Yellow | Yrc Salary/hourly Employees


TB Lurker
YRC Salary/Hourly employees were just told they would not be getting their "annual" raise. Annual is in quotes because it lasted a whole 1 year. Its actually become a bi-annual at best and most of the time Quadrennial.

Also the fearless leader Mr Kendall explained to all hourly employees that they are all replaceable when asked about retaining any New Penn staff and how they don't plan to. Mr Kendall must not be aware that he is the 3rd VP of Cash Mgmt that i have had in my YRC tenure which is under 10 years.

We were told to "do more with less", which ironically seems to be the YRC way much longer than he is aware.
YRC Salary/Hourly employees were just told they would not be getting their "annual" raise. Annual is in quotes because it lasted a whole 1 year. Its actually become a bi-annual at best and most of the time Quadrennial.

Also the fearless leader Mr Kendall explained to all hourly employees that they are all replaceable when asked about retaining any New Penn staff and how they don't plan to. Mr Kendall must not be aware that he is the 3rd VP of Cash Mgmt that i have had in my YRC tenure which is under 10 years.

We were told to "do more with less", which ironically seems to be the YRC way much longer than he is aware.
YRC Salary/Hourly employees were just told they would not be getting their "annual" raise. Annual is in quotes because it lasted a whole 1 year. Its actually become a bi-annual at best and most of the time Quadrennial.

Also the fearless leader Mr Kendall explained to all hourly employees that they are all replaceable when asked about retaining any New Penn staff and how they don't plan to. Mr Kendall must not be aware that he is the 3rd VP of Cash Mgmt that i have had in my YRC tenure which is under 10 years.

We were told to "do more with less", which ironically seems to be the YRC way much longer than he is aware.
New Penn salaried employees who are not part of the cuts were also told they wouldn't be getting their raises last week.
New Penn salaried employees who are not part of the cuts were also told they wouldn't be getting their raises last week.

That's unfortunate, sorry to hear. Kelly Kendall was not very kind when describing New Penn employees that were laid off on his call this morning with the Revenue team. It was kind of embarrassing.
Supervisors don't make much start at $48,000 plus crappy benefits top out at $60,000 possible bonus. Operations managers start at $60,000 top $80,000. You are better off being a Union worker with better benefits job security no guarantee you will make it into upper management may never get promoted but then you are working in a office not doing dirty work so it's your choice.
YRC Salary/Hourly employees were just told they would not be getting their "annual" raise. Annual is in quotes because it lasted a whole 1 year. Its actually become a bi-annual at best and most of the time Quadrennial.

Also the fearless leader Mr Kendall explained to all hourly employees that they are all replaceable when asked about retaining any New Penn staff and how they don't plan to. Mr Kendall must not be aware that he is the 3rd VP of Cash Mgmt that i have had in my YRC tenure which is under 10 years.

We were told to "do more with less", which ironically seems to be the YRC way much longer than he is aware.
Q2 Results are going to be really bad.....
That's unfortunate, sorry to hear. Kelly Kendall was not very kind when describing New Penn employees that were laid off on his call this morning with the Revenue team. It was kind of embarrassing.
People he don’t even know. I have never seen or even heard of any YRC Executive stepping foot inside of a New Penn terminal. They appoint a President ( this is the third or fourth one since Yellow bought the company)
A Vice President who are bad bad bad at running a company and just believe the BS excuses those people give them. Have never went to see the operation for themselves or sent people in to do and operation evaluation.
They made a decision to cut the New Penn Administration jobs without even seeing the operation.

Cohabitation, Seems like Hawkins is a chip off the old block of his predecessors, they can’t right the ship because they listen to no one and are out of touch with the operation so they sell the assets to look good on quarterlies.
The problem with that is their going to run out of assets. He should do all of us a favor and sell the regionals to people that know freight, at least then the debt would be gone. And these companies could maybe become profitable.
People he don’t even know. I have never seen or even heard of any YRC Executive stepping foot inside of a New Penn terminal. They appoint a President ( this is the third or fourth one since Yellow bought the company)
A Vice President who are bad bad bad at running a company and just believe the BS excuses those people give them. Have never went to see the operation for themselves or sent people in to do and operation evaluation.
They made a decision to cut the New Penn Administration jobs without even seeing the operation.

Cohabitation, Seems like Hawkins is a chip off the old block of his predecessors, they can’t right the ship because they listen to no one and are out of touch with the operation so they sell the assets to look good on quarterlies.
The problem with that is their going to run out of assets. He should do all of us a favor and sell the regionals to people that know freight, at least then the debt would be gone. And these companies could maybe become profitable.
Your last sentence.
I don't mind doing that. (and I did) Working my butt off to make a company profitable. But I want the comforts my hard work provides the profits.
Pay. Pension. Time off to enjoy life. Simple sh*t.
Treading water never supplied that. (yrc).
And it seems after all this time they would have something figured out.
How much time do ya need to get back on your feet?
Top heavy. There's your dead weight.
As they say.
But it's ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ to say it now.
So I won't. Because it is.
Too many department ceo's.
Toilet paper counters. Lol.
So many have been through names are barely recognizable.
I've never been one to keep up with how many managers. Supers. Ceo's. went through. Tm's also. Omgoodness so many. But I always saw the same.drivers and dock people there. That hardly changed.
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