well on $85k. A hundred miles away in Marin County, that would be considered below the poverty level.

,I don't give any consideration to it because where you live is a choice. no one makes you live to say you deserve more money than me when we're doing the same job is bullcrap! I like Hawaii, but it cost to much to live there so I'm never going to live there. I work really hard every night I come into this place that's just the way I was raised but when I go to a center like Atlanta and the drivers are making 4 cents more a mile and $2 more on the hour it makes me mad because you're telling one driver he's more valuable than the other driver just because of where they live.
Lets not worry about the raise in a few years we will all be watching the purchase drivers and railroad take all our freight. And those purchase guys will be happy to do it for 30cents a mile. Hell I bet Fred is already trying to get some sort of work visa for the Mexicans because they will do it for 10cents a mile. I think we should offer to run for 9 cents a mile and help the company be stronger and more profitable in the long run. Then we can all smile and say we are so happy to have a job.