Averitt | Rumor Mill, Let's hear it !

I heard this past week, that quite a few drivers are going to be released when CSA 2010 goes into effect Jan 1. I sure hope thats not true! :stirthepot:
I've not heard of anyone being let go over the csa stuff, but it pays to keep the record clean, one never knows when they will have to go find another job, or if a company has to make personell cuts what criteria they will go by. When everyone is looking to save a $$ i'd use a driver's performance record over seniority to see who is most beneficial to keep, especially in times like we currently have, i'd imagine this winter is going to be a bit rocky for a few.
I know it is out there but speaking for me personally, I am really not going to change anything I do. I always make sure I can pass the lights/placards/flaps test before I leave the yard. My book is always up to date, I check my hazmat like a laser. If they pull me over and want to nit pik, by all means let them. If the wizards of smart in DC think that they know more about how to get a load from A to B better than me and want to throw points at me, by all means let em. After 3 decades of messing with this crap industry, wouldn't hurt my feelings a bit to move on to something else. So, to summarize, I don't give a crap about the CSA.
Has anyone spotted any new daycabs out there? Didn't think so. The "new" is reserved for the more important sleeper truck drivers. That's ok. I am happy and content with my 750k mile Volvo TYVM.
I see no reson why they should not, start replacing the worn out RED RACERS. Maybe they will start a complete rebuild program. If I had any say Lifer,you would would get a NEW Mexican FRTLNR same for the ICEMAN!!!!!:bananapartyhat::bananapartyhat::bananapartyhat:
I was in nash this week and was surprised to see NO new trks on the front lines. Rumor... I find it odd that the company is still hiring 45 plus drivers a week with everyones miles being so low. Most drivers I talk to tell that they are struggling to get adequate miles, have heard of guys quiting over miles but have also heard orientation is putting through up to 60 drivers a week, odd when we have slow miles, couldn't we shift some guys around to keep from hiring the temp agencies? I'm no business guru but seems like the mgrs would want to keep all the $$ they could in this company instead of using outside resources, drivers, companies. (i.e. To do city, Ltl, dedicated)
I didn't win one, didn't expect to. As I have said many many times and it is still true today as when I first said it.....Until Averitt is relieved of the stale management team it has, nothing at all will get better. Sad but it is so!
In a newsletter that is sent to customers, AE is addressing concerns with CSA.
The question is : How is Averitt prepared to deal with CSA?
Under Operational Technology this was one of the answers: Collision-avoidance technology that uses "fighter-jet" radar to see through fog, heavy rain, and darkness. The system issues visual and audio proximity alerts when it detects a nearby object.

Well it surely is,nt because our trucks are "fighter-jet" fast. We are stuck in the slow lane because we are going "green". Blehhhhh
I was in nash this week and was surprised to see NO new trks on the front lines. Rumor... I find it odd that the company is still hiring 45 plus drivers a week with everyones miles being so low. Most drivers I talk to tell that they are struggling to get adequate miles, have heard of guys quiting over miles but have also heard orientation is putting through up to 60 drivers a week, odd when we have slow miles, couldn't we shift some guys around to keep from hiring the temp agencies? I'm no business guru but seems like the mgrs would want to keep all the $$ they could in this company instead of using outside resources, drivers, companies. (i.e. To do city, Ltl, dedicated)
Was back to nash this week, they had new volvos out there now. Still automatics, but not the frgtlners or prostars we've been seeing.
Was back to nash this week, they had new volvos out there now. Still automatics, but not the frgtlners or prostars we've been seeing.

Back to those VOLVO'S again? NO WAY am I going to give up my Cascadia for those peices of:::shit:::.
They look just like the other volvos with exception to what I am assuming is a huge tv antenna on the back of it (guess they had to go to digital). I'm sure its got the same set up as the last volvos we got in a while back, which is the same as the prostars and cascadia's with the cummins motor. I'd like to have the information display the volvo has, but i do prefer the prostar. Its tough to change after you get used to things and it seems the prostar is sensible with its room, not limiting the driver to a small cubby hole for a tv. Plus I like the massaging swivel seat and built in scale for the drives.
Speaking of CSA anyone know where I can look up my CSA scores? I've looked up Averitt but can't find where to get my numbers.
Built in scales for the drives? Was it accurate? I would like to see in cab fifth wheel releases on our trucks, like Fedex has. Seems like that would save a few shoulder injuries in the future.
The scales are somewhat close, once you figure out how far off they are you are good to go. When I first got the truck last june every time I was around a svs ctr scale I would compare it to the one on the dash. I've figured out my trk reads 800lbs too light and its stayed that way since I've gotten the trk, saved me a lot of paying for cat scales and a lot of time going to a trk stop to get weighed.
Was back to nash this week, they had new volvos out there now. Still automatics, but not the frgtlners or prostars we've been seeing.

Were they daycabs? I guess we will see new daycabs about as often as we see raises which is NEVER! If I didn't have to share mine with an unknown city hand, I would just as soon keep my volvo daycab for 2 million. ANYTHING but a freightliner, the worst piece of crap on the road today. And the cascadias are nothing to write home about from the reviews I have heard from those that are stuck in them.

Why is it that the sleeper trucks are traded at 450 to 500 k? IMHO, sell all of them. They are not needed. Every driver in a daycab would be the most efficient way to operate.
Ok, here is a qestion. Now that our wonderful company has given away a smart car (most dangerous car on the road) and an F-150, what will be the next gimmick? Here's one for you. How about a F**king raise for a change already!
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