XPO | Wages in your area.

Don’t think it’s been mentioned here yet, but we were also told this is for top scale only. No increase for lower tier pay rates.
I must say that I fine $1.08 per hour a very odd number. Why not $1.05 or $1.10? The $1.08 per hour tells me that Jacobs is still penny pinching! He’s known for that! Your thoughts?
Hey, it's 4%. I'll take it. As long as we keep up with inflation, which is usually around 3%, I am fine.
I was at the point that if I didn't see a mimimum of $1.50, it wasn't going to be beneficial. Some say that something is better than nothing, but if they want us to be market competitive, then they have to pony up some bucks.

They don’t want to be competitive. Not at all. They want to be profitable. Bottom line above all. This is the same guy that is being sued for rigging contract employees into a scheme that had them paying to work here.
$1.08 is nothing. We’ve gotten 50 cents and 70 cents the past 2 years with XPO. With Conway we would always get at least $1. Why the hell did XPO make such a big deal about this crap raise

Especially after everyone of our competitors got so much. There are gonna be some people laughing at me today. Good times. Good good times.
The southern Plantation gets The Shaft yet Again !! :horseshit: !!
I am in the Florida region. I'm talking to driver friends and they're telling me they're getting over $2.50 an hour more than me. Getting paid right at $0.05 on the mile more than me. And I have over 16 years with this company. It's a shame what they do to us drivers in the south. I'd love to see Atlanta go Union. That would really rattle their cage. But with this much time with the company I'm not going anywhere. And they know that so they'll just keep giving us bottom wages. Our new rate is $27.03 and mileage is .637 cents. Overtime is only AFTER 50.
$1.08 is nothing. We’ve gotten 50 cents and 70 cents the past 2 years with XPO. With Conway we would always get at least $1. Why the hell did XPO make such a big deal about this crap raise

I agree we were all hoping for more but I don’t think conway ever gave a 1.00/hr raise except right before we were bought by xpo ($2.40/hr in our area). The next highest raise I can think of is .85/hr back when we went from 19.15 to $20 an hour as top pay. The usual annual increases were less than that.

Unless your talking about the 4 step increases to top pay which are probably over a dollar each.
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I have spent 15 years here not as many years as some folks here have but still a lot of time none the less I really hate watching them spend Money to train New drivers only for them to walk out a yr or two later and go to Fed Ex I helped build this Company to what it is today . I Make good money not as good as it should be but still good in comparison to the likes of some jobs in this country . I mean if you are gonna sell us get it over with already . If your are gonna build us then get off your're ass and do it give us some good wages and a reason to believe again other wise you wasting everyone's time !!
Just a question.. the company is 35 old and you been here 15 how is it that you helped build it
Just a question.. the company is 35 old and you been here 15 how is it that you helped build it
I'd say that Conway wasn't the big freight monster it had become in 2003. It was growing at a rapid rate at that time, and if you were around, I'd say you played a part into getting the company where it is today. We were still 3 separate companies until around 2007.
We got the same raise as you, ole man. 4.1%. Biggest raise ever says our TM this morning. My biggest beef with the whole thing is most XPO terminals in my reigon make $2.00/hr more (kind of like those of you that don’t get OT after 8). Market value is all they are going to pay. We are also low compared to other LTL in our area and this won’t help. And I’m not just talking wages, but the whole compensation package. We are scheduled to have a meeting with the regional manager Thursday. Interesting.