Yellow | Taxpayers Subsidize Walmart And America's Richest Family $7.8 Billion Annually!

I am sorry the people at Walmart just plane stupid. I have a friend that work their with my help and 135 we tried for 2 yrs. The most frustrating thing I every been involved in .So I don't ever seeing it happen. Hope I am wrong
Pardner, you might want to re-consider what you wrote. Your post has numerous spelling, word usage and grammatical errors. Goodness sakes!
Maybe someday as you get older you will realize what they have done to this country.. Until then I hope you feel good about spending your "UNION" dollars there.. Forget about your neighbors that might have businesses in the area.. Never know you just might run into "Joe the Plumber" there.. eating his chocolate bars..

What has Wal-Mart done to this country? Except provide a service in high demand, jobs ( many of which are good PAYING jobs ), and offer low prices. HOW HORRIBLE!

If my neighbors have a business and can't compete, than thats their problem. Its not like Wal-Mart is knocking out all the competition. I see plenty of small business's around.
What has Wal-Mart done to this country? Except provide a service in high demand, jobs ( many of which are good PAYING jobs ), and offer low prices. HOW HORRIBLE!

If my neighbors have a business and can't compete, than thats their problem. Its not like Wal-Mart is knocking out all the competition. I see plenty of small business's around.

If you can't figure that out then your in worse shape than I thought.. Sooner or later it will effect you.. And sorry you don't like your neighbors because they don't have the power that Walmart has.. There in my town and 15 years they still haven't paid there fair share of taxes.. Good paying jobs??? Half the people that work there get public assistance..
Stoney's going to go work there so he can get the employee discount. :hysterical:
If nothing else, Wal Mart has lower the quality of goods we buy. In order to get the low prices, costs have to be driven out. Easy stuff has been done. Now its in the product.
That Rubbermaid garbage pail may look the same as the one in the local hardware store. But its not. Less material is used in the Wally version. Therefor, quality suffers.
Of all the places I have gone to while OTR the vast majority run a WAL Mart production of their product
If nothing else, Wal Mart has lower the quality of goods we buy. In order to get the low prices, costs have to be driven out. Easy stuff has been done. Now its in the product.
That Rubbermaid garbage pail may look the same as the one in the local hardware store. But its not. Less material is used in the Wally version. Therefor, quality suffers.
Of all the places I have gone to while OTR the vast majority run a WAL Mart production of their product
That is a fact. Electronics and other products are not exempt. Home Chepot does the same thing. Then they offer 'price match' on their products. Thing is their models are made just for them so you won't find anything to match price with.
If you can't figure that out then your in worse shape than I thought.. Sooner or later it will effect you.. And sorry you don't like your neighbors because they don't have the power that Walmart has.. There in my town and 15 years they still haven't paid there fair share of taxes.. Good paying jobs??? Half the people that work there get public assistance..

Figure what out? That Wal-Mart benefits this country more than it harm's it?

..."And sorry you don't like your neighbors because they don't have the power that Walmart has"....

Ok, thats your opinion.

Yes Wal-Mart has many good paying. If you work hard, Wal-Mart does a lot of promoting from the inside. If you go to college, you can get a good job in the corporate offices or upper management. Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart truck driver are paid very well. Many drivers are making 90k to 110k.

Again those on welfare are choosing welfare. Get on them for being lazy. And complain to the government for making welfare to easy to recieve.
In a way it does, for example if you have one in your municipality and they offered a tax break for them to locate there then your tax dollars are making up for the extra police coverage, traffic coverage, street repairs etc..

Nope! Revenue lost from the tax breaks are made up ten fold from the jobs created.
Do you even know what you're saying? Tax breaks for Wal-Mart has nothing to do with my money. A tax break for Wal-Mart means they get to keep more of their own earned money.

The website is bias and ran by morons like you. I ask again genius, who is actually receiving the welfare? Wal-Mart or the employees?

Before you try to debate on my level, make sure you know what the hell you're talking about. A government subsidy is when government gives actual money to the business. In this case no money is being given to Wal-Mart. A tax break by definition isn't a subsidy.

Unfortunately those are the type responses you get from some individuals who can't stand that you have opinions which don't coincide exactly with theirs. Sad really. Can't debate the issues so belittle the person.
Truer words have never been spoken. :clapping:
Point made. To be honest I missed Stoney's prior comments. It would be terrific if all sides of a debate could refrain from the nasty personal comments.

I tried being civilian with these drones, they couldn't be civil, so I stopped being civil. But I'm still right most of the times, and the drones can't handle it.
I tried being civilian with these drones, they couldn't be civil, so I stopped being civil. But I'm still right most of the times, and the drones can't handle it.

We all, myself included, lose the high ground when we resort to personal attacks and name calling instead of discussing/debating a topic. There's lots to be learned here when issues are discussed in a civil manner and various points of view are heard without any personal negativity. But I guess the chance of that happening is about as good as me winning the next Powerball Lottery. :smile:
We all, myself included, lose the high ground when we resort to personal attacks and name calling instead of discussing/debating a topic. There's lots to be learned here when issues are discussed in a civil manner and various points of view are heard without any personal negativity. But I guess the chance of that happening is about as good as me winning the next Powerball Lottery. :smile:

It seems more civil if the "twins" aren't here! :LMAO:
In a way it does, for example if you have one in your municipality and they offered a tax break for them to locate there then your tax dollars are making up for the extra police coverage, traffic coverage, street repairs etc..
Just like any other large employer that brings jobs to a locality. For those who haven't read the original article, it claimed that Walmart got 7.8 billion in govt subsidies, which was a lie, but considering the source, the radical Citizens for Tax Fairness, I was not surprised. I was also not surprised that TDU would pick up on this lie and spread it around to it's readers.
Disclaimer: Stoney is not a representative sample of an ABF driver.
What does that mean? Is he not "union" enough? That is like saying Herman Cain isn't "black" enough. A shallow comment from a shallow guy who defines himself by his union card and cannot understand that his opinion isn't the only one out there.