FedEx Freight | Vancouver Center closing?

An update on this. It was officially announced at WTO this morning that VBC is closing.[/
I felt sorry for those guys and then I thought hell I'm sure the teamsters can get their jobs back for them. That's what the teamsters do for the members isn't it? It's a good thing they were union. They will show evil FedEx that they can't do that.

I would guess this is just the beginning of FedEx taking a look at what terminals are not needed or making the "profit" numbers and make some more changes in the future. IMHO
An update on this. It was officially announced at WTO this morning that VBC is closing.[/
I felt sorry for those guys and then I thought hell I'm sure the teamsters can get their jobs back for them. That's what the teamsters do for the members isn't it? It's a good thing they were union. They will show evil FedEx that they can't do that.

I would guess this is just the beginning of FedEx taking a look at what terminals are not needed or making the "profit" numbers and make some more changes in the future. IMHO
They'll be contracting out the way they did before. The entire operation will be run by the same carrier who held it before. Whether the union dock workers will make the transition is up to the carrier, not FedEx.
An update on this. It was officially announced at WTO this morning that VBC is closing.[/
I felt sorry for those guys and then I thought hell I'm sure the teamsters can get their jobs back for them. That's what the teamsters do for the members isn't it? It's a good thing they were union. They will show evil FedEx that they can't do that.

I would guess this is just the beginning of FedEx taking a look at what terminals are not needed or making the "profit" numbers and make some more changes in the future. IMHO
Your ignorance is astounding.
I maybe wrong...Canada doesn't have the same laws as the U.S. with the NLRB and all....correct me if I'm wrong...I ain't skeered:usa:
As I have said before, many times. I don't hate all unions.

I don't look for the union label, but if I see it, I'm not buying it. I would rather my money support American made products that are made by non-union companies. Just as I would rather purchase from a local true-value hardware store instead of Lowes or Home Depot. Or a local merchant as opposed to a big-box store.

I have friends who are business owners, I am very sympathetic to their plight. Having a group of employees collectively bargain to demand higher wages than a true free market would command is not something I wish to support.

Why would I want to move somewhere where slavery is legal? I'm perfectly okay with paying somebody what the job is worth, not what someone tells me I have to pay them.

You’d be hard pressed to avoid union shipping services. Even your local merchants do, in fact, utilize union shipping services. It’s cost effective and the service is very reliable.

Big box stores…If the employees were to retaliate, in mass, at those big box stores, it could be a benefit to the smaller companies. Large corporate entities (as well as smaller outfits) will take advantage, as long as they can get away with it, paying the minimum (and even below) that the market will bear. I understand that, and it’s part of capitalism. The other part of the equation in when workers draw the line, at some point, and seek change.

We have a similar situation at FedEx. Clearly, a BigBox shipping company. Many workers have drawn the line, and seek change. Change that seems achievable, and necessary IMHO. Markets are at work, and a proper balance will occur. Where that balancing will take us, has yet to be determined.

I understand your feelings on unions. I used to share that opinion, as many here did. If we are to think clearly on this topic, it seems to me, we’d have to agree, that this movement is without a doubt an example of the free markets at work. For a number of years, there was little, if any growth in the market for union service (representation). But the pendulum seems to be starting to swing the other way now. Many are beginning to seek representation. Conway and FXFE employees are starting to seek the services of union representation. They are doing it for good reason.

It’s clear there is growing (free market) demand for the service they provide. Labor Unions are a critical part of Capitalism, and a part whose value should not be ignored.
You’d be hard pressed to avoid union shipping services. Even your local merchants do, in fact, utilize union shipping services. It’s cost effective and the service is very reliable.

Big box stores…If the employees were to retaliate, in mass, at those big box stores, it could be a benefit to the smaller companies. Large corporate entities (as well as smaller outfits) will take advantage, as long as they can get away with it, paying the minimum (and even below) that the market will bear. I understand that, and it’s part of capitalism. The other part of the equation in when workers draw the line, at some point, and seek change.

We have a similar situation at FedEx. Clearly, a BigBox shipping company. Many workers have drawn the line, and seek change. Change that seems achievable, and necessary IMHO. Markets are at work, and a proper balance will occur. Where that balancing will take us, has yet to be determined.

