ABF | To My ABF Brother's and Sisters

Good I have something to say and I hope that no one take's offense.
Here goes----Joe you are retired,go enjoy yourself,the NMFA only live's at ABF,not YRC,NMPE,or HMES.

As I said in another post in another forum,and had people make fun of my handle,including the owner of this site,The fat lady will be singing at YRC soon,with the same notation that I added over there {IMO}.

Have you heard the new's?
[So far this is a rumor,not my opinion]they cannot get driver's so now they are going to start their own Swift/C.R. England driving academy,and when you complete the course,you are shackled to the company for 2 year's,or you have to pay them for the training.

It is a shame that some folk's cannot take something that is said on a messageboard and debate it,they only know how to throw out insult's instead.


You should be able to tell that by the way I address my grammar and such,BTW I don't use spell check or anything. NUFF SAID...

Here is the link,http://www.truckingboards.com/forum/yrc-freight/81395-looks-more-like-big-fat-lady-about-sing.html you only need to read reply #8 and #10 From now on I hope I am welcome to post in the ABF forum where the real Teamster's are.

Although I can't speak for Muler...I'm sure that he intended this thread for this very reason...so that anyone can take something that is said on a messageboard and debate it and not have to worry about just being insulted instead.After all...we all know that Muler is not one to back away from a discussion just because it's unpopular and controversial.Everyone here has the right and state their opinion...no matter how unpopular and controversial it is and Joe is living proof of this.

IMO...you are very welcome to come and post here with anything you have to say.

I also agree with your statement that the NMFA only live's at ABF,not YRC,NMPE,or HMES.
Good I have something to say and I hope that no one take's offense.
Here goes----Joe you are retired,go enjoy yourself,the NMFA only live's at ABF,not YRC,NMPE,or HMES.

As I said in another post in another forum,and had people make fun of my handle,including the owner of this site,The fat lady will be singing at YRC soon,with the same notation that I added over there {IMO}.

Have you heard the new's?
[So far this is a rumor,not my opinion]they cannot get driver's so now they are going to start their own Swift/C.R. England driving academy,and when you complete the course,you are shackled to the company for 2 year's,or you have to pay them for the training.

It is a shame that some folk's cannot take something that is said on a messageboard and debate it,they only know how to throw out insult's instead.


You should be able to tell that by the way I address my grammar and such,BTW I don't use spell check or anything. NUFF SAID...

Here is the link,http://www.truckingboards.com/forum/yrc-freight/81395-looks-more-like-big-fat-lady-about-sing.html you only need to read reply #8 and #10 From now on I hope I am welcome to post in the ABF forum where the real Teamster's are.

You are a total moron and don't have a clue.Only the real teamsters on the ABF forum. Give me a break allot of these so called teamsters from ABF are drooling to see YRC'S 30,000 + TEAMSTERS lose their jobs.Ive read enough of their comments over the last couple of years.You obviously arent a teamster just a trucking boards troll that keeps trying stir the pot.But i tell you what if you came in my terminal running your mouth like you do on here, you would be getting an old fashioned teamster ass wipping
You are a total moron and don't have a clue.Only the real teamsters on the ABF forum. Give me a break allot of these so called teamsters from ABF are drooling to see YRC'S 30,000 + TEAMSTERS lose their jobs.Ive read enough of their comments over the last couple of years.You obviously arent a teamster just a trucking boards troll that keeps trying stir the pot.But i tell you what if you came in my terminal running your mouth like you do on here, you would be getting an old fashioned teamster ass wipping

I beg your pardon brother...just name one ABF Teamster that wants to see YRC Teamsters lose their job...just one!!!!! And if you come here stating that fact...you better be prepared to get your ass thoroughly reamed before you go crawling away! How does that sound to you moron?
Good I have something to say and I hope that no one take's offense.
Here goes----Joe you are retired,go enjoy yourself,the NMFA only live's at ABF,not YRC,NMPE,or HMES.

As I said in another post in another forum,and had people make fun of my handle,including the owner of this site,The fat lady will be singing at YRC soon,with the same notation that I added over there {IMO}.

Have you heard the new's?
[So far this is a rumor,not my opinion]they cannot get driver's so now they are going to start their own Swift/C.R. England driving academy,and when you complete the course,you are shackled to the company for 2 year's,or you have to pay them for the training.

