ABF | Do we want tyson or someone else negotiating for us?

Do you want johnson or someone else in charge?

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If this contract is a final break from the NMFA we had better be prepared. We can not wait until the last second to make our decisions. Many of the things that are now in the NMFA would more than likely remain in place. I would suspect the areas of classifications and work rules will be the areas most addressed.
As we all know tyson the turncoat had put into place the steady reduction of Road Drivers. I would not be surprised if this is an area of many changes.
What are we willing to vote yes on in this area? One reason for this question is because many ABF Teamsters have no clue on what being a Road Driver consist of. Many hear how when a Road Driver is rolling they average about $35.00 an hour. And we can be prepared to hear how a UE driver would only cost them $25.00 an hour and have unlimited access to all duties such as yard dock and city. This will be a major part of these up coming talks I believe.
Are the ABF Road Drivers willing to change? And if so in what areas?
City and dock workers need to know what they can do to help. Now this is not to say they will allow Road Drivers a blank check. But it needs to be settled before the talks begin. We need to let then all know what we want. The days of them riding rough shod over us is done.
If ABF is to continue to grow and profit we must decide to allow change and and only changes that will benefit everyone involved.
Would Road Drivers be willing to become more like UE drivers in the up coming contract? Good Luck and let's hear it Brothers. YOUR BROTHER ALWAYS!
ABF Inc would be asking for a showdown if they want out of the pension for a company 401 of some kind. I doubt Tyson would even discuss it with ABF Inc let alone allow it to a vote. Maybe the IBT is worried you may agree to it
I think because of what tyson allowed at yrc it has changed what we can vote on. We the ABF Teamsters will now decide if we stay in CSPF or opt out for a plan that may better protect our family's. After all the yrc Teamsters were given this right. We the ABF Teamsters will see what is offered and WE WILL DECIDE! I will have to admit it is not bad being the only one voting on our contract at this time. tyson allowed things that he should have never allowed and it has destroyed the NMFA. That is why he has been removed as the the lead negotiator. Even hoffa knows he is not trusted by the ABF Teamsters and that is fine with us. We will decide which direction the Teamster freight goes and I am glad of that. As you can see we are already beginning the process of working together on the matter.
We will discuss and decide as a whole the direction in which to go.
No tyson will not decide whether we remain in CSPF or not. WE WILL DECIDE!
And to answer your question on the 401K. Since the majority of us ABF Teamsters are well aged to say the least a 401K as a whole would not be possible in my opinion. But if there would be an offer such as UPS gave their small package Teamsters with a 401K for new employees then ABF would have a great chance of seeing it becoming a reality. We the ABF Teamsters will decide and only us! YOUR IN THE DRIVERS SEAT BROTHER ALWAYS!
8/16/2012. Our Business Agent came down this morning to hand out preliminary questionnaires concerning how important certain things are to us individually. TNFINC headind dated 8/14/2012, with Tyson Johnson listed as CO-CHAIR.......ABF Freight Survey.
8/16/2012. Our Business Agent came down this morning to hand out preliminary questionnaires concerning how important certain things are to us individually. TNFINC headind dated 8/14/2012, with Tyson Johnson listed as CO-CHAIR.......ABF Freight Survey.
BA said same thing on tuesday....& yes tysons name was on it....
We have 1 yes, tyson said thanks for the vote joe....
Isn't it sad tyson has lost the respect of Teamsters. All he had to do was his job. How about somebody that would stab the very people that made him rich in the backs. YOUR TRYING TO GET THE KNIFE OUT BROTHER ALWAYS!
BA said same thing on tuesday....& yes tysons name was on it....
I think his name is on it because of his title. I have heard nothing from him in months on nothing except the ruling from the lawsuit. Remember it was made official that he would not chair the multi region change committees. His actions have harmed many Teamsters and weakened us as a whole. I have had a couple dealings with Gordon and each time when push came to shove he did the right thing for the Teamsters involved. So I can't say anything bad about him. But we will be watching him and how he handles these ABF talks. Remember Gordon stay fair and honest to us and things will work out just fine. Just remember tyson the turncoat and do just the opposite that he would have done. YOUR WISHING GORDON GOOD LUCK BROTHER ALWAYS! PS Gordon for a act of good faith how about letting the Chicago ABF teamsters have their white paper back since they were not a party to the NMFA as ruled on by a low level judge. Because after all they should not have been any part of yrc Teamsters being forced into the NMFA. I'm just saying. Or is it that when it harms us we are part of the NMFA and if it would benefit us we are not part of the NMFA!
I think his name is on it because of his title. I have heard nothing from him in months on nothing except the ruling from the lawsuit. Remember it was made official that he would not chair the multi region change committees. His actions have harmed many Teamsters and weakened us as a whole. I have had a couple dealings with Gordon and each time when push came to shove he did the right thing for the Teamsters involved. So I can't say anything bad about him. But we will be watching him and how he handles these ABF talks. Remember Gordon stay fair and honest to us and things will work out just fine. Just remember tyson the turncoat and do just the opposite that he would have done. YOUR WISHING GORDON GOOD LUCK BROTHER ALWAYS! PS Gordon for a act of good faith how about letting the Chicago ABF teamsters have their white paper back since they were not a party to the NMFA as ruled on by a low level judge. Because after all they should not have been any part of yrc Teamsters being forced into the NMFA. I'm just saying. Or is it that when it harms us we are part of the NMFA and if it would benefit us we are not part of the NMFA!
we can only hope tyson is not involved....
I think because of what tyson allowed at yrc it has changed what we can vote on. We the ABF Teamsters will now decide if we stay in CSPF or opt out for a plan that may better protect our family's. After all the yrc Teamsters were given this right. We the ABF Teamsters will see what is offered and WE WILL DECIDE! I will have to admit it is not bad being the only one voting on our contract at this time.
No tyson will not decide whether we remain in CSPF or not. WE WILL DECIDE!

