This Weeks Crossword Answers

I can only speculate that his portable wind generator(that he keeps next to his portable scales when not in use) he uses for an electrical source picks up the wind gust currents off your passing trailer and that really makes that charging sucker whirl causing the elevated speed reading or your maybe mirrorless tractor has such sleek aerodynamics it's difficult to pin-point actual velocity in bastard.
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My insider at Coop corporate offices say employees are getting pretty upset about the elevator chime on the 3rd floor and are planning a sit-in tomorrow in BD's 13th floor penthouse office suite to voice their displeasure about that, also a growing list of other demands is said to be circulating, updates to follow.
My insider at Coop corporate offices say employees are getting pretty upset about the elevator chime on the 3rd floor and are planning a sit-in tomorrow in BD's 13th floor penthouse office suite to voice their displeasure about that, also a growing list of other demands is said to be circulating, updates to follow.
That’s the same sound the steel door to the mirror warehouse makes…
Pop Tarts, Cheese-It’s, and meth. Great combo.
Pop Tarts, Cheese-It’s, and meth. Great combo.
Hold the phone....McIntyre? isn't he the ⓇⒶⒸⒾⓈⓉ guy BD fired for being an "anti-moldite"? Anti-moldite bastard!
Did the Mirrorites originate in Cedar Rapids?
Asking for a Movdovanian immigrant.
They actually originated in a building near Cicero, and Archer Avenue, that now houses the Moldavian Home Products company.
Poppycock! insider and author in the psychiatric field shed some real insight on the subject.
It's available at fine book stores nationwide (usually discount shelf), Amazon, and most Flying J's.
Poppycock! insider and author in the psychiatric field shed some real insight on the subject.
It's available at fine book stores nationwide (usually discount shelf), Amazon, and most Flying J's.

No, No, No. my 294 plaza contact, tells me his motor home actually conceals a mobile platform connected to Moldo operatives in Iowa observing any mirror impact hits, or thefts occurring inside Illinois.
No, No, No. my 294 plaza contact, tells me his motor home actually conceals a mobile platform connected to Moldo operatives in Iowa observing any mirror impact hits, or thefts occurring inside Illinois.
That's what that is, oh heck, but doesn't newly formed Mugdish Transfer have a recruitment office up on the 2nd floor? with so many Illinois companies offering big money and awesome lease programs my operative says they feel it's best to recruit at a place like the 294 plaza.
Date Line Cedar Rapids: News out of the offices of Coop Logistics, because of the fact the company is growing by leaps and bounds CEO Big Dave has just announced he's hire deposed Moldavian strongman General Nogginkracski as head of driver personal, Big Dave feels with the large number of drivers he currently has it's time to bring in somebody with a military background to handle any issues that may require any discipline to nip it in the bud before it becomes a big problem. The General pictured below is demonstrating what he'd like to do to anybody that loses a full set of mirrors.

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Date Line Cedar Rapids: News out of the offices of Coop Logistics, because of the fact the company is growing by leaps and bounds CEO Big Dave has just announced he's hire deposed Moldavian strongman General Nogginkracski as head of driver personal, Big Dave feels with the large number of drivers he currently has it's time to bring in somebody with a military background to handle any issues that may require any discipline to nip it in the bud before it becomes a big problem. The General pictured below is demonstrating what he'd like to do to anybody that loses a full set of mirrors.

Moldavian bastards.