This Weeks Crossword Answers

Yeah BD is plenty sad, not so much about the end of his brilliant racing career, but more about the loss of Gloynvad, as he told me just a few minutes ago on the phone "that bastard was the only one I could count on to keep track of the mirror inventory in the parts room".
I recall BRG was in charge of that program.
Dave decided that was like putting a fox in the henhouse.
A forlorn Big Dave upon his return to the wheelhouse of Coop Dispatch, he's actually happy to be back in the saddle as it were but sad that Gloyvnad joined grandma Pastrana's team and won't be back.....rumor is it was her homemade pumpkin squares and beet strudel.
An anonymous internet influencer, Tweeted, they saw the distraught BD, park his Black Pit Crew truck, and jump into his FedEx lift gate to do some Sunday, last mile , inside deliveries of hot tubs, and pool tables.
It's the Somali's and their extremely used Columbia's that are the problem, as an example if you take Washington Ave coming out of downtown McMurderapolis it's basically 2 miles of semi trucks parked on both sides of the street, but they're parking them everywhere it doesn't specifically no truck parking, they screwed it up for normal drivers.
It's the Somali's and their extremely used Columbia's that are the problem, as an example if you take Washington Ave coming out of downtown McMurderapolis it's basically 2 miles of semi trucks parked on both sides of the street, but they're parking them everywhere it doesn't specifically no truck parking, they screwed it up for normal drivers.
By normal, do you mean flip flop wearing, GPS following, No Teekit, basketball short wearing people,Who do push-ups out side their trucks in dried up pee spots?
I realize you might of got away with it yesterday and today but my guy in accounting told me Big Dave is going through each and every expenditure that happened while he was gone and you had the helm, he's back, so maybe lay low wearing your little purchase at work.
Must of been these 2 hucksters that gave BRG the idea for fancy headwear, they have the largest disco ball warehouse/store in the tri-state area right in downtown Cedar Rapids, it's called White North Disco Supply....disco it's over right? but they're staying alive....staying alive.
Party GIF by CBC
Must of been these 2 hucksters that gave BRG the idea for fancy headwear, they have the largest disco ball warehouse/store in the tri-state area right in downtown Cedar Rapids, it's called White North Disco Supply....disco it's over right? but they're staying alive....staying alive.
Party GIF by CBC
I saw BRG practicing his CPR and singing Staying Alive.
I realize you might of got away with it yesterday and today but my guy in accounting told me Big Dave is going through each and every expenditure that happened while he was gone and you had the helm, he's back, so maybe lay low wearing your little purchase at work.
This just may explain some things about BRG's sudden purchase, this photo just came in over the teletype, it was taken by one of my guys when BRG suddenly left the dance floor and headed to the can at a local dance club(obviously she's stunned)......I suspect Wong talked him into the chili at the "J" for lunch today.
This just may explain some things about BRG's sudden purchase, this photo just came in over the teletype, it was taken by one of my guys when BRG suddenly left the dance floor and headed to the can at a local dance club(obviously she's stunned)......I suspect Wong talked him into the chili at the "J" for lunch today.
BRG was heard saying, he would need time to reflect on the situation, after he hits the dance floor with Donna, and doing his Travolta impression