Yellow | YRC to Apply for Bailout Funds

When did the job loss begin? If memory serves me right,(and it was not long ago) I am thinking it was way back when the shoeman was running the show!!
Bail out money

I would much rather see my tax money go towards bailing out a Teamster company then to go towards some executives bonus. America better wake up before it's too late. Lets place a $2,000.00 tax on any and all foreign autos sold in the United States:clap As far as I'm concerned, any time you buy a foreign auto you weaken America. What good is bailing out the auto American industry when Americans will still be purchasing foreign autos. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!
I would much rather see my tax money go towards bailing out a Teamster company then to go towards some executives bonus. America better wake up before it's too late. Lets place a $2,000.00 tax on any and all foreign autos sold in the United States:clap As far as I'm concerned, any time you buy a foreign auto you weaken America. What good is bailing out the auto American industry when Americans will still be purchasing foreign autos. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!

what if foreign cars are better and cheaper? Should I go buy a yukon that, by the way is made in Canada just to stop the insanity? I cant get credit any way:shock:
i dont think the current administration had anything to do with the manufacturing problems...i believe that all started when nafta was implimented....and go ahead and tell me how clinton signed it in...if bush sr. would have had the time he would have done it his self...our manufacturing problems occured when the borders got opened...businesses found an opportunity for cheap labor and they took it...

Perhaps you should read my posts before you suppose something. I pointed out that we are a Marxist type nation since 1933; and that all Presidents contributed to that.

What gets my goat going is Bush 43 was hated (mostly because algore lost) for his spending and his unemployment. Obama has quadrupled Bush's spending when his agenda is passed (and an All Dem Congress, no one can stop him); and unemployment has doubled to close to 10%; yet Obama, like FDR, skates free.

You picked on Bush41-- go ahead, I agree with you. He lied (read my lips- no new taxes) and was not re-elected. I'd love to see 545 Congresspeople not re-elected, myself. Keep it simple-- solve the economy by ending taxing income-- go with the Fair Tax. Most of Today's Problems are nothing more than Petty Jealousy, and letting a Group define who you are in an argument. For instance, instead of saying "Tax THEM, not me, the argument should be "How can we solve this? Why are we discussing taxation at all-- there should never be any. Who wants to surrender personal money to the Government to be god over us anyway"? Instead of being jealous of other's money or how they get to a meeting-- why aren't we asking "How can WE survive, and make our own fortunes"? Jealousy never solved anything, other than putting another worthless politician in office.....
Let them fail, this company has been going down the tubes long before the recession. I believe that about the auto industry and it does not change just because it is my company this time. Bad management is our problem money cant fix stupid!
all you koolaid drinking Obama people need to look at the chart below to see exactly how bad he is... hell I thought BUSH was a big spender

You are right on! If anyone believes there is someone in Washington that truly cares about are fooling yourself. Those 545 people are responsible for everything, not one penny can be spent without their approval and nothing happens without them letting it happen. That is both sides of the aisle, they do not have our best interest at heart, Republicans or Democrats - Re Elect NO ONE! Fire them all!

I wonder how a government owned trucking company will pay. Will be interesting to watch how that turns out.

A nickel (.05cents) per loaded mile, show fuel discounts on the ticket, and pay your own expenses. No ins-Vac days-Sick days....
Be just like old times :) :)
i have a few questions about YRC getting TARP money.
1. the banks that were loaned money have been asked to pay it back? is YRC just looking for a hand out?
2. i don't know what the exact date is, but i think 2 years ago, UPS bought out of the pension plan for 6.2 BILLION dollars. A. what happened to that could not all have been in high-risk stock or in maddoffs hands. B. perhaps they should ask UPS for more money, since they may have more money then the U.S. govt at this time.
Maybe he can hitch a ride on Al Gores jet or John McCains or Nancy Pelosis hmmmmm There is always Airforce One and they could get a picture and.......
I will tell you this if YRC does not get this money we are finished

Why do you not see that you are finished now. This is Union pension bailout money. Not your job. You want to see a revolt, go ahead government bail this mis managed mess out. Buy more guns.! Protect what you have before Obama/Hoffa try to bail someone out with your assets.
Face it people, start looking for another job. It is over, stick a fork in, it's dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Like I said the FAT LADY IS GOING ON STAGE, very soon. She just got done doing her warm up.

Calling the pension fund .35 cents

Getting a lawyer to find where your money went 7,000 dollars

Finally waking up,And saying I should have retired 0.00 dollars

New job at Walmart as a greeter. (welcome to wal-mart)

PRICELESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! and LIKE IT.:puke::eck15:

I don't know about wal mart but if you are seriously looking anywhere in this country for a decent paying job GOOD FN Luck. This country should have kept its nose in it's own business and took care of it's own. It is time to start cleaning up our own back yards before we worry about any one else's. This started years ago with NAFTA alowing every big wig corporate idiot to move every business overseas to make everything from Hershey candy bars to the nike's on your kids feet. Now years later we are so dependent on every other country we have no choice but to sink like the titanic. I remeber when the only things we bougth all said MADE IN U.S.A Now you can't find anything made in the USA anymore but look out China. And we wonder why we are in so bad of shape. I might be just a dumb truck driver but I know this if all you do to get out of debt is keep printing money sooner or later you wil run out of ink and then all you have left is paper that is to ruff to wipe your own backside's
We are finished if they do get the money, the money is not going to help get back the customers we have lost, it is to bolster the pension fund that we have paid into and (sadly) alot of us will not enjoy. Our problem is management, if we are losing customers and revenue they are not doing their job! That is a sales and management failure I have been on both sides and owned my own business and when I had no clients I was not working hard enough to get them.
Our problem is management, if we are losing customers and revenue they are not doing their job! That is a sales and management failure I have been on both sides and owned my own business and when I had no clients I was not working hard enough to get them.

Exactly, right on point! They need to adopt an old and forgotten concept. Customer service! I don't blame the sales force for this. I blame the bean counters we have in upper management. These "it looks good on paper" managers have lost sight of the ultimate reward.....Satisfied customers. I used the word "reward" because if you set the "goal" as "every customer is satisfied", the rewards will come 10 fold. If you have satisfied customers the business grows and there is no need to worry about the bottom line. Screw the customer over.....which we excel at....and the sales force doesn't stand a chance.