FedEx Freight | No more milage pay for CA?

Just because a side wins doesn't mean that's the whole story. O.J.Simpson ring a bell. I have friends that are police officers another that is a paralegal and an uncle on my wife's side who was district attorney and later worked in the attorney general's office. They all say the truth lies somewhere in the middle when it's a "he said she said" suit. So if it's all the same, I'll learn towards the side of people who are in the know and leave the truck stop adjudication to you.

So your an expert because you have friends or family who work in legal system? Did you sleep at a holiday Inn last night? Lol BTW this is a civil not criminal matter and your comparing it to a murder trial. This is pretty cut and dry either he wins or the company does no in-between.
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So your an expert because you have friends or family who work in legal system? Did you sleep at a holiday Inn last night? Lol BTW this is a civil not criminal matter and your comparing it to a murder trial. This is pretty cut and dry either he wins or the company does no in-between.

No matter who "wins" still doesn't mean there's not a little truth to both sides. It's probably not as cut and dry as you think and I'm SURE it's not exactly like you've heard.
no more piece rate....must be all the lazy tomato pickers standin around and then bitchin that everyone that was working got more know the jobs Americans don't wanna opinion. You slow down to increase your hourly pay now dictated by the "state government "now you'll be asked " why did you do it in 5 hours before this now you've maxed out your hours?" ......Congratulations California for being the testing grounds for the new " Republic of Amerika ".....wake up people. Don't think it can't or won't happen to you...
Read link on last post on page one of this thread. It just make the whole thing a little more understandable.
We already do that it's called a time clock, trip card, and log book... But it would take the stress off a certain segment of drivers and they would slow down. But it will make no difference to some I'm sure. It's the container haulers at the ports that would benefit the most from this.
I have seen some comments in here about the drivers slowing down because of the 'hourly pay' thing. I drove for over 40 years, fortunately not a lot of them in California, but now that I am retired, and snowbirding, I have driven quite a few miles in California, and having California truckers slow down would be the greatest thing to happen in California short of Gov. Moonbeam stepping down. In case you guys haven't noticed the sign, even if the car speed limit is 65 or 70, the speed limit for 'all vehicles towing' is 55. As I am now driving a Motorhome towing a car, I prefer to obey the speed limit, and when I do I take my life in my hands with the Large Cars blowing my doors off. I have often said that if California wanted to solve all of their monetary problems, all they would have to do is start ticketing speeding trucks. Presto, problem gone.
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Just curious, what really makes you guys think that paying road drivers by the hour will make them drive slower??
Our city drivers currently get paid by the hour and most still drive/work as hard/fast as possible to get the job done safely and as efficiently possible!! We have hostlers that get paid by the hour and if you're not careful on the yard, they'll run your ass over!! Road drivers are no different!! Regardless of how we're paid, at the end of the day most still want to get home to spend time with their families, even if it means losing a few hours a week to do so....changing the way we're paid isn't going to change that...IMO.
In all the years I drove (over 40), I drove for companies whose rules and regulations were that we obeyed the speed limit, including the last one for 30 years. I know we had new drivers who quit a good job because the company expected them to obey the law.
Of course this is one example, in 2 minutes of searching I found another;

Which the courts upheld the termination based on dishonesty. You guys hold up this one shining example but this one and others that you can easily find show that it's not as cut and dry as he makes it out to be. Filing an unfair labor practice charge and winning it are two entirely different things, and the Grass case took years to win.
Your point is well taken. When our 'work group' voted to decertify in 2002, the union filed an UFLP with the NLRB. It was agreed to locally, but when the company appealed it to D.C., the NLRB denied it so fast it was funny. "No basis what so ever for this filing."
So your an expert because you have friends or family who work in legal system? Did you sleep at a holiday Inn last night? Lol BTW this is a civil not criminal matter and your comparing it to a murder trial. This is pretty cut and dry either he wins or the company does no in-between.
Never said "I" was an expert, that's your spin. Also never compared this case to a murder trial, simply used the OJ case as an example that there is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to law. Again your spin, or your the only person that's not able to differentiate between a point being made and taking what was said out of context to prove your point. Either way it looks childish. Belittling me because I trust my friend and family over what you say is laughable. I surround myself with people who are more educated then me, (present company excluded) and are experts In their field. I guarantee they have all put in more time and work becoming who they are then any of us driving a truck. I learned how to do this job in 3 weeks and that's only because I had to use all 3 weeks. I don't proclaim to be a expert, but when I find one I'm damn smart enough to listen.
Never said "I" was an expert, that's your spin. Also never compared this case to a murder trial, simply used the OJ case as an example that there is no such thing as a sure thing when it comes to law. Again your spin, or your the only person that's not able to differentiate between a point being made and taking what was said out of context to prove your point. Either way it looks childish. Belittling me because I trust my friend and family over what you say is laughable. I surround myself with people who are more educated then me, (present company excluded) and are experts In their field. I guarantee they have all put in more time and work becoming who they are then any of us driving a truck. I learned how to do this job in 3 weeks and that's only because I had to use all 3 weeks. I don't proclaim to be a expert, but when I find one I'm damn smart enough to listen.

But your still not smart enough to differentiate between criminal and civil law. I didn't spin anything there are a lot of different factors in a murder case you used as your example between a civil case of wrongful termination. You say I'm naive seriously. When you use an example at least use a good comparison. I'm not trying to belittle you just pointing out what your saying doesn't have anything to do with this case.
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