And to answer your question on the 401K. Since the majority of us ABF Teamsters are well aged to say the least a 401K as a whole would not be possible in my opinion. But if there would be an offer such as UPS gave their small package Teamsters with a 401K for new employees then ABF would have a great chance of seeing it becoming a reality. We the ABF Teamsters will decide and only us! YOUR IN THE DRIVERS SEAT BROTHER ALWAYS!

Muler, when you say 'what Tyson allowed at yrc' you mean what Tyson allowed at YRC correct? You obviously look down at YRC given you always use lower case letters. A couple things. You lose credibility when you say things like that because like the 'we the ABF teamster will decide' so do the 'YRC teamsters will decide' Tyson allowed nothing..YRC teamsters decided on it. Get it?
Then you go on to say that 'No tyson will not decide whether we remain in CSPF or not. WE WILL DECIDE!' I don't think so. Where is ABF getting the withdrawal penalty from? No, you won't be making that decision. If ABF Inc insists on it you may be working without a contract for awhile (best case scenario) or Tyson will ask for strike authorization (worst case scenario) but no, you the ABF teamsters won't be making that decision.
You lose credibility when you say things like that because like the 'we the ABF teamster will decide' so do the 'YRC teamsters will decide' Tyson allowed nothing..YRC teamsters decided on it. Get it?

Let's see if I got this straight Joe...when it comes to sticking up for your pal Tyson and YRC...Tyson allows nothing...YRC Teamsters decide.

But when it comes to Tyson and ABF...it's all what Tyson decides and ABF Teamsters are nothing?

Your quotes:
Some of you no..most of you ABF people worry me. Do you think Tyson would allow you to vote on such a ridiculous question? Of course not..you people would vote it out. I seen everything now. You voted on staying in the NMFA. OMG help us.


to state that that the IBT and the ABF teamsters stopped ABF from exiting the pension and NMFA is a half truth The ABF teamsters didn't even know about it let alone stop it. Tyson Johnson personally stopped it and instead had ABF sign the 'me too' in effect having ABF teamsters vote on the same NMFA that TMI negotiated for YRC and Holland.


So...when it comes to YRC...Yrc Teamsters decide and when it comes to ABF...Tyson decides..is my summary correct? Or...am I just posting distortions and spin again as the site's prostituting attorney? Or could it be the off chance that you are changing the rules as you go and depending on which company you are talking about at the time?
Let's see if I got this straight Joe...when it comes to sticking up for your pal Tyson and YRC...Tyson allows nothing...YRC Teamsters decide.

But when it comes to Tyson and ABF...it's all what Tyson decides and ABF Teamsters are nothing?
So...when it comes to YRC...Yrc Teamsters decide and when it comes to ABF...Tyson decides..is my summary correct? Or...am I just posting distortions and spin again as the site's prostituting attorney? Or could it be the off chance that you are changing the rules as you go and depending on which company you are talking about at the time?
How could I rephrase it to simplify it for you? YRC did not attempt to exit the NMFA in '08 as ABF did. ABF negotiated separately with TNFINC (Tyson) to exit the pension in favor of a company 401. That failed!! Tyson would not allow it. ABF teamsters had no say in it. It will be no different this time around. That decision has already been made for you. Tyson made that decision for you in '08 and he will make that decision for you again in 2013. That is the only decision Tyson makes. You, the ABF teamsters will make the tough calls in 2013.

