FedEx Freight | Pay Raises

no i didn't say 1400 for fourty i never asked for anything like that.i would like the chance to work the dock or make some overtime but it isn't given.line guys can work the dock all they want thats fair is probably what you think.there is no reason why i should make less money at the same company this year than i did three years ago.but than again i'm sure you have an answer for that too.

Well said!!! I'm on track to make less this year too. It will be 2004 all over again, good thing the prices of food and gas haven't gone up from three years ago or my family would be in a world of hurt. Must be nice to be a road driver there is always extra work for them. If I'm not mistaken city drivers out number road boys 2-1. Thats more than 50% plus 1 right?
no i didn't say 1400 for fourty i never asked for anything like that.i would like the chance to work the dock or make some overtime but it isn't given.line guys can work the dock all they want thats fair is probably what you think.there is no reason why i should make less money at the same company this year than i did three years ago.but than again i'm sure you have an answer for that too.
The reason they do allow line drivers to work the dock is they are not on overtime. Which I can't speak for all areas but here in lex the guys on short runs are not getting to work any inbound or out bound unless their loads are not ready at cut time and I haven't seen that in a while. Our linehaul drivers are sitting home alot not making any money at all. I've sit home sometime on my own but several times with nothing to run because of them running people thru on via's. So all in all It's not much better for linehaul drivers right now.
no i didn't say 1400 for fourty i never asked for anything like that.i would like the chance to work the dock or make some overtime but it isn't given.line guys can work the dock all they want thats fair is probably what you think.there is no reason why i should make less money at the same company this year than i did three years ago.but than again i'm sure you have an answer for that too.

neither is better than the other, however to say city should get a bigger raise is wrong, if they were allowed to max hours they are making real close to what road does, it's not a pay thing it's a hours thing.

That's right I'm the Shell err FX answer man....:smilie_132:

Well said!!! I'm on track to make less this year too. It will be 2004 all over again, good thing the prices of food and gas haven't gone up from three years ago or my family would be in a world of hurt. Must be nice to be a road driver there is always extra work for them. If I'm not mistaken city drivers out number road boys 2-1. Thats more than 50% plus 1 right?

Maybe at your center but in STL it's 120 road and 123 city.

If your making the reference I think you are 1st this isn't the forum for that discussion and 2nd you better check the pay for road and city elsewhere, FX doesn't hold a monopoly on pay scales. If you want to make more push for allowing OT then when they give it to you don't B@tch that they are forcing you to work long hours, that was interesting, guys would complain about no ot then when forced they complained about that, go figure.

Maybe at your center but in STL it's 120 road and 123 city.

If your making the reference I think you are 1st this isn't the forum for that discussion and 2nd you better check the pay for road and city elsewhere, FX doesn't hold a monopoly on pay scales. If you want to make more push for allowing OT then when they give it to you don't B@tch that they are forcing you to work long hours, that was interesting, guys would complain about no ot then when forced they complained about that, go figure.

1st this is the fedex forum isn't it?
2nd I don't work for other trucklines and according to our management we are a different type of company, so what other trucklines pay should have nothing to do with us and our pay,correct?
3rd I'll take all he overtime they will give me.I look at overtime as a reward for getting and keeping more and more business, that is what they want us to do isn't it.Some guys dont want overtime some do How about taking some time to talk to the drivers and asking them do you want 8 and skate or would you like to work overtime.Then they could simply put it on the dispatch board computer( right next to where they keep your start time and when your 8 hours are up)and then they could direct overtime to the people who want it and keep it away from those who don't.I know I'll hear how it can't be done and all the other lies about it. Just remember if it was for fedex management, or a customer or the people in harrison they would find away to do it.The problems this company has can be fixed so easliy, it just takes people willing to try, and people who care about somebody other than themselves, so I guess it the problems for the drivers will never be fixed!!
1st this is the fedex forum isn't it?
2nd I don't work for other trucklines and according to our management we are a different type of company, so what other trucklines pay should have nothing to do with us and our pay,correct?
3rd I'll take all he overtime they will give me.I look at overtime as a reward for getting and keeping more and more business, that is what they want us to do isn't it.Some guys dont want overtime some do How about taking some time to talk to the drivers and asking them do you want 8 and skate or would you like to work overtime.Then they could simply put it on the dispatch board computer( right next to where they keep your start time and when your 8 hours are up)and then they could direct overtime to the people who want it and keep it away from those who don't.I know I'll hear how it can't be done and all the other lies about it. Just remember if it was for fedex management, or a customer or the people in harrison they would find away to do it.The problems this company has can be fixed so easliy, it just takes people willing to try, and people who care about somebody other than themselves, so I guess it the problems for the drivers will never be fixed!!