It is a shame that some folk's cannot take something that is said on a messageboard and debate it,they only know how to throw out insult's instead.

From now on I hope I am welcome to post in the ABF forum where the real Teamster's are.
Hey jim, I am enjoying that I'm retired. Every morning I sit on the deck having coffee, reading the paper and thinking 'screw work..anything is better then working'. And I hear you on the insults, it's the price you pay for your opinion but there is a site who bans you for it. The driver shortage will be a problem for all carriers but should only bring a premium for a Class A/CDL/TripTrl/Haz/ endorsement with/without peddle experience. The fat lady is a slut. You seem to find insults a bad thing but I take offense to your last statement. It doesn't mater if your a real teamster or a fake one. Money talks. The ABF contract is about money..kill or be killed..what ever it takes. ABF is definitely out to kill YRC.

FedEx could live with a YRC survival, but they too did their best to bury YRC. ABF cannot live with a YRC survival. ABF stock was near $40, 4-5 years ago when the odds were high YRC would fold and I say again if ABF loses the law-suit the stock will drop to below YRC territory. Stockholders are the owners..they want a raise every year too or the CEO get's yelled at.The ABF senior execs of Fort Smith, AR could only dream of having the work rules YRC has. I hope no one takes offense at my looking at it from a business perspective your brother always. Unionized freight is under heavy attack against a foe who has plenty of money but wants a bigger piece of the pie :coffee1:
jimbobillybob said:
Good I have something to say and I hope that no one take's offense.
Here goes----Joe you are retired,go enjoy yourself,the NMFA only live's at ABF,not YRC,NMPE,or HMES.

As I said in another post in another forum,and had people make fun of my handle,including the owner of this site,The fat lady will be singing at YRC soon,with the same notation that I added over there {IMO}.

Have you heard the new's?
[So far this is a rumor,not my opinion]they cannot get driver's so now they are going to start their own Swift/C.R. England driving academy,and when you complete the course,you are shackled to the company for 2 year's,or you have to pay them for the training.

It is a shame that some folk's cannot take something that is said on a messageboard and debate it,they only know how to throw out insult's instead.


You should be able to tell that by the way I address my grammar and such,BTW I don't use spell check or anything. NUFF SAID...

Here is the link,http://www.truckingboards.com/forum/yrc-freight/81395-looks-more-like-big-fat-lady-about-sing.html you only need to read reply #8 and #10 From now on I hope I am welcome to post in the ABF forum where the real Teamster's are.
Regarding the trucking school: not rumor.
Students now at indy. Holland
Just talked to a friend of mine who works there an was telling me about it. Not much detail. Seems they get training cheap and have a commitment to Holland for a certain amount of time.
Go get him

I'm going to Mud Hen...lol

We ABF Teamsters have our opinions and right away some YRC Teamsters ASSUME that their own brothers want see them lose their jobs and that couldn't be further from the truth and I for one will not let them get away with that.IMO...they just thought about themselves when they voted on the pension being a part of it and to add insult to injury some even had the audacity to claim that they did it to help the ABF Teamsters because they SAVED the pension!I can't help but think which they should too is the fact of how they would feel if the situation was reversed...I can just imagine what some of these so called brothers would be saying about us ABF Teamsters.

The reason that I called him a moron was because he assumed we want to see YRC Teamsters lose their jobs.
ABF is definitely out to kill YRC.

ABF cannot live with a YRC survival. I say again if ABF loses the law-suit the stock will drop to below YRC territory.

