Yellow | New YRC Change Of Operations?

You yellow guys use to blame the computer system for all of the problems yrc was having. WEll the new system has been in place and though it is better the results have been the same.By the way Zollars [Yellow]chose to use roadways system. Secondly the number terminal code is also used by ABF.Changing back to yellows way will have absolutly no effect on yrcs abilty to show a profit,The only thing it would do is cater to the people that cant grasp the simplicity of it. And after 2 years since the merger thats pretty sad.
I'm just a dumb truck driver and dont own a calender, but was'nt the merger 3 years ago?
Boy them letters work good........................
Its not that its letters or numbers for terminals that is bringing this place down. Its the fact that this pos pays customers to haul their freight. If it didn't take 10 days to move a skid 800 miles maybe yrc could get decent freight and charge for the service. Worrying about what you want to designate the terminal is so far from the problem it ridiculous.
I just heard that a new YRC change of ops has supposedly been requested and has been posted at 309. Has anyone heard about or seen a new change?

They just posted our semi annual bid for spotters and dock last week but havnt seen or heard anything on a Change of ops.
309's Jan 1 bids have added numerous spotting bids, and if they actually replace all the open positions on the dock, should result in about 30 spotting and dock call backs.

As far as a COO, the bigwigs here are saying they know nothing, see nothing and heard nothing {ala Sgt Schultz}!

However, he did say that a March 1, 2012 rebid could happen, that's when they expect business to really pick-up????

Take it for what it is worth.