Face the facts you are a stinking city driver that makes less nagoose , who cares.....
1st this is the fedex forum isn't it?
Yep, sure is, care to explain what this next quote has to do with being a FX forum?
If I'm not mistaken city drivers out number road boys 2-1. Thats more than 50% plus 1 right?
2nd I don't work for other trucklines and according to our management we are a different type of company, so what other trucklines pay should have nothing to do with us and our pay,correct?

So what you are saying is you should make in 40 hours or less what the road makes in 60 or more...
3rd I'll take all he overtime they will give me.I look at overtime as a reward for getting and keeping more and more business, that is what they want us to do isn't it.Some guys dont want overtime some do How about taking some time to talk to the drivers and asking them do you want 8 and skate or would you like to work overtime.Then they could simply put it on the dispatch board computer( right next to where they keep your start time and when your 8 hours are up)and then they could direct overtime to the people who want it and keep it away from those who don't.I know I'll hear how it can't be done and all the other lies about it. Just remember if it was for fedex management, or a customer or the people in harrison they would find away to do it.The problems this company has can be fixed so easliy, it just takes people willing to try, and people who care about somebody other than themselves, so I guess it the problems for the drivers will never be fixed!!

Its no wonder all you hear any more is screw this place, drag the anchor, to hell with it, what we dont get done today we can deliver it tomorrow, it aint like I need this stuff!!

Man, with an attitude like that I'd want you around more customers.:smilie_132:

Face the facts you are a stinking city driver that makes less nagoose , who cares.....

Never said I did or didn't care, just pointing out the facts, and the fact is for the same hours worked the pay isn't that different.

As for the stinking part, well, I'll take your word for it.:smilie_132::funky:

I have to take you to drivers not only work less hours, they have the luxury of nights, weekends and holidays off. Something Road drivers don't . The pay differential is well deserved. Road drivers earn every penny, and any city kid that want's the money is welcome to apply for the job.

All this aside, anyone know what the raise will bring pay rates to? I am at National and would like to compare.

I have to take you to drivers not only work less hours, they have the luxury of nights, weekends and holidays off. Something Road drivers don't . The pay differential is well deserved. Road drivers earn every penny, and any city kid that want's the money is welcome to apply for the job.


Not exactly true.. I have city drivers in my barn that work at night and do swap outs on weekends to get 40 hrs.. and the ones at night.. are out sorting and segging freight while some of the road drivers are asleep in their tractors on my yard collecting delay pay.

Being in management with this company.. I look at it and see that all make a good living.. but, if we wanna start busting chops on pay.. I will cut you all off at the knees.. those "red Shirts" that the majority of people on here bash and can't stand.. well our road drivers make on average 33% more than the majority of them.. even more if they are rookies.. City drivers.. 14% more..

In the last 8 years (or more, I speak only of what I know) every hourly employee in this company has recieved a raise.. in the past two years, every hourly employee has recieved a bonus.. (since the program started) Those "Red Shirts" are not guaranteed Jack Schmidt....

Yes I know they chose to take the job.. but nothing burns me up more than to hear guys by the water cooler, stand around and bash them.. when the majority of them are bashed all day long by their managers.. Then turn around and start Bit<ching about who works harder.. Road or City..

It's like the old elementary &quot;My dad is Bigger&quot; &quot;My pencil is sharper&quot; BS
<HING p City.. or Road money.. their for more works who over <>
In my opinion.. You all work hard for what you get.. and you should continue to get more each year.. But, some of you need to go back and refer to the post on overtime and see my definition of overtime..

And last but not least.. I wish in this company.. City drivers were required to spend one week with a road (that shuttles to a HUB), and Road one week with a City driver (that has 20 stops, 2 residentials and a inside delivery) and a supervisor with both... Then let both city and Road spend a week with Management (on a HUB.. so you know we are working.. lol) and go through the daily routine of A$$ chewings and the feeling of failure... Then maybe we all would respect each other a little more.. and could help build the company stronger so more raises are in line..

Just my rant and rave.... Got tired of sitting back reading!

As you were!