And you...vedder716 accuse jimbobillybob as just being a trucking boards troll that keeps trying stir the pot. This is proof positive of someone doing just that!This is the moron you speak of...lol
I don't see it that way muler, the lawsuit was filed when YRC was in a life or death situation trying to restructure the mountain of debt it had. The goal of the lawsuit was to spook bondholders and investors that YRC needed to dump debt on. It didn't work. YRC dumped a lot of debt on them and completed the restructure. No matter what the outcome it won't benefit any teamster. YRC could be in a pickle if they had to pay ABF $750,000,000. Say they close YRC=30,000 jobs and say goodbye to the premium pension and hello to the sub-par company pension. Say ABF loses=the stock crashes forcing Judy to level the playing field with out the help of a court. Now is the time for Judy to step to the plate and level the playing field on her own two legs because the court won't do her dirty work for her and she'll got no sympathy from the IBT or the ABF teamsters :coffee1:

Of course Joe the Plunger Pumper couldn't see it any way but his, which is a way that none of us could see it. See he is the only one with that bird's eye view of his colon.
Funny thing it is how he misconstrues one's beliefs to be their wishes. I don't know any ABF drivers who want YRC to fail. But I don't know any who think they'll survive.
I'm going to Mud Hen...lol

We ABF Teamsters have our opinions and right away some YRC Teamsters ASSUME that their own brothers want see them lose their jobs and that couldn't be further from the truth and I for one will not let them get away with that.IMO...they just thought about themselves when they voted on the pension being a part of it and to add insult to injury some even had the audacity to claim that they did it to help the ABF Teamsters because they SAVED the pension!I can't help but think which they should too is the fact of how they would feel if the situation was reversed...I can just imagine what some of these so called brothers would be saying about us ABF Teamsters.

The reason that I called him a moron was because he assumed we want to see YRC Teamsters lose their jobs.

Brother vedder716 does not lie. He got a little rattled there and fired back to hurt your feelings but youze guys are tough. Claustrophobic? ABF is hard right teamsters. God bless them. The demise of the Roman Empire was more a problem from a decline in the economy than anything else. To say that some YRC teamsters ASSUME that their own brothers want see them lose their jobs and that couldn't be further from the truth is stretching it a bit. I speak of the senior execs at ABF who understand that 'business is war' A decline in the economy brings out the worst in big corps where they slash this and slash that to reduce labor costs. Just say no and refuse any talk of give backs. Judy will know what to do.
You are a total moron and don't have a clue.Only the real teamsters on the ABF forum. Give me a break allot of these so called teamsters from ABF are drooling to see YRC'S 30,000 + TEAMSTERS lose their jobs.Ive read enough of their comments over the last couple of years.You obviously arent a teamster just a trucking boards troll that keeps trying stir the pot.But i tell you what if you came in my terminal running your mouth like you do on here, you would be getting an old fashioned teamster ass wipping
I think you meant too say an old fashion Teamster ass WHIPPING. Not WIPPING. By the way he is a yrc Teamster.
And you...vedder716 accuse jimbobillybob as just being a trucking boards troll that keeps trying stir the pot. This is proof positive of someone doing just that!This is the moron you speak of...lol
No, actually there is only one troll amongst us..see below
Of course Joe the Plunger Pumper couldn't see it any way but his, which is a way that none of us could see it. See he is the only one with that bird's eye view of his colon.
Funny thing it is how he misconstrues one's beliefs to be their wishes. I don't know any ABF drivers who want YRC to fail. But I don't know any who think they'll survive.

It's comments like this one that make you the official TB troll and you think nothing of making them in the YRC forum. You've been called out on it more then a few times by YRC teamsters. Remember your 'someone should stick a fork in YRC and let it die' in the YRC forum? Ya deny it. I'll never forget it. You're piece of work. It's abf'ers like you the picket line crosser who might make YRC'ers hope to be eating your lunch if you should have to walk the walk.
No, actually there is only one troll amongst us..see below

It's comments like this one that make you the official TB troll and you think nothing of making them in the YRC forum. You've been called out on it more then a few times by YRC teamsters. Remember your 'someone should stick a fork in YRC and let it die' in the YRC forum? Ya deny it. I'll never forget it. You're piece of work. It's abf'ers like you the picket line crosser who might make YRC'ers hope to be eating your lunch if you should have to walk the walk.
These posts amaze me, we have retired yrc drivers who hate abf, we have yrc drivers who would vote yes at the drop of a hat just to keep the vacation time that hate abf & the question i have is why? We dident put you in debt we dident take away your 15% we dident take your pension away & us abf drivers dident file the lawsuit! And yet the two companys the went out of their way to take yrc out nothing is said about them or is ever brought up...... Let me add i did work for roadway for 10 years & left in 08 before the $hit storm hit....
No, actually there is only one troll amongst us..see below

