Yellow | "GOT DOUBLES"?!

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Is that a NP driver helping Scranton get rid of those narrow 4 lanes, and turn them into wider, safer 2 lane roads?
The only guys bidding are those that pull 102 wide pups. The others will go to the bottom of the Central Sleeper extra board.
What I see is a dying country.

What I've seen on this big trailer issue is exactly what I've seen my whole life with all industry.
Connecticut made shoes.
Detroit made cars.
Pennsylvania had steel. We made clothing.

As a kid....the in-crowd came in mocking the old ways. " You ain't cool if you wear that American stuff.
You ain't cool if you buy American cars. You ain't smart if you don't buy foreign stuff.
It's " money smart" to buy foreign.
You're a fool to stick with the old stuff.

Joke joke funny funny......all thru all of that stuff...just like here.

Now we make none of that stuff.
No unions left.
The workers in must competition that you can never win....because they keep bringing in more and more hungry people to do more and more and more for less.

Now we rely on foreign product for all necessities.
Nobody can afford American product.
It's not "money smart". It's not what the cool people do. You are stupid if you do.

I think wall street and the world banks are done with us.
$30 trillion in debt with not enough skilled tradesmen to defend each other.

This will bring the automation quickly.
That's how I see it.

That leaves the world investor sitting at the wheel.
No say from an American worker. They can do it with lifttrucks too. We had an automated Keebler warehouse with 3 guys working it in the 1980's.

What saves your job now ...doubles...big trailers.
Is the next step to eliminating them.
And your future pensions.
And your voice in your trade and nation.
We are owned.
Noonger free.

But it's funny and cool on the way down.

Load them up boys
Stack them...takefreight from another driver to 3 with every pull.
Until there ain't none.

Wall st likes people to shut up and listen
They have that with XI. In China.
I think they're done with us as we laugh.
He just got re- elected and appointed mostly the equivalent to CIA to a bunch of government positions.
Bush was that.
Bush liked war. Constant. Xi may do the same.
We can only defend with nukes anymore.
It's coming.
You gave up to everything they wanted

I'm sure we'll pull doubles and put guys out if work.
But that's where we are headed.
Ross Perot said all of this in the early 1990’s.
$5/gallon of milk.
$4+/gallon of gas.7% interest rates.
$3/pound Thanksgiving turkey.
Yellow got their turkeys.

Haul twice as much and take 102's instead of 96's
And shame those who don't want it
Don't worry I got it all for charity going is us.

Strange union.
Stupid brainwashed union.
Slave and all of you here, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that you enjoy your time with your family and friends.
Ones enough. 2 is foolish greed.
One is enough.
They shouldn't be here.
No excuses.
Brother stop hating the company that feeds you!
Doubles or long boxes wouldn't have made any difference in this accident.
It looks from the picture that the driver of school bus rear ended the trailer set.
Also, what do you mean greedy just because company runs sets?
Companies run their business the way they want, nothing we can do.
New Penn is not more and is a new way of moving freight...
The Yellow way!
Doubles, triples and 53's!
Load bars, air bags and dunnage!