FedEx Freight | FedEx Accident in CCI

Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Since no one else has mentioned it I will. The cop must be an idiot. HE STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LEFT LANE. You want to know who is responsible for the accident look at the person blocking the lane when the shoulder is wide enough to park on,(look at the room the car against the Jersey wall).
inattentiveness is the cause,the cops were trying to protect the scene of the accident. just thankful that they saw it coming and had time to get out of the way!!!
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Still digging out after 27" up here. Went out delivering Thurs. Only controls you use in the winter are the throttle and the gearshift. Throw the other pedal out the window.

Oh, and they want to put more automatics in class 8 trucks? Great...
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

wow! chains would have help huh :chairshot: i lost count of how many times this has been posted, chains are for SNOW! weres your training?

If you watch the video the tractor didn't slide much. It was the trailers all over the road. Doubt if chains would have helped even if it had been snow.
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

I keep seeing this word "Chains" mentioned, What in the heck are these chains you all speak of? Only "chains" i know of are sold with whips, And used between consenting adults!!

But seriously call me a fair-weathered driver or a sidewalk sissy, etc. etc. But if its bad enough to need to use "chains" then central needs to pick which motel they want me to sleep at!
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Glad nobody was seriously hurt.
I think the cop stopped in the left lane because of the 1st accident. He gets out and asks the driver if they are ok, and is that the other car there. I think the other car is farther ahead in the left lane.

After the 2nd accident that turns the cruiser around, ( blurred portion of video), You can see there are at least 2 other trucks that pass by without hitting anything. I wonder how much worse the conditions got in that 2-3 seconds ?

I think you have to fault the fed-ex driver with not getting the big picture.
When there are skid marks and broken glass at the scene of an accident, you can surmise that the driver saw something and tried to avoid it.
They just didn't see it in time.

Look far into the future as you can.

Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Thats right ace wheel cat,the smith system Get The Big Picture.
Stay far back,and see it all.

I'd say the biggest factor was the road conditions.
We all have to ajust our speed according to the weather,and road conditions.

We also have to watch out all the more given any bad conditions.

But seeing we are all being arm chair quarter backs,looking at this situation from the sidelines.
Only this Fedex driver knows what really happened for him to become as famous as he did,with his equipment being broad cast all over the country.

Its still hard for me to believe how many accidents had to of happened in this snow storm,and this one was watched by everyone with a TV all over the United States?
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

I keep seeing this word "Chains" mentioned, What in the heck are these chains you all speak of? Only "chains" i know of are sold with whips, And used between consenting adults!!

But seriously call me a fair-weathered driver or a sidewalk sissy, etc. etc. But if its bad enough to need to use "chains" then central needs to pick which motel they want me to sleep at!

Thats called Snow Flu here in Colorado....Get in it and git-r-done....Motels are for wussies....Sleeping in the seat of a day cab....Now that is manly.....
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

As far as runninr the radio....That seems to be a thing of the past....If the cellphone don't tell you anything than hammerdown.....Just drive til you hit something and then gripe cause no one told....Only to realize you didn't have your radio on.....Where is the love out there that used to be....Now its high beams and the finger.....
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Couple of other questions I have.

Was there any freight in those pups?
Seemed like those trailers got a lot of air when they hit

I heard that the trooper's car was hit by another trailer after our truck hit it. Is this true??
great post

Ok guys, Here is the scoop. The driver is out of Little Rock, I talked to him today, he is not hurt, (well maybe a little dent in pride). The reason it looks like he was going to fast is because at that spot is the first ice they had seen all day. The wreck was on a bridge in a slow curve. He was on the bridge before he knew it was slick, black ice. The cop that was there had just been hit by the other car and a third car just spun out there too.
The red car was a Mercades and the rear trailer went OVER it. The guy inside was not really hurt, went to the hospital to get checked out, was talking to everyone before he left. Our driver drove the set to the yard.
He has been given 3 days off while the powers that be look into the crash. NO TICKETS WERE GIVEN

Excellent post. Thanks:smilie_132:
What's a city cop doing on the interstate???

Since no one else has mentioned it I will. The cop must be an idiot. HE STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LEFT LANE. You want to know who is responsible for the accident look at the person blocking the lane when the shoulder is wide enough to park on,(look at the room the car against the Jersey wall).

It is a shame ALL cops and state troopers can't go through CHP training. California CHP is so much more profesional when it comes to covering accidents and blocking off traffic lanes, compared to other states.
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

Ok guys, Here is the scoop. The driver is out of Little Rock, I talked to him today, he is not hurt, (well maybe a little dent in pride). The reason it looks like he was going to fast is because at that spot is the first ice they had seen all day. The wreck was on a bridge in a slow curve. He was on the bridge before he knew it was slick, black ice. The cop that was there had just been hit by the other car and a third car just spun out there too.
The red car was a Mercades and the rear trailer went OVER it. The guy inside was not really hurt, went to the hospital to get checked out, was talking to everyone before he left. Our driver drove the set to the yard.
He has been given 3 days off while the powers that be look into the crash. NO TICKETS WERE GIVEN

Good post because it gives some facts not known before and does not find fault with driver. He was the only one in the truck and the only one that knows (maybe?) what actually happened. Monday morning quarterbacks are always the smartest?
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

inattentiveness is the cause,the cops were trying to protect the scene of the accident. just thankful that they saw it coming and had time to get out of the way!!!
So, let me get this staight. You protect the scene by parking in the the flow of traffic and cause another accident that involves the original accident when you can protect the first accident just as well or better by parking on the shoulder with the cruiser at an angle. Well it now makes sense to me and all the police officers I have talked to who have seen the video. Thank you for educating all those proffesionals.
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

I keep seeing this word "Chains" mentioned, What in the heck are these chains you all speak of? Only "chains" i know of are sold with whips, And used between consenting adults!!

But seriously call me a fair-weathered driver or a sidewalk sissy, etc. etc. But if its bad enough to need to use "chains" then central needs to pick which motel they want me to sleep at!

I just call them and tell them where I'm sleeping, they don't get to pick when it's on their dollar!

By the way, there is a very nice hotel in Columbia, MO right next to the Hooters. :1036316054:

Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

I just call them and tell them where I'm sleeping, they don't get to pick when it's on their dollar!

By the way, there is a very nice hotel in Columbia, MO right next to the Hooters. :1036316054:

roog mean to tell me your staying out all weekend in a hotel at the fxf's expense because why......?
Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash mean to tell me your staying out all weekend in a hotel at the fxf's expense because why......?

Heck no, I just found that hotel when I got stuck the last time, it's been 2-3 months ago.

Ohio State Police And Fedex Crash

What the hey, being as everyone else has thrown their nickel in I'll give my 2 cents.

From what they're saying they had not seen any icey roads,..... til then.

From the video, (the full length) after the smokey got turned around he appeared to be in the center lane, the few vehicles that made it past him looked to be by themselves (i.e. no one next to them).
After which a cluster came along which included the FXF driver, not being there and not able to see what happened till he slams the cop car we don't know if he was forced to stand on the brakes or run someone else over that maybe cut in or along side at the last minute not giving him much choice.
Apparently the officer at the scene saw enough not to charge the driver, that in itself should account for something, if he thought he was traveling to fast for conditions I'm willing to bet he wouldn't have sent him on his way.

The downside is the news loves playing these things up, I watched the edited version in Jamaica, yep that's right. All you see is a big FEDEX coming at the screen.

The upside....... everyone survived.
