ODFL | cancer has hit HOME

YES, no news is GREAT news. She is steadly approaching remission,and stem cell transplant in about 12+ weeks.
I try to write every week as you all know. Been very busy outside between rain drops if you know what I mean. Like I said at the start of this, I will try weekly to keep you all informed.
Still praying on my knees as my legs and feet have gotten tired...............
Good to hear game! Don't think God will mind if You pray in the seated position:smilie_132::smilie_132:
That is the best news ever. I am so happy right now. I'll keep up the prayers too. You can never pray too much.
Another week has past. Only had to go in for blood test.
We will travel Wednesday to the west end of the Island, to have her first consultation with Doctors for STEM CELL TRANSPLANT.
Sill trying to get home mortgage modified. That is presently being handled by our lawyer. We have alot of searching to do as bank is asking alot of question. You know what they are asking, Where did that money come from to pay that bill, Try to answer them in the BIBLICAL terms and they just scratch their heads. If you are/have been following this blog for some time/ just started today there are alot of BELIEVERS here just waiting to PRAY for you/someone also. WE BELIEVE GOD WILL ANSWER OUR PRAYERS AND PERFORM MIRICLES TODAY AND ALLWAYS...............AMEN.
Will contact you all next week,
Still praying.

For the modification they have a set standard of rules. Not all investors or banks offer it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do. Ginnie Mae just started. FHA loans just started a program 7/30/2009. Before if you had an FHA loan then you wouldn't qualify under Obies plans. The rules are changing daily so hang in there.
Just a weekly update;
She is still going to kemo, she will soon go for pretesting for stem cell transplant.
Lawyers working on mortgage banks to keep house,we have to meet with them this week agian..........
To all my FRIENDS that have been praying
Got some bad news to report, stem cell transplant cancelled. They have found another area on the bone (femur). No more kemo, they are working towards another drug.
Just what I needed to hear when I got home from the day of driving.