FedEx Freight | Change of Operations

Yeah.....and we DON'T need the details..

(Insert Big Dave hat joke here)

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Can't wait to hear this next theory...and the details...

No details, just speculation based on hearsay. Just like your "hearsay" based info.

If the "movement of work" is perfectly fine and dandy, as you say, then the case could be made that past practices prevail, in terms of following the freight.

Hearsay on the matter, from the "road experts", says that the Company wants to deviate from past practices. There seems to be a question of whether this change will mirror past changes. Details of the rumors seem necessary for this discussion.

Again, there seems to be more to the story... Either the movement of work needs approval, or there may be a "change in the process" (rules) that the Company desires. Remember, current/past terms of service generally prevail until a (new) contract is negotiated.

If approval is truly needed, there might be some incentive offered to facilitate such. Since the Company has known of this need for quite some time, there could be something offered in exchange. Perhaps something previously withheld...

Speculation? Certainly...
No details, just speculation based on hearsay. Just like your "hearsay" based info.

If the "movement of work" is perfectly fine and dandy, as you say, then the case could be made that past practices prevail, in terms of following the freight.

Hearsay on the matter, from the "road experts", says that the Company wants to deviate from past practices. There seems to be a question of whether this change will mirror past changes. Details of the rumors seem necessary for this discussion.

Again, there seems to be more to the story... Either the movement of work needs approval, or there may be a "change in the process" (rules) that the Company desires. Remember, current/past terms of service generally prevail until a (new) contract is negotiated.

If approval is truly needed, there might be some incentive offered to facilitate such. Since the Company has known of this need for quite some time, there could be something offered in exchange. Perhaps something previously withheld...

Speculation? Certainly...
Perhaps you should've waited on the details!!

Again, the movement of work is "fine and dandy" because no jobs are being cut!! If jobs were being cut, then such moves would in fact have to be negotiated. The "following of the freight " falls under "work rules" and all work rules are currently being negotiated, therefor, you past practice theory doesn't hold water!!

I'm guessing your "road experts" would've been better served staying at a Holiday Inn Express!! If they/you would like to share some details/facts, then perhaps we could proceed forward in this discussion, otherwise it's just their opinion.

There's always "more to the story"....

It appears as if your "sources" are grasping at straws, perhaps trying to save face for their constituents!! Again, when one "thinks" they have leverage, "reality" usually proves otherwise!!