ODFL | Wage meeting

Yeah it's usually around 3% I know they don't mention it during the wage meetings for some reason? I've heard in the past it can be higher, but I've not seen it.

Our hourly and line are close to the same as they've been the past few years so you probably won't be much different.
Only smoking, or all tobacco(dip/chew) and vape? No designated areas at all on yards, including older equipment that was previously allowed?

That is the whole enchilada including trucks you're currently allowed to smoke/vape in.
Surprised Billy missed the .05...what was he thinking,2cpm for teams geez...2,05 like lhd said. Billy should get off that lawn mower sooner so he can hear what is said at the meetings, and not listening to that ol Briggs and Stratten instead....BTW..parkway needs trimming
Surprised Billy missed the .05...what was he thinking,2cpm for teams geez...2,05 like lhd said. Billy should get off that lawn mower sooner so he can hear what is said at the meetings, and not listening to that ol Briggs and Stratten instead....BTW..parkway needs trimming

Why would I care what teams make? When that certain truck becomes open again in a few weeks you think I'm going to team with that driver you're nuts.
oh man...thought you wanted to get that gut on....the jr driver is going to need a bigger bike if he aint careful...

Funny how big they get after making the switch!! Heard he is the housewife of the truck. No surprise.
100 dollar stock price, 22 percent growth and we get 80 cents and 1.9 for line with no mention of OT, thanks #CheapCongdons
Settle down. No reason to bad mouth the owners. It's better than before. Last night I heard we had a whole lot of Seattle bound trailers sitting. Get off the lawn mower and work. You could of picked up some extra money. Heck, if I didn't have to reset, I would be running today.
They give us nothing and we don't give them 2.0 in return. This company wouldn't be where it's at today if it treated the employees like YRC does.
Sorry once again I have never felt like I'm being mistreated. If I was, I would be gone. I respect the management, I respect the overall mission of our company. We all have a part in it.
I'm happy with the raise. I'd be happy without the raise. As long as the company remains competitive and we stay busy, that's all I care about. I have the best job in the LTL business, and I work out of one of the best terminals. I drive brand new equipment every year. And as a linehaul driver I can get daylight schedules - that in itself is like hitting the jackpot. We have our issues like any other terminal, but HAR is a great place to work, and ODFL allows my family to live very comfortably.