YRC went to the IBT to plead poverty which led to a modified NMFA/pension for YRC teamsters. That is not the case with ABF. The IBT won't be endorsing any give backs but there is no way ABF will not push for them. So get ready, pal
Let's see if I got this straight Joe...when it comes to sticking up for your pal Tyson and YRC...Tyson allows nothing...YRC Teamsters decide.

But when it comes to Tyson and ABF...it's all what Tyson decides and ABF Teamsters are nothing?

Your quotes:



So...when it comes to YRC...Yrc Teamsters decide and when it comes to ABF...Tyson decides..is my summary correct? Or...am I just posting distortions and spin again as the site's prostituting attorney? Or could it be the off chance that you are changing the rules as you go and depending on which company you are talking about at the time?

Joe was a yrc "teamster" yes voter. He voted for concessions that never affected him because he immediately retired leaving his brothers out to dry. Judging by his attitude I suspect this was how he spent his working years. He is no Teamster.
Joe you had better watch what you wish for, ABF is basically holding up the pension you so enjoy right now. If they go away, you'll be looking for a job to supplement your reduced pension
How could I rephrase it to simplify it for you? YRC did not attempt to exit the NMFA in '08 as ABF did. ABF negotiated separately with TNFINC (Tyson) to exit the pension in favor of a company 401. That failed!! Tyson would not allow it. ABF teamsters had no say in it. It will be no different this time around. That decision has already been made for you. Tyson made that decision for you in '08 and he will make that decision for you again in 2013. That is the only decision Tyson makes. You, the ABF teamsters will make the tough calls in 2013.

YRC went to the IBT to plead poverty which led to a modified NMFA/pension for YRC teamsters. That is not the case with ABF. The IBT won't be endorsing any give backs but there is no way ABF will not push for them. So get ready, pal
Docker just hid the salami on you! Great job Docker the Troll just got handed his lunch. You really slam ducked his behind this time. You put it best when it comes to yrc and it's downward spiral it was the yrc Teamsters that decided by joe's way of thinking. But in the case of ABF tyson called all the shots. And to show him wrong about us. tyson said we were broke we said no he BEGGED us to take less so he could save face(HE EVEN LOST THE BEG BACK VOTE IN HIS OWN LOCAL 745) we showed the rest of the Teamsters that tyson is no good and he has been on a race to the bottom ever since. GREAT JOB DOCKER joe is looking very stupid in his post now. That lame crap may have played on the site down under. And also so joe we will decide what we do and don't vote on not tyson. You see we ABF Teamsters have no fear when it comes to what is best for our families. We understand that tyson works for us we don't work for him. That is the difference from a nut hugger and a man. WE ARE NOT AFRAID! So sit back and light a candle for your beloved tyson and dollar bill. joe you look really bad and I am loving it. YOUR WATCHING YOU SQUIRM BROTHER ALWAYS!

Muler, when you say 'what Tyson allowed at yrc' you mean what Tyson allowed at YRC correct? You obviously look down at YRC given you always use lower case letters. A couple things. You lose credibility when you say things like that because like the 'we the ABF teamster will decide' so do the 'YRC teamsters will decide' Tyson allowed nothing..YRC teamsters decided on it. Get it?
Then you go on to say that 'No tyson will not decide whether we remain in CSPF or not. WE WILL DECIDE!' I don't think so. Where is ABF getting the withdrawal penalty from? No, you won't be making that decision. If ABF Inc insists on it you may be working without a contract for awhile (best case scenario) or Tyson will ask for strike authorization (worst case scenario) but no, you the ABF teamsters won't be making that decision.
Remember joe it is we the ABF Teamsters that are the only one;s that can give a vote to strike. So you see it is not up to tyson it is up to us. The difference between a nut hugger and a man. And I see you have noticed that I always spell yrc in lower case. You are correct. I used to spell YELLOW IN CAPITAL LETTERS! But as yrc screwed my BROTHERS out of their 15% wages and pensions I shrunk their letter size by 15% when spelling their name. That is not a reflection on the Teamsters at yrc it is a stand for my BROTHERS at yrc. But I have gone even lower in my deduction in another area. It is your post I think they are some of the sorriest I have ever seen. And they only reflect bad on the yrc Teamsters. But hey it is a free country and you seem to not mind casting a bad light on yrc or it's Teamsters. YOUR LIVING LARGE BROTHER ALWAYS!

