Yellow | Camera coaching ?

The purchase (2003) was at a different time than the merge (2009). You don't dovetail workers at two separate companies just because they are commonly owned.
The decision to dovetail or end tail is made by the COO committee made up of equal number of company and union so what is the issue
The decision to dovetail or end tail is made by the COO committee made up of equal number of company and union so what is the issue

The issue is that I was responding to your earlier post:

The dovetail is contractual, a company has only 5yrs to dovetail. It was done 7th year of the purchase.

You implied in your post that the company was 2 years late in implementing the dovetail. I replied with dates of purchase and merge to show that they were not late in implementing the dovetail since it only could take place after the merge and not after the purchase. Two different dates for two different events. Kapish?
You're probably a nice enough guy in person. Just seems like you're a bit too close minded though and not open to new ideas or suggestions. :smile new:
I'm just and cute little fuzz ball!
It's not closed minded, Just don't see the point of all this for the reasons I gave.
I'm not against safety, Just the ideal of the company putting one Teamster in charge (For lack of a better term) of another.
It's wrong. No matter how good the intentions are.
I am confused how can these videos hurt a fellow member when there is Teamster coaching another Teamster there is no way discipline can be issued so how does a brother gets hurt ?
Again, Maybe not today but can you say the same a year from now? 2 years? Can you say the issue you coach a fellow Teamster about today will not be used against the Driver by the company 3 years from now? 5 Years? 10 years? Then there the legal, (I.E. Court) issues. Can you say this program will never change or be used against another Brother? ever? Do you have that much faith in management?
We seem to keep rehashing the same positions. Your not gonna change my point of view & I'm not gonna change yours so there it is.
I am a safety trainer.When we coach a recorded event,we have been instructed to copy and paste approved verbage to the event.Each trigger "speeding,hard braking etc. ..."has its own verbage that we paste to the event.It is always the same words,every time.The program is set up this way so we don't have to testify against our brothers and sisters,just provide what is in the review.So if you are worried about recorded events causing you harm, then don't trigger an event.Your union brother or sister that is coaching the recorded events at your barn is trying to teach you how to keep from setting off the camera.
I disagree with your "take" on this. The reason that a manager will direct a reluctant employee to a review is because the reviewer doesn't have the authority to ORDER them to it. What I can't understand is why some of you are SO rigid that you can't let a peer-administered program work. This is what we've been seeking for years! Now that we have it, some of you have to take issue with it. I'm convinced that some of you simply have to have something to complain about ALWAYS! Face the facts; this company is no "bed of roses". But the way most of us see it, any function that we can get management out of is likely to run better with a Teamster holding the reins. This function is no exception.
Then YRC should lay off the safety supervisors and the coaches can do their job, call it what you want it is a clear conflict for one teamster to be correcting another and getting paid to do it, it is not the casual bull session you're trying to make it out to be.
I am a safety trainer.When we coach a recorded event,we have been instructed to copy and paste approved verbage to the event.Each trigger "speeding,hard braking etc. ..."has its own verbage that we paste to the event.It is always the same words,every time.The program is set up this way so we don't have to testify against our brothers and sisters,just provide what is in the review.So if you are worried about recorded events causing you harm, then don't trigger an event.Your union brother or sister that is coaching the recorded events at your barn is trying to teach you how to keep from setting off the camera.
There are at least two things wrong with that statement, the company is instructing you what words to write, and they are keeping a record of it. If it is the same every time why bother? how can every triggered event get the same response every time?
There are at least two things wrong with that statement, the company is instructing you what words to write, and they are keeping a record of it. If it is the same every time why bother? how can every triggered event get the same response every time?
It is done by categories and basically uses the smith system keys.And the company does not keep a record,but the Lytx Drive Cam site does.These cameras have already cleared many drivers in fatality accidents and saved the company alot of money.If we as drivers use the crash mitigation system in these trucks,apply the smith systems keys and drive like the pros that we are,we should be ,and would be glad that the cameras are in our trucks.
It is done by categories and basically uses the smith system keys.And the company does not keep a record,but the Lytx Drive Cam site does.These cameras have already cleared many drivers in fatality accidents and saved the company alot of money.If we as drivers use the crash mitigation system in these trucks,apply the smith systems keys and drive like the pros that we are,we should be ,and would be glad that the cameras are in our trucks.
I'm not saying the cameras are a bad thing, or that some need to hone their driving skills,. A canned response ( most likely written by a lawyer and in the companies best interest) for each event that goes on paper should not be a task for teamster, let the safety dept. do it it is their job.
I'm not saying the cameras are a bad thing, or that some need to hone their driving skills,. A canned response ( most likely written by a lawyer and in the companies best interest) for each event that goes on paper should not be a task for teamster, let the safety dept. do it it is their job.
I cannot speak for the other safety trainers, but I got involved in this program so that I could learn everything about it, and also everything about the new safety features in our trucks. Now the drivers at my terminal can be sure that I am looking out for them, not trying to get them in trouble.
I cannot speak for the other safety trainers, but I got involved in this program so that I could learn everything about it, and also everything about the new safety features in our trucks. Now the drivers at my terminal can be sure that I am looking out for them, not trying to get them in trouble.
How did you get selected and approved?
How did you get selected and approved?
If management selected him, the rank & file needs to be very careful what they say & do around this person. He rats out, strike that, he reports to the people who can fire you based on his reporting. If the rank & file selected him & reports to management, may be not be as bad, but still the same as mentioned above. von.
How did we make it all these years without killing other people and flipping our loads without all this cutting edge technology? What does this say about today's drivers?

I may have a different view, I don't think it's as much of an indication of truck drivers doing their job correctly/safely or not. As much as how different things are today. I think we can all agree how different things are today than they were just 10 years ago. Lawyers advertising for victims of " Careless truck drivers", the COMPLETE lack of common courtesy, cell phones, texting, we see it all. Heck. used to be, I looked out my side window for a nice seat cover, now I'm looking just to survive the trip, to see if the other driver is paying attention to what THEY are doing. I don't like the company cameras, but I also run one of my own just to cover my A$$ from frivolous lawsuits, so I kind of see their point. Our newer equipment with the adaptive cruise, lane departure and following distance warnings just plain SUCK, if I'm on the verge of road rage, these warning systems will just about push me over the EDGE and force me to take another break. I've been driving for over 20yrs, and I've been doing OK on my own, I don't need the equipment to tell me how to do it. As far as another teamster "coaching" me, I guess that depends ALOT on the situation, and how it's handled. Do I like it? NO, but I would rather listen to another driver than someone who's never been behind the wheel of a rig. The way I see it, the day I think I know it all, it's time to get out of the captains chair before I hurt myself or worse, someone else......
If management selected him, the rank & file needs to be very careful what they say & do around this person. He rats out, strike that, he reports to the people who can fire you based on his reporting. If the rank & file selected him & reports to management, may be not be as bad, but still the same as mentioned above. von.
Why make this's job is to manage......rank & file job is to move freight and straighten out management's screw ups......KEEP IT SIMPLE. :1036316054: