FedEx Freight | Who's Buying Watkins this week????

deadmanwalking said:
Wow wait till this filters down the ranks.
Important meeting this moring. Nobody was allowed on the floor during meeting... I took a look at the cars in the parking lot. They all had Disney Parking stickers. I think Disney is the one with the buyout.

Mickey for president.:bgroovy:
I heard the same thing..Disney vp, and staff were here. Very hush hush. In and out via the back door. I wonder if we will have to wear mouse ears?

I have dibs on Minnie pink
Is this the end... Or only the beginning????

Wellllll... Here we are..

Another end of the day and another end of the rumor.. Or is it?

I just talked with myself (again) and will remain anonymous and I said to myself (under double secret protection) that I better get to work before the existing management finds out I have been wasting my time worrying about something I have no control over anyway.


Well, I heard from a manager at FedEx freight that it was pretty much a done deal, that they were buying Watkins. He told a friend of mine, who just started working for them, and I told her how can they say that..because they would get sued soo badly...who knows...the manager used to work for Watkins maybe he is just feeding into the rumors. ya never know...
hammerhead said:
What happened to you knowing for a fact that there would be a announcement today.

A memo went around various companies about the FXF/WML deal. I wouldn't be so quick to jump the gun and forget about it. There's something in the works. I'm almost certain. Before you jump to any conclusions, wait it out.

Why does a company rush all upper mgmt last minute to corporate for a lengthy meeting within a week? You can't tell me the Watkins family hasn't heard of these boards and hasn't seen/heard the concern amongst its employees. Why not put everyone to ease and make an official company announcement putting the rumor to rest...why tell an employee or two.

You do the math. It's not over yet. At least a few other companies don't think so.
Guys, the only people that could possibly know about any sale would be the higher ups for each company. Those people will not let word out of any sale before an official announcement.

Don't put much into "my dispatcher told me" or "I know someone that knows someome"

Anyone and everyone that would be in the know would not be talking about it in public.
end of the day on the 15 no anouncement yet maybe tomorrow, fed ex can't be no worse i am not getting any hours at watkins anyway a great company just not enough business in my location in Ga.
my breakbulk.... I was instructed yesterday that we were taking all C trucks out of the fleet... This was supposed to be a secret, but I am not down with that. We haven't hired any new P&D drivers. Taking 8 trucks out??? Done deal folks!!!
Clay told my fellow supervisor at step training last week " rumors are just that, rumors".... Which in my mind means the check hasn't been signed yet, but it is on the table. He also went by the toy room, and the toys are still there... whoever posted they weren't.
I am doing the math!!!!

Maybe miller should go back to visit his 3rd grade math teacher and re-learn 1 + 1 = ????

The long and the short of it is 2.

2 is the answer.

Nothing but 2.

You can even change them around and it looks the same. (1 + 1 = 2)

1 + ? = 1? (One Question)

One question is what all this BS is about.

The reason nothing is being said is because nothing is happening.

Get on with it and let it go.