It's comments like this one that make you the official TB troll and you think nothing of making them in the YRC forum. You've been called out on it more then a few times by YRC teamsters. Remember your 'someone should stick a fork in YRC and let it die' in the YRC forum? Ya deny it. I'll never forget it. You're piece of work. It's abf'ers like you the picket line crosser who might make YRC'ers hope to be eating your lunch if you should have to walk the walk.
Now who would you call the troll. You are such a hater. 40 said it. WE did not do this to yrc their executives did. It appears you are the main pot stirrer on this matter. We the ABF Teamsters will be fine. You talk about our stock being low. Well guess what if I have a Claus in my contract on buying stock as ABF executives do just maybe I would like to buy it real low and sell when it climbs back to the correct amount. After all we are debt free. So the stock price does not worry me. I bet you don't know how many times it has gone so high it split? You want trouble, we ask questions. Be careful biting the hands that feed you!
And many ABF Teamsters walked the walk and still do to this day. And besides if we walk the Pickett line then none of you will be getting your checks from CSPF now will you? So be careful. YOUR PENSION PAYING BROTHER ALWAYS!
Now who would you call the troll. You are such a hater. 40 said it. WE did not do this to yrc their executives did. It appears you are the main pot stirrer on this matter. We the ABF Teamsters will be fine. You talk about our stock being low. Well guess what if I have a Claus in my contract on buying stock as ABF executives do just maybe I would like to buy it real low and sell when it climbs back to the correct amount. After all we are debt free. So the stock price does not worry me. I bet you don't know how many times it has gone so high it split? You want trouble, we ask questions. Be careful biting the hands that feed you!
And many ABF Teamsters walked the walk and still do to this day. And besides if we walk the Pickett line then none of you will be getting your checks from CSPF now will you? So be careful. YOUR PENSION PAYING BROTHER ALWAYS!

:stirthepot:____________I've been identified as a hater..sorry, I didn't know this was a hate free zone :guinesssmilie:
:stirthepot:____________I've been identified as a hater..sorry, I didn't know this was a hate free zone :guinesssmilie:
I did not say it was a hate free zone. I just commented about how much you hate ABF and their Teamsters. It is OK I just wanted people to know.
I my self am glad you hate us. It eats at you and it helps you to get through another day.The very fact that ABF is pushing back is pleasure enough to any ABF Teamster. Because as you can see we don't let people push us around. Some people have good comments that are true and honest about this whole mess. They should be able to vent their feelings and this thread gives them that right. Hate FREE ZONE you would not be caught dead in a hate free zone!
So let's hear it joe. Do you have any B@LLS left to say how you really feel? After all here is your chance. YOUR WAITING TO HEAR BROTHER ALWAYS!
Brother vedder716 does not lie. He got a little rattled there and fired back to hurt your feelings but youze guys are tough. Claustrophobic? ABF is hard right teamsters. God bless them. The demise of the Roman Empire was more a problem from a decline in the economy than anything else. To say that some YRC teamsters ASSUME that their own brothers want see them lose their jobs and that couldn't be further from the truth is stretching it a bit. I speak of the senior execs at ABF who understand that 'business is war' A decline in the economy brings out the worst in big corps where they slash this and slash that to reduce labor costs. Just say no and refuse any talk of give backs. Judy will know what to do.

First of all...I never accused brother veddar of lying...you are the one known for that...please get the facts straight Joey. Second...my feelings are far from fragile...I have been cursed far worse in my lifetime than anyone has done on here. Just to clarify that when I said that some YRC Teamsters assume that their own brothers want them to lose their jobs and that couldn't be further from the truth is not stretching it at all.Like I said...name one...just one! We are all Teamsters and for one Teamster that would want to see another actually lose their job is simply horrendous and goes against everything a Teamster or any decent human being for that matter stands for.

Now...as for your advice on our upcoming contract talks...do you actually think that any ABF'er would listen to what you have to say?
:stirthepot:____________I've been identified as a hater..sorry, I didn't know this was a hate free zone :guinesssmilie:

It's not a hate free zone Joey...we just wish that you would grow a pair and come out with what you really want to say instead of just beating around the bush.

By the way...how does one feel after welching on a bet?