XPO | Remember Overnite?

You want to build false hopes for these guys and take them down a road in which they have no way to win......Not in 2014.....Conway will chew you up and spit you out....You haven't a clue what your up against......But keep pushing it and you damn sure will find out. I just hope these guys develop a common sense approach...Because as bad as many say they have it.....It can damn sure get worse.....How about walking a picket line with no income coming in.

sure....trust the guy whos in management.....always with your best interests at heart......
Great Post.....But in my opinion they can whether the storm.......I don't think they will just roll over and say come on in.....The restrictions a union would cause them to lose money as well.....We shall see what the board decides as this process moves forward....They haven't made a formal stance as of yet.....And that's a smart move....But rest assured they are no more afraid of the Teamster than Overnite was....At this point I'm just waiting on the 12th.....Let the people decide.

if overnite wasnt afraid of teamster representation, why spend that 100 million on lawyers?
yep, but those are the rules.

Well, most likely neither one is right. Only around half of union drives succeed in bringing a contract.

Good or bad it will likely not go 100% wonderful or 100% crap. But I believe this to be common sense.
Sorry to burst your bubble.....But you are living in a bubble with this union talk. This bubble will burst and you will eventually come back down to earth. I suggest you guys learn to accept your fate here and learn to play the Conway game. However messed up it may be things could always be worse. I won't go with the old beat down saying that at least you got a job....I will go with this one which many of my friends have.....This isn't the only job in the world and if you don't find it acceptable then with a good CDL you can go anywhere....You have a trade....You have a special craft as a seasoned LTL professional....Many others want you. If your a young man don't be afraid of starting over at the bottom....It's what the old timers call paying your dues....Don't be afraid to pay your dues. Because for anything good in life there is a price to be paid.

These union brothers have a backbone, and you have to respect that at least. And for people to automaticly say it will never happen? It is happening, and the fire just got lit. It is a spit in the face for the same two conway driver hauling the same freight but in two different parts of the country, while having a camera watch everything you do, not make the same amount of money doing it. Im glad they in laredo stood up to the big bad white collar man. Shame on them, for kicking us blue collar workers for so long. It shows that they are not "ok" with scraps" while most are, and are too afraid to come out of their shell.
if youve been trucking this long, i guess i shouldnt have to ask when it was better, the past, or now. union density kept wages high, insurance good, and retirement a reality. for guys getting into it, they are getting less of the previous, for more work. anyone can look back and see what made freight into a good job, and it sure wasnt the companies and managers. it was guys willing to walk a picket line....

One hell of a post.
SS I'm not a hater......My whole point is that I just don't believe they will let it happen......I've stuck my foot in my mouth many times and been wrong many times....I'm glad I got you to put me in my place....We go back a long way....Go easy on me brother.
Dont worry train, im not going to have a pissing contest with you. We do go way back and i respect all you say on tb. I just have been so busy, im just catching up on here. We have been slammed with freight in the past 2 months, i havent ran under 3000 miles since early july. I was also with overnite in 1999 and i seen first hand the crazyness that was going on. In my mind i believe that the teamsters will go all out to get fedex and conway on board. In this world these days corprate america will try n starve out the middle class, you know it has got really bad when fast food employees r walking out and wanting more money. No one will stand up for you, so it will take balls and courage to stand up to these companies that dont care about you. The teamsters are not what they were back in the day, but without them workers will be stepped all over. You remember how vitran was, the big diference in pay depending on where you lived, the no raises between 2008- till they folded. The differnce between conway and vitran is, conway is profittable n vitran wasent, but yet conways drivers r not making the same amount across the board. A man in birmingham should make the same as a man in chicago. The "cost of living" excuse is b.s. we all do the same exact job. So y not get paid the same amount. This next coming year will be very interesting for all companies, the non union outfits that are not having drivers wanting to be represented will be watching very closely with what happens with conway n fedex
Dont worry train, im not going to have a pissing contest with you. We do go way back and i respect all you say on tb. I just have been so busy, im just catching up on here. We have been slammed with freight in the past 2 months, i havent ran under 3000 miles since early july. I was also with overnite in 1999 and i seen first hand the crazyness that was going on. In my mind i believe that the teamsters will go all out to get fedex and conway on board. In this world these days corprate america will try n starve out the middle class, you know it has got really bad when fast food employees r walking out and wanting more money. No one will stand up for you, so it will take balls and courage to stand up to these companies that dont care about you. The teamsters are not what they were back in the day, but without them workers will be stepped all over. You remember how vitran was, the big diference in pay depending on where you lived, the no raises between 2008- till they folded. The differnce between conway and vitran is, conway is profittable n vitran wasent, but yet conways drivers r not making the same amount across the board. A man in birmingham should make the same as a man in chicago. The "cost of living" excuse is b.s. we all do the same exact job. So y not get paid the same amount. This next coming year will be very interesting for all companies, the non union outfits that are not having drivers wanting to be represented will be watching very closely with what happens with conway n fedex
As always.....You make great points....I will PM you when I get some free time.
Whats the CF topic? Conway bled CF until there was nothing left. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for CF

And CF would still be here if it weren't for Conway right? LOL. Don't you think that it was the sole intention of CF to start a non-union carrier to do away with CF?
i know! thank you for admitting, most dont. sounds like saias a pretty good gig. it also sounds like YOU should know, mr overnite city dispatch, HOW much UP wasted in fighting with the union, that could have been going into the workers pay and benefits. and all the money wasted was paid for by profits from their UNION train outcit!!! conway doesnt have that backup plan, do they?

How much of the brothers union dues was wasted fighting UP? Seems to me that money could have been better spent on the brothers, right??
I would............

ConWay bought a union company called I believe Penn Yang. They named it CEX. They operated a little while then then CEX union drivers and the union demanded a raise or they would strike. ConWay said no and the strike was on. ConWay closed the doors and distributed equipment to the other ConWays. As time went on, CCX slowly pushed into those states covered by CEX and resumed business as usual. That is what happened to the best of my knowledge.