Muler were you the only yes vote for Tyson, no I know better. Muler isn't it funny how someone who has nothing to do with ABF, has more to say than any of us ABF teamster. That person thinks that all ABF teamsters are really stupid. Like we can't see that all he is worried about is his pension and his own behind. That person is so afraid of ABF getting out of the funds it is all they can talk about. Now a guilty person always speaks out of place.
Tyson made that decision for you in '08 and he will make that decision for you again in 2013. That is the only decision Tyson makes. You, the ABF teamsters will make the tough calls in 2013.

Nice try Joe...now I see that in order to try and explain yourself...you are contradicting yourself in the same post now...lol

Now just who will be deciding in 2013...Tyson or the ABF Teamsters...because you really seem confused according to this statement? The IBT...can't include Tyson yet...will be negotiating the 2013 contract...notice how I said negotiating...not deciding. Then...the tentative agreement will be put to a vote by the ABF Teamsters who will ultimately decide the outcome.There is a big difference between negotiating and deciding...remember...it's called the IBT Negotiating Committee...not the IBT Deciding Committee! So...in the future...if you feel the need for useful information and facts about just how things work when it comes to the union side of things...get in touch with our moderator Muler...he's the best when it comes to knowledge about our union...I sure do and I'm not ashamed to admit that fact either. While you are at it...may I also suggest you ask him about another screen name because IMO...like all the others...you seem to have disgraced this one as well.

The IBT won't be endorsing any give backs but there is no way ABF will not push for them. So get ready, pal[/B]

Just like Tyson wasn't endorsing give backs for us ABF Teamsters last year...right? He was not only endorsing...but pleading and lying as well to get that accomplished. So you see...that and how the vote is going...he is not too popular with the ABF Teamsters at this moment.

Joe was a yrc "teamster" yes voter. He voted for concessions that never affected him because he immediately retired leaving his brothers out to dry. Judging by his attitude I suspect this was how he spent his working years. He is no Teamster.
Joe you had better watch what you wish for, ABF is basically holding up the pension you so enjoy right now. If they go away, you'll be looking for a job to supplement your reduced pension

Now I see why you not so popular and wanted over at the YRC forum Joe...like I said...maybe you should consider another name change...lol
The IBT won't be endorsing any give backs

Just to back up my statement:
Just like Tyson wasn't endorsing give backs for us ABF Teamsters last year...right? He was not only endorsing...but pleading and lying as well to get that accomplished. So you see...that and how the vote is going...he is not too popular with the ABF Teamsters at this moment.

Freight Leaders Overwhelmingly
Endorse Economic Relief Plan

OnMonday, April 19, leaders of freight local unions from across
the country overwhelmingly endorsed an economic relief plan
for ABF Freight System, Inc. that will protect thousands of
Teamster members’ jobs and their health, welfare
and pension benefits.

“Local union leaders understand that we need to take a bold step to
help ABF get through this terrible economy and that wemust
act now to prevent far worse problems down the road,” said Tyson Johnson,
Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division.“No one wants
to see wage cuts, but this agreement protects our ABFmembers’ jobs and
their health,welfare and pension benefits.”

Johnson said the union responded to members’ concerns that it only
move forward if it could independently verify the company’s
financial situation.

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Docker: You know one of the things I remember most was ABF going bankrupt if we didn't vote yes. Well ABF is still around plus they have made a few purchases since than.

(ABF has been profitable over the years, and it’s not facing imminent bankruptcy. Why act now?)
ABF’s financial situation has worsened dramatically as
this recession continues.ABF lost $99.9million in 2009 after
a $49million profit in 2008—almost a $150million swing in
the wrong direction. Revenue was down 21 percent from2008
to 2009.ABF is exhausting its cash reserves and cannot sustain
the losses it faces formuch longer, especially in a tight credit
market where alternative financing has dried up.We estimate
the company will continue to losemore than $10million per
month in 2010 and liquidity continues to worsen. So,while
the company has been profitable in the past, it no longer is
and something needs to be done to help it make it through
the recession.

ABf is not making the type of money they made before the economy tanked, but they are nowhere near broke. They still have a few millions in the bank. Now I know that ABF cost is that of the highest cost carrier out there. I do know they need some kind of help from us, but it has to be something we can all live with. Every teamster at ABF has bills to pay just like that of the company. It has to be a give and take between us and them. I can't speak for everyone but I am ready to listen and make an informed choice before voting. This recession has not only taken a toll on ABF but everyone living in the USA, just look at the people loosing homes today.
I can't speak for everyone but I am ready to listen and make an informed choice before voting.

I just love that statement and how you underlined those two words Truxforever! Nobody can ask for anymore than that!