I understand your feelings on unions. I used to share that opinion, as many here did. If we are to think clearly on this topic, it seems to me, we’d have to agree, that this movement is without a doubt an example of the free markets at work. For a number of years, there was little, if any growth in the market for union service (representation). But the pendulum seems to be starting to swing the other way now. Many are beginning to seek representation. Conway and FXFE employees are starting to seek the services of union representation. They are doing it for good reason.

It’s clear there is growing (free market) demand for the service they provide. Labor Unions are a critical part of Capitalism, and a part whose value should not be ignored.

Is there any update that EPH or SBR can provide? How is it going for you ????
I would guess this is just the beginning of FedEx taking a look at what terminals are not needed or making the "profit" numbers and make some more changes in the future. IMHO

Much more complex system fedex frt has. They have to service all zip codes. That's what they sell. They won't just shut down markets, IMHO.
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I know Mike and Marty are beside themselves. They care. They shouldn't 'cause we don't. But they do.

Caught in a crossfire.
Yeah? are aware that no "free market" actually exists any longer? Maybe in the time of feudalism during the dark ages(must be something there that makes conservatives go all misty eyed), but no longer. What we call the free market today is created and maintained by any number of government supported/hosted/regulated institutions. We citizen taxpayers also provide an extensive infrastructure, both legal and physical, for this so called free market's existence. You can bet your small business friends belong to various trade groups and business chambers, as well as maybe got a gov't backed loan through the SBA to start their business. It seems there's a ton of organized help for corporations and small business entrepreneurs, but then some of these ideologues slam the very idea of the labor element of economics getting organized. Collective bargaining takes place in many facets of capitalism. It isn't exclusively a labor thing. So it seems to me, it's only through the partisan political ideology spectrum that you have a problem with organized negotiations between employers/employees. Get over it.....people have a right(a RIGHT!) to organize and bargain collectively without coercion or threat of discipline from their employer. Your fantasy scenario of a free market being free from collective bargaining is just that, a fantasy.

A true free market no longer exists because of government meddling. I'll give you that. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good thing.

Actually all of my small business owner friends, save one, started and grew their businesses without any debt. Just because people have a right to "organize and bargain collectively" doesn't mean I have to support their rights, or get over it. People have the "right" to do several controversial things, doesn't mean you and I must approve or "get over it".
It’s clear there is growing (free market) demand for the service they provide. Labor Unions are a critical part of Capitalism, and a part whose value should not be ignored.

I agree, and as I've stated before, paraphrased: "unions are great as long as they are representing my competition". We need unions to keep the non union companies honest if you will. I just will not work in an environment that does not compensate based on perceived merit. I know you love it when I draw comparisons to baseball ;). The players are union members, yet their compensation is based on perceived merit. Same with SAG; actors being paid all over the spectrum, yet they are union members.
I agree, and as I've stated before, paraphrased: "unions are great as long as they are representing my competition". We need unions to keep the non union companies honest if you will. I just will not work in an environment that does not compensate based on perceived merit. I know you love it when I draw comparisons to baseball ;). The players are union members, yet their compensation is based on perceived merit. Same with SAG; actors being paid all over the spectrum, yet they are union members.

Gottcha... Many Actors bring quite a bit of value to the table. Staggering amounts of value, in the market. Those are clearly worth more.

Do you think we need a contract where we make big bucks early in our career, then it could decline in later years, when our perceived value has dwindled. As long as there is good retiree insurance and pension, is that something that would be reasonable?

Right now we have neither. No merit pay, No big bucks in early (all star) years, no retiree health care. We do have that small pension... I don't see any real change in the pay structure. It's pretty deeply seated into the fabric of the industry.
I agree, and as I've stated before, paraphrased: "unions are great as long as they are representing my competition". We need unions to keep the non union companies honest if you will. I just will not work in an environment that does not compensate based on perceived merit. I know you love it when I draw comparisons to baseball ;). The players are union members, yet their compensation is based on perceived merit. Same with SAG; actors being paid all over the spectrum, yet they are union members.
So you are saying because you can hold a steering wheel better than the next guy your merit pay should be more??? How nuts is that you can only drive so fast and for only so many hours so why should you be paid more than the next guy??? This is just a case of I got mine because I'm better than you.Good luck